Basically you’ve said it all - You get what you pay for!
You on the Titanic dodging icebergs in the North Atlantic without a compass.
The tragedy of it all is that you’re wasting time and your own money and 
producing nothing.

Sent from my iPhone

> On Sep 8, 2021, at 8:51 AM, Scott Lopez <> wrote:
> you do realize that we are end-users like you and not paid technical support 
> that jump at your every request. chirp is an open-source labor-of-love by 
> people who want to contribute their time to the project.
> as someone who has almost 40 years in IT and two degrees it didn't take me 
> very long to figure out how to get chirp working on my macbook. no, it isn't 
> an 'official' mac application, that's because registering as a developer 
> costs money, so you have to jump through a few extra hoops to get the 
> application to work on a mac.
> 2. check your security settings and make sure the application has access to 
> your full disk.
> 3. you're right, it can't import from repeater book desktop. no one wrote 
> code to do so. feel free to take up the cause and write the code yourself.
> 4. don't overwrite channels 1-4 in the chirp grid. start with 5 and go on 
> from there.
> you're right, they were pretty simple answers.
>> On Wed, Sep 8, 2021 at 7:25 AM JOHN E BECK Sr <> wrote:
>> CHIRP IS NOT fully functional on a MacBook Pro Big Sur 11.5.2.  What do I 
>> need to do in order to use this product on my MacBook (other than what you 
>> outlined below)?
>> Also, in my original e-mail there were three other issues which were not 
>> responded to.  They are:
>> Issue 2:  When attempting to save the CHIRP grid, I run into all sorts of 
>> problems in that it does not recognize the file directory structure on the 
>> MacBook, and doesn’t allow me to save change to my desktop or other 
>> directory.
>> Issue 3:  I maintain my ‘channeled repeaters’ from the Repeater Book 
>> (export).  CHIRP does not allow me to import changes from my Repeater Book 
>> desktop.
>> Issue 4:  I have the 2M and 70cm calling frequencies programmed into my 
>> BF-F8HP channels 1-4 respectively.  The import Function of CHIRP overwrites 
>> this data causing me to re-enter them again manually.  Is there any way 
>> around this?
>> I know very little about  programming my F8HP and the instruction manual is 
>> very poor.  To that end I must rely upon CHIRP and I must say that I am very 
>> frustrated in trying to get a straight answer to relatively simple 
>> questions. 
>>  I have worked in IT for over 50 years and have an BSE degree.  I do not 
>> care for casual responses or assumptions that  your client base is 
>> uneducated.  Most of your messages and responses within this group are, at 
>> best, cryptic and often make unfounded assumptions but, then again, you ge 
>> what you pay for.  I really have difficulty in trying to understand what it 
>> is that you are trying to accomplish. 
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