My wife's mascara suggests that it will make her lashes 4 mm longer, and my 
mountain bike handlebars are 400 mm ;-) Little-by-little, day-by-day...

...though there are some adjustments...I am in the US, but have been using SI 
since the 1970s. I had to go to Canada to buy metric tape measures and folding 
rules. When I say that my HF antenna is a 40 m EF wire, I get a lot of hams 
here thinking at first that I have a wire dedicated to 40 m, not a wire 40 m 
long. I find metric so much easier in so many areas of my life, not least radio.

72/73 de Rich NE1EE
The Dusty Key
On the banks of the Piscataqua

On 2021-05-03 08:24:-0500, you wrote:
>On Sun, May 2, 2021 at 7:12 PM Chaplain Dave Sparks 
><<>> wrote:  
>Well, you know what they say about the metric nerds:
>"Give them 25.4 mm. and they'll take 1.6 km." 

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