There is a reset procedure on youtube. Press "A' xmit, monitor andsomething 
else and power on. This is for newer radios to go out of band. Did help my 
-------- Original message --------From: Jim Unroe <> Date: 
5/31/23  10:20 AM  (GMT-06:00) To: Discussion of CHIRP 
<> Subject: Re: [chirp_users] Uv82hp On Wed, 
May 31, 2023 at 11:01 AM K0LNY <> wrote:>> I wonder if there 
is a key sequence for a full reset.> Like hold down some specific buttons while 
powering it on.> GlennThe UV-82HP has something like three different memory 
layouts. Theyare not compatible. So uploading a CHIRP Radio Images (*.img) 
filefrom a different radio using an older version of CHIRP that didn'tprotect 
for this could cause unwanted side effects. Some have beenknown to be; 1 the 
radio won't scan, 2 the radio won't receive unlessthe [MONI] button is pressed, 
3 the radio won't TX.If this is the case, which I am waiting for a reply to 
find out, thenthere is a special method that can perform a full upload of 
a"compatible" image to correct the problem that was created bypreviously 
uploading an "incompatible" image.CHIRP now tries to protect from this but 
there is nothing preventingBaofeng from changing the memory layout in another 
place in thefuture. This is why I no longer recommend swapping images 
betweenBaofeng radios (even if the model and firmware versions are the 
same).The only safe way is to download from both radios to open a tab foreach 
radios. Copy-and-paste the channels between tabs as needed andfinally upload 
each tab back to the radio that created it.Jim 
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