With all did respect, this statement is not correct:

"Win-7 ... runs very stable for all my applications except Chirp-Next"

In fact, chirp-next is not one of you applications that runs great on
Win-7. It's the current version of chirp that runs fine, and there's no
reason to expect that to change. Rather, chirp-next is effectively a new
application that you're interested in using. But it's a new application,
and it has new requirements that your current system doesn't meet. So
you're fine for now, until you decide you really want a new edition of
chirp. Then you'll have to decide if the improvements in chirp justify a
Windows upgrade.

It's really pretty cool that you have a system that still meets your needs
after, what, 8 years? I've never managed that! I have a printer about that
age, but everything around it has changed!

73, and happy chirping

On Mon, Jan 2, 2023, 8:15 AM Dean Berglund <deanberg2...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Tony, you are correct although just because Microsoft doesn't support
> Windows 7 doesn't mean a program can't still work on Windows 7. there are a
> lot of hams I know that are still using Win-7 like I am and it runs very
> stable for all my applications except Chirp-Next. So now I have to use the
> older version of Chirp and am forced to get a newer machine with Windows 10
> or 11 just to use the Next version of Chirp. Then I have to reinstall all
> the other programs onto the new machine. We hams are cheap and/or live on a
> fixed income. Look at the majority of hams. I do like the fact there is a
> new version of Chirp, I just wish I could use it on my machine. i was even
> tempted to send in a donation until I found out I couldn't use it. Like I
> said, I do wish it would have been more apparent that the new next version
> of Chirp will not run on Win-7.
> On 1/2/2023 8:59 AM, Tony Ling wrote:
> To be more accurate, it is made for Linux, Mac OS-X and Windows.
> Microsoft no longer support Windows 7.
> On Mon, 2 Jan 2023 at 14:31, Dean Berglund <deanberg2...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I would think it would be good to make it clear this "next" version of
>> Chirp is made for Windows 10 and doesn't work on Windows 7.
>> Dean - KC9REN
>> On 1/2/2023 6:25 AM, Rich NE1EE wrote:
>> > On 2023-01-02 02:09:-0800, you wrote:
>> >> http://trac.chirp.danplanet.com/chirp_next/
>> > Might be convenient if this dir were in reverse date order...
>> >
>> > ~R~
>> > 72/73 de Rich NE1EE
>> > The Dusty Key
>> > On the banks of the Piscataqua
>> >
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