Once I deleted old Chirp and reinstalled run as administrator I finally
got the window to select vendor and radio (Icom 2100H) after selecting
"download from radio".  The port is defaulted to COM6 which is verified to
be the one selected in the FTDI driver.  However when I click OK, I get "An
error has occurred - Failed to communicate with the radio.  Unexpected
response from radio".  It doesn't matter if I run Chirp normally or as
administrator.. same result.

I read the beginners guide.  The cable TRS plug is firmly seated in the
speaker jack, there is no antenna connected and I'm tuned to a clear
frequency.  I have tried with squelch both open and closed and with volume
settings from 0 - 100%.

At the bottom of Bug #1113 for a similar issue with Icom 2100H, I read:  "Some
Icom radios are known to deny cooperation with FTDI cables (even genuine
ones). Please try a cable with a genuine Prolific chip.
Unfortunately cables with fake "Prolific" chips make the vast majority of
cables on the market; genuine Prolific cables are on the more expensive

Can anyone confirm this to be the case?  If so, who makes "genuine Prolific


On Sat, Jan 9, 2021 at 3:02 PM Joe Pizzi <pizzi....@gmail.com> wrote:

> Some people have reported needing to run Chirp as administrator.
> Have you tried that?
> Joe Pizzi
> On 1/7/2021 9:47 PM, Mark Smythe wrote:
> Windows 10 using Valley enterprises USB OPC-478 FTDI and installed
> recommended drivers.  Cable plugged into PC and IC-2100H.
> I can not select serial port or radio without the clone window.
> Mark
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