First, thanks to everyone for quick and helpful feedback. 

You were all correct in the missing driver being the problem, although I never 
had the yellow exclamation mark. Dawn’s link helped to load the appropriate 
driver, which immediately created a COM3 port option in Chirp. That also 
allowed me to clone and download the original IMG file into Chirp, which I have 
saved. I now can see the format to use to populate the frequency fields, which 
has generated a couple of new questions:

1.      What frequencies should I load into memory slots?
2.      If I don’t load a frequency into a memory slot, does that mean I can’t 
RX/TX on that frequency?
3.      How do I know what frequencies to use for repeaters in my area (or 
outside of my area)?
4.      How do you assign a NAME to a channel in Chirp?
5.      Can you recommend a good source for learning the process to 

Once again, appreciate the help/guidance!

BTW, this is for a mobile Mirkit Baofeng UV-5R MK5 radio. 




<> On Behalf Of John
Sent: Wednesday, December 30, 2020 12:26 PM
Subject: Re: [chirp_users] BTech 5X3



Welcome to the discussion!

Firstly, which radio are you trying to program?

Secondly, does the "FT232R USB UART" device under "Other Devices" have a yellow 
exclamation mark next to it? If so, then the driver may not be installed or the 
cable is malfunctioning in some way. However, the Mirkit cable is advertised as 
having a genuine FTDI chip inside and assuming that the cable is genuine, the 
likelihood of that possibility is significantly reduced. Windows normally 
detects and installs FTDI drivers automatically through Windows Update. At this 
point I would say to check that Windows Update is enabled and working, but 
since you have already tried the cable on different PCs with the same result, 
that would tend to rule out a PC specific problem. There are two types of 
drivers for FTDI chips - D2XX and VCP. The former installs as a USB device 
only, the latter as a Virtual COM Port. I am not familiar with Mirkit cables, 
but if you have no yellow exclamation mark and since the cable has apparently 
been recognized as an FT232R device, then I am wondering whether the automatic 
install might have installed the D2XX drivers for some reason. You could try 
installing the VCP drivers which are available directly on the FTDI Chip 

If that still doesn't work, then the cable or may indeed be faulty.

John. Ch. <>  wrote on 30/12/2020 

Hello and hope it is OK to join this discussion, which I just signed up for 
this week. Like Dawn, I am new to HAM radio (as of Xmas) and trying to set up a 
mobile unit. Main problem is setting up IMG via PC and Chirp software, using a 
Mirkit FDTI cable. Instructions seem pretty clear, but I can’t get cloning to 
work. Here are background details:

1.      PC’s are new Dell desktop and MS Surface laptop, both using Windows 10
2.      Tried all ports (2.0 & 3.0) on both PC’s and get error message “Radio 
not responding” when trying to clone (download)
3.      W10 Device Manager shows an “FT232R USB UART” device under “Other 
Devices”, not under COM ports
4.      Due to #3, I cannot select any COM port that corresponds to the cable 
(assuming the FT232R USB UART is the cable), in Chirp software
5.      Possibility of bad cable based on same outcome with different PC’s??
6.      Any way to force cable installation under COM ports, instead of Other 

If I could get the cable connection to work with Chirp software, I think the 
rest of the setup for channels/frequencies is pretty straightforward, although 
I may need some help with the “operational” settings. I am looking forward to 
getting the appropriate HAM license/certification to use this radio and 
appreciate any help/guidance you can provide. 




<> On Behalf Of John
Sent: Wednesday, December 30, 2020 6:14 AM
Subject: Re: [chirp_users] BTech 5X3


Glad you got it working by plugging into a port at the back but I wonder 
whether this is one of those weird USB3 port compatibility issues?
Is the port at the side blue, vs black at the back?

John. Ch.

Dawn K wrote on 30/12/2020 02:06:

I apologize, I tried a different USB port and it worked. I was using the ones 
on top of my computer instead of the ones in the back for convenience. Thank 
you for your help. Have a great evening.


On Tue, Dec 29, 2020 at 8:02 PM Jim Unroe < 
<> > wrote:


On Tue, Dec 29, 2020 at 8:56 PM Dawn K < 
<> > wrote:
> Hello,
> I am sorry to bother everyone again but I am uncertain how to proceed. I 
> downloaded and installed the latest drivers for my cable, Windows 10 is 
> recognizing it. But now I get an "error reading data. Not the amount of data 
> we want." I have looked for trouble shooting but all I can find is the 
> updating the driver or an issue with the cable which isn't my issue. I have 
> tried multiple times. I have made sure the cable clicks in, I have tried 
> pulling the cable out a little, but I get the same error.

Are you choosing the correct COM port? Which Vendor and Model are you
choosing? Attach the debug.log file.

Instructions for how to locate the debug.log file can be found here:

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