
A new build of CHIRP-next is available. This includes changes made directly to 
the tree since yesterday and may include additional features, bug fixes, etc. 
As a reminder, this is different from the "daily" CHIRP builds in that new 
development and features are happening here. It is the latest and greatest, but 
also may be less stable than the "daily" builds at this time. If it works for 
you, we recommend using CHIRP-next, but if your radio is not yet working on it, 
then you may prefer to use the "daily" builds for the time being.

You can get it from here:

A list of changes since the last build are here:

Changes for Build #77
[3046399+kk7ds] Remove legacy platform serial enumeration

[3046399+kk7ds] Migrate old mox-based tests to mock

[3046399+kk7ds] Remove legacy X11 compat hack for Unix/macOS

[3046399+kk7ds] Remove legacy platform file dialog helpers

[3046399+kk7ds] Stop using mock from external packages

[3046399+kk7ds] Log the SHA256 of module files when loading

[3046399+kk7ds] Fix support for radios that need port open early

[3046399+kk7ds] Fix Yaesu FT-90 for python3

[3046399+kk7ds] Make required_step find 10kHz before 5kHz

[3046399+kk7ds] Add Yaesu FT-90 test image and fix bugs

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