Hello Mr. McCee, KC1HLD,

I understand from our off list emails that you're using Windows.  I
don't know where the error files are recorded for CHIRP in Windows,
perhaps one of the list members more familiar with Windows can give
you a clue.

I think I might have some help to get us in the right direction to
help you though, here's what I have.

Here's what I just sent you privately but for the benefit of the list
and the list archives.

There is a note for CHIRP:

Newer Yaseu HTs (FT-4, FT-65, FT-25) do not need to be placed into
clone mode manually. CHIRP can put the radio into clone mode and can
also operate if the radio is already in clone mode, e.g., if you first
download from the radio, then modify your setting in CHIRP, and then
upload back to the radio. CHIRP cannot command the radio to leave
clone mode, so you must power the radio off after the CHIRP session.

This reminds us that older radios have to go through the whole
sequence of entering clone mode again, unlike the newer models which
you you don't even have to enter clone mode, you - with the newer
models - can download the img file from the radio, then modify it,
then upload the changed img file to the radio.

You cannot do this with the older radios such as yours.  You have to
download - which you've done - in one sequence.  Then power the radio
off, and initiate the clone mode sequence again, and this time upload
the modified (and saved) file to the radio.

VK3BQ perhaps gives us a hint.


A trap for young players with the 817 and chirp. You need to do two
steps to get the radio to talk to the computer

Power on the radio while holding down both MODE < > buttons, The radio
will beep three times and show “CLONE MODE” on the display.

Set CHIRP up to download the radio image from the menu, then on the
radio, press button “A” and the radio will start TX’ing data, and you
have a copy of the radio memories. Program up the radio in chirp with
your repeaters and other parameter settings and save a copy. To load
the new memories/file into the radio, power on the radio as per above
and enter “CLONE MODE” again, Set CHIRP to upload to radio and then
press the “C” button on the Radio, the device will change to RX mode
and receive the new configuration. The instructions are on page 69 of
the 817nd (2011) manual under Cloning.


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