On Wed, Mar 23, 2022 at 7:42 PM PS <oliver1...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi
>     I a am trying to block TX in a frequency on two Baofeng UV-5R8W radios  I 
> have a UV-5R +plus that works as expected with duplex set to off. The two 
> UV-5R8W that display all 6's in the frequency and locks the radios in the 
> transmit mode unit powered down, upon restating it works fine, unless I try 
> to TX on the duplex off frequency again. All three radios have BFB298 and 
> 210223 firmware display. Chrip display HN5RV01 as the firmware. I am using 
> the radio model UV-5R on the UV-5R+plus and using the BF-F8HP model for the 
> UV-5R8W radios.
> Thanks for any ides on how to get the Duplex off to function as a TX block.

The radio has to support the Duplex = "off" feature. It sounds like
your UV-5R8W might not. CHIRP disabled TX by not setting a TX
frequency in the radio. What happens when you program a channel with
no TX frequency using the OEM programming software?

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