In your message you said:

"he found the device in his case, on USB1."

That's not a complete location, give the complete path.

We have to guess what you mean which is unsatisfactory when it comes to
computers which are always exactly literal.

Since you're taking about a tty device it's probably ls -l /dev/ttyUSB1 but
next time you reboot it might go back to ls -l /dev/ttyUSB0 which is the
usual assignment but your computer will go to ls -l /dev/ttyUSB1 if it
still thinks ls -l /dev/ttyUSB0 is being used (occupied).



On Wed, Jun 3, 2020, 01:07 Glenn K0LNY <> wrote:

> Hi David,
> I originally used lsusb
> Whatever I wrote in my message, in the commands I don't capitalize.
> When I added ubuntu-mate to dialout with addgroup it told
> me that ubuntu-mate was already a user.
> But I'll try
> ls -l /dev/ttyUSB1
> and see what that tells me.
> Glenn
> ----- Original Message -----
> *From:* D.J.J. Ring, Jr. <>
> *To:* Discussion of CHIRP <>
> *Sent:* Tuesday, June 02, 2020 11:56 PM
> *Subject:* Re: [chirp_users] Fw: No USB Port Error
> Glen,
> With the USB device plugged in, use a terminal and enter this:
> lsusb
> Carefully check the names of the devices. Is it really /dev/USB1 ?
> Remember Unix / Linux is case sensitive, /dev/USB1 is  NOT /dev/usb1 which
> is a normal device name.
> Let's assume you made an error and the device is ttyUSB1.
> In terminal:
> ls -l /dev/ttyUSB1
> Pay attention to the group this device belongs, to. The owner will be root.
> You need to be in the same group to access it.
> Find out what groups your user account is in by the command "groups."
> In terminal enter:
> groups
> Is the group that ttyUSB1 belongs to listed as one of your groups? If not
> you have to add your user to that group using the root account.
> Best wishes,
> David
> N1EA
> On Wed, Jun 3, 2020, 00:10 Glenn K0LNY <> wrote:
>> Well, I made a little progress with the USB problem, in Ubuntu.
>> I installed a new live Ubuntu, on a thumb drive for a friend, and I
>> installed Chirp for him, and plugged in my Kenwood and tried to download
>> from radio, and first it did nothing.
>> So I tried again, and I got the same error:
>> error no 2 cannot find ttyUSB0
>> No such file or directory.
>> And this was on a fresh install of Ubuntu 16.43 with updates installed.
>> Just like on my other computer that had the same issue.
>> So in doing a web search on the problem, I found a YouTube where the guy
>> suggested using lsusb and he found the device in his case, on USB1.
>> So I went to terminal and found the prolific on USB1
>> So then I found that in Chirp, it wasn't there before, I am fairly sure.
>> So now I no longer get that error, but it still does not download from
>> the
>> radio, it just goes to the blank Chirp screen.
>> Any ideas?
>> Thanks in advance.
>> Glenn
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: "Glenn K0LNY" <>
>> To: "Discussion of CHIRP" <>
>> Sent: Friday, May 22, 2020 5:03 PM
>> Subject: Re: [chirp_users] No USB Port Error
>> Jim,
>> I just checked to add ubuntu-mate to the dialout and it tells me that
>> ubuntu-mate is already a member of dialout.
>> So there is a problem with it finding usb0.
>> Could it be that a different radio's cable might be using a serial
>> assignment?
>> I've used the Tytera cable via USB and Baofeng's cable via USB and it has
>> always been recognized.
>> Note, the cable I'm stuck with for now is a USB cable that should go with
>> a
>> digital radio, the Radioddity GD77-S, so I don't know if it has something
>> different to the cable.
>> I accidentally sent the Baofeng cable along with the GD77-S that I traded
>> for the Kenwood.
>> Glenn
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: "Jim Unroe" <>
>> To: "Discussion of CHIRP" <>
>> Sent: Friday, May 22, 2020 12:51 PM
>> Subject: Re: [chirp_users] No USB Port Error
>> On Fri, May 22, 2020 at 1:06 PM Glenn K0LNY <>
>> wrote:
>> >
>> > Hi,
>> > I just got a new used radio, a Kenwood TH-F6.
>> > So I plugged in the radio using a non-Kenwood cable and I went into
>> > "radio" and download from radio and selected my radio model and USB0
>> and I
>> > get the message:
>> > error no 2 cannot open tty/usb0 error cannot locate tty/USB0.
>> > or something similar.
>> > I have used this cable and that Ubuntu with Chirp in the past for my
>> other
>> > radios, and other than different brands of radios, I have always been
>> able
>> > to do this.
>> > I know a guy who has done this to this model using the Baofeng cable
>> using
>> > a different software in Windows, not the Kenwood software, but one that
>> > they purchased.
>> > I don't recall the name, but I think it starts with an R.
>> > At any rate, I'd sooner buy a Kenwood cable than that other software and
>> > keep using Chirp.
>> > Hopefully I didn't get it mixed up with the Radioddity cable.
>> > I thought I had the right cable with the Radioddity when I sent it off.
>> > I don't know if they put the name of the associated radio on the cables,
>> > since I'm Blind.
>> > But any who, would this be an error for the wrong cable?
>> > Thanks.
>> > Glenn
>> Hi Glenn,
>> >From what you are describing it sounds like you Linux user doen't have
>> permission to access the port. Either run CHIRP as root or as your
>> Linus user to the dialout group.
>> I also have a Kenwood TH-F6a. CHIRP programs it in "live" mode.
>> Jim KC9HI
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