> When I connect to the radio, it downloads the memory one at a time.

I presume you mean that it populates the Memories page with all of the
memories from your radio, showing all the columns with their current values.

If I click on anything in the frequencies column, say I try to type in
> 146.640, it takes me to memory number 14 before I can type in the 6.

You're trying to edit the memory in place in the Memories page, right? That
is very strange. I'm using a live mode radio that uses the same Chirp
driver, and that does not happen when I edit the frequency in place.

What happens if you right-click on a memory and select Properties from the
context menu? Can you edit the memory successfully from the dialog window
that appears?

I followed the live mode instructions on the "wiki page", towards the
> bottom of the page, amongst other things.

There are 35 wiki pages, which is why I was asking. I'm not clear on which
page you are looking at. Perhaps you could post the URL or the page title.

Regardless, it's very strange that you can't type directly into the fields
in the Memories page. What is the exact daily build of Chirp that you're


On Thu, Feb 17, 2022, 16:19 Thomas Burns <t.conor.burn...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Martin,
>> Yes, I meant #8707
>> On Thu, Feb 17, 2022, 14:41 Martin Cooper <mfncoo...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> > I've followed the live mode radio "import/export" directions
>>> Which directions are you trying to follow?
>>> With a live mode radio, you can just edit a memory and it is immediately
>>> written back to the radio. Does that work? If not, what kind of errors are
>>> you seeing?
>>> > as well as the instructions outlined in Bug #7807
>>> That bug relates to a Baofeng UV-82. Presumably you meant a different
>>> issue?
>>> Martin.
>>> KD6YAM
>>> On Thu, Feb 17, 2022 at 9:59 AM Thomas Burns <t.conor.burn...@gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> hi all,
>>>> As I've mentioned above, Been trying to figure out how to program
>>>> IC-7100 for almost a year now. I've followed the live mode radio
>>>> "import/export" directions as well as the instructions outlined in Bug
>>>> #7807. I cannot get the radio to accept any input or programming 
>>>> whatsoever.
>>>>  I'm using the latest version and daily update on a raspberry pi 400.
>>>> Is there anyone who can provide me with or direct me to a step by step
>>>> guide for programming an Icom IC-7100? Thanks in advance,
>>>> Conor
>>>> KI7CRG
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