On Fri, 16 Jun 2023 13:43:36 -0400 (EDT) "Nigel A. Gunn  G8IFF/W8IFF" 
<ni...@ngunn.net> wrote:

> If you need a new radio added, you need to log into the Chirp website
> and follow the proceedure to request a new radio and offer a loan.

   In my original post here on the 8th, I wrote|

|    [I figured I'd ask here first before opening a feature request
| in the issue tracker. If the answer is "no way", I'll pursue other
| programing methods.]

   Since a number of CHIRP developers read this list, I figured I
could ask here first, as a number of requests for other radios in
the issue tracker have been answered with "too different - not

   Meanwhile, I've made some progress figuring out the layout of the
on-disk format that CPS 1.2.4 uses to store configs. I hope to be
able to produce a CVS exporter.
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