Hello Stuart,

 ICOM ID-1 is D-STAR radio, CHIRP doesn't do digital radio, or make code plugs.

I searched with google and I can't find anything that does.

The ID-1 downloads are here:


On Mon, Apr 20, 2020 at 11:11 AM IT1 Stuart Blake Tener, USNR
<stuart.te...@bh90210.net> wrote:
> Dan, et alia:
> I have an ICOM ID-1 radio and the software that ICOM provides for it is 
> "operating software" not programming software. Does Chirp support the ID-1 
> and if not, how difficult would it be to add support? I can send in a 
> personality file for the ID-1 if that helps any.
> Thanks in advance and stay healthy.
> 73,
> Stuart, N3GWG
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