
The IMG files are like photographic snapshots of the radio's memory
channels, they are unique to each version AND model of a manufacturer's

CHIRP works with this unique file type which is why it is extremely
important to upon the first time using CHIRP to download the IMG from your
transceiver, save and safeguard it from loss. You can use this unique IMG
file to restore your transceiver to factory settings which is especially
important if user error causes your transceiver to be unresponsive, or

Each model and make of transceiver has a unique IMG file.

Your question shows a lack of understanding of how CHIRP works, please read
the documentation and follow the instructions!

Failure to do so may result in irreversible injury to your radio equipment.

If this happens, contact this list for possible restoration measures using
someone else's IMG file.

Best wishes,

David N1EA

On Tue, Oct 5, 2021, 14:54 Eric <> wrote:

> Is there a spec available for the format of the IMG file that Chirp uses
> to same configuration values to?
> Thanks,
> Eric
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