On 7 Jan 2023 at 6:23, Dan Berry wrote:

> I am not a Norton fan.  It and many of the mainstream antivirus software has 
> let me 
> down.  I use one called avast. And it does fairly well.  The have free 
> versions and paid. 
> Just my two cents on antivirus software.

As an IT pro for over 30 years at the University of Idaho, we have had 
"interesting" effects 
from Norton's.

At one time, it even flagged MS-Word as a virus....which you may regard as a 
"virus", I 
suppose. Even so we stopped using Norton's on campus and went to something more 

Since I retired some time ago, after doing considerable research on anti-viri, 
since Microsoft 
is most familiar with how their OPSYS works, I have chosen MS' Windows 
supplemented with MalwareBytes.

Those seem to have done the job for several years.

In my opinion, all anti-viri have to have "hooks" into the operating system, 
so, in a certain 
sense, they are viruses themselves. Better to use an anti-virus designed by the 
designers of 
the OPSYS.

In any case, I have had catastrophic failures with several antiviri, therefore, 
the above.

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