On Tue, Aug 9, 2022 at 6:01 PM K0LNY_Glenn <glenn@ervin.email> wrote:
> Hi Jim,
> Thanks for looking it over for me.
> I have four banks of 11 meter at the end part for RX, and they get loaded up
> okay.
> Due to the poor access with a screenreader, I can't really do anything with
> the settings in Chirp, but when I downloaded from the radio into the Kenwood
> software, I can affect all the settings, and I checked the 10 memories, like
> they were 10 different banks of memory, I guessed, I don't know why they
> have that there.
> Glenn

The reason that CHIRP can't send channels 1-3 and 11-24 to the Kenwood
TH-F6a is because this radio does not support NFM (narrow FM). Edit
these channels so that the Modi is FM and they would then be
compatible with the radio and upload as the others do.

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