There is info here:

I also found programming software:

Read the notice about the patched exe file.


David N1EA

On Tue, Jun 29, 2021, 9:57 AM D.J.J. Ring, Jr. <> wrote:

> Ron,
> CHIRP does not support PuXing PX-888 radio.
> From the supported radio list:
> Puxing
> PX-2R (UHF)
> PX-777
> PX-888K
> Only those models. Not the PX-888. Nor any other number similar to "888"
> like the PX-888D which also exists.
> This place still sells them, maybe they have programming software you can
> download.
> This page has software for PuXing PX-888D and PX-888K.
> I'd try contacting the people who are still selling your model.
> RT Systems has software for your model also.
> 73
> David N1EA
> On Tue, Jun 29, 2021, 1:29 AM <> wrote:
>> I don’t know why I’m receiving all these replies that are not applicable
>> to the query I first sent out. Please someone reply with programming
>> experience with the PuXing brand of Chinese radios.
>> I have a PuXing PX-888 radio, a Chirp supported cable, and a Windows 10
>> computer. The cable is a Baofeng programming cable with a WCH chipset. I
>> have verified that the driver for this cable is the correct driver
>> according to .   The
>> driver is CH340/341.
>> I have no trouble programming my Baofeng radio, the cable works perfect
>> with this radio. I know how to use Chirp, I have programmed countless other
>> radios. I know that you download the radio image file *.img first.
>> The radio I’m having trouble programming is a PuXing PX-888. When I
>> upload to the radio, or download from the radio, the data gets garbled.
>> Data does send both directions, but it’s all mixed up. This cable does not
>> do this with the Baofeng, it uploads and downloads perfectly fine.
>> I have also verified that the cable is plugging all the way into the
>> PuXing radio, according to
>> . I am not getting
>> these errors. As I said, data is flowing both directions, but it’s all
>> garbled. For example, if I download from radio, the channel locations,
>> frequencies, tones, and offset columns get all mixed up. If I try to upload
>> to radio, same thing happens, the channel locations, frequencies, tones,
>> and offsets get entered incorrectly
>> The exact model of my radio is not listed in Chirp, it lists a PX-777,
>> and a PX888K, but not a plain PX-888. When I click on DOWNLOAD FROM RADIO,
>> in the model selection it does not list PX-888 specifically, it only lists
>> PX-777, and PX-888K. I am using the PX-777 selection, as the PX-888K
>> selection does not work at all, it gives an actual error message.
>> Could this be the problem, Chirp does not support my EXACT radio?
>> 73
>> Ron
>> *From:* Joel Magee
>> *Sent:* Monday, June 28, 2021 6:03 PM
>> *To:* Discussion of CHIRP
>> *Subject:* Re: [chirp_users] importing to radio
>> FYI, the Radio, cable, and Disc all came in the box from Baofeng. a
>> complete package
>> joel
>> On Mon, Jun 28, 2021 at 8:57 PM Joel Magee <> wrote:
>>> There is no error message, the system works fine up to a certain point
>>> and then it just stops, after a few minutes it says Chirp is not
>>> responding. this has happened several times between yesterday
>>> and today, have a Dr's apt tomorrow and some "honey do's" to do , and I
>>> think I will take a break and start over again Wed or Thur
>>> Joel
>>> On Mon, Jun 28, 2021 at 4:07 PM Jim Unroe <> wrote:
>>>> On Mon, Jun 28, 2021 at 2:16 PM Joel Magee <> wrote:
>>>> >
>>>> > The cable and disc came with the radio. And maybe on your screen it
>>>> says to upload but I only have two options highlighted Import to Radio or
>>>> Download from radio.
>>>> Are you using CHIRP? There is "Import to Radio" selection.
>>>> [image: CHIRP_Radio_Tab_Open.png]
>>>> The "Upload To Radio" selection is only highlighted when you have a tab
>>>> selected that was either downloaded from a radio or loaded from a CHIRP
>>>> Radio Images (*.img) file that was previously saved from a tab that was
>>>> downloaded from a radio.
>>>> [image: CHIRP_Radio_No_Open_Tab.png]
>>>> You still haven't provided any details like the exact error message, a
>>>> debug.log file or which operating system you are using.
>>>> > I will continue to play with it and I appreciate all your suggestions
>>>> but have tried them all. Being a retired engineer I am not about to let a
>>>> man made object get the best of me.
>>>> It is generally recommended, unless it is from RT Systems, that you
>>>> ignore any disc that comes with a programming cable. For everything related
>>>> to Baofeng UV-5R like radios, you can get everything you need from links on
>>>> the website. No programming software can will until you
>>>> have the radio properly connected to the computer. Once you solve your
>>>> cabling issue, I'm sure that CHIRP will work fine.
>>>> The #1 cause of trouble with most generic programming cables that come
>>>> with a disc is that the programming cable is manufactured with an
>>>> unauthorized copy of a Prolific USB-to-Serial chip. Assuming you are using
>>>> Windows, the device driver automatically installed by Windows (but written
>>>> by Prolific) is intentionally incompatible with these chips.
>>>> SUPPLIER. Properties.png]
>>>> [image: 1-Device Manager.png]
>>>> To use the programming cable with Windows you must download, install
>>>> and select the older Prolific v3.2.0.0 driver that was available prior the
>>>> Prolific company deciding to cripple their driver for unauthorized copies
>>>> of their chips.
>>>> [image: 2021-01-28 08_20_06-Prolific USB-to-Serial Comm Port (COM3)
>>>> Properties.png]
>>>> [image: 2021-01-28 08_20_23-Device Manager.png]
>>>> The other common problem with these radios is an incomplete connection
>>>> between the 2-pin plug and the socket of the radio. Some are successful at
>>>> just pressing on the plug during the download/upload process. Others have
>>>> had to modify the cable to remove material that was interfering with the
>>>> plug from being fully inserted into the radio.
>>>> > Thanks
>>>> > Joel
>>>> >
>>>> Jim KC9HI
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