
A new daily build of CHIRP is available.  This includes changes made
directly to the tree yesterday, and may include additional features,
bug fixes, and/or bugs.  If you are interested in trying it, grab it
from the following location:

A list of the changes included in this build (since the last daily)

Changes for Build #691
[Jim Unroe <>] [RB619] Add Retevis RB619 PMR Radio

This patch adds support for the Retevis RB619.

fixes #9794

[Jim Unroe <>] [RB19P] Add Retevis RB19P GMRS Radio

This patch adds support for the Retevis RB19P.


[Jim Unroe <>] [RB19] Add Retevis RB19 FRS Radio

This patch adds support for the Retevis RB19.


[Jim Unroe <>] Driver Maintenance:

The Radtel T18 driver ( supports several radio models (see list
below). During the cloning operation, some models need to have the driver
send/receive an acknowledgement (ACK) after each of the blocks are transferred.
Some models do not need these ACKs.

Models that require ACKs
Radtel T18
Baofeng Tech FRS-B1

Models that don't require ACKs
Retevis RT22S, RB18, RB618, RT68, RT668, RB17, RB617, RB17V, RB85, RB75

Although cloning does work for all of the supported models, the code that
determines if CHIRP should ACK or not is improperly implemented. This often
causes part of the ACK process to be used during the transfers to/from radios
that don't need ACKs. These unnecessary ACKs cause the transfer to be shower
than it could be. In some cases, the transfers are noticeably slower than what
they are when using the OEM software.

This patch corrects the above issue so that ACKs are only used when required.
All of the radios listed above were reverified to make sure that that
cloning process still works and is as fast or faster as it was previously.

fixes #9911

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