
Administrators can set the lists up so that replies go to the author, or to
the list, or both, or "user decides" - moments ago I just set my
googlegroups list to "user decides" because if I don't set it that way the
author's email address is hidden - even from me - the list owner!

Email lists are strange.  Gmail doesn't send you back your own posts, which
was the original setting "way" back in 1980s when everyone was on a 300
baud modem and phone lines. Conserve valuable bandwidth in those days.  Now
sending you your own message takes a few milliseconds.

I still use mutt and thunderbird, both have "bounce" functions because
sometimes my list subscribers think they have to send their emails to me
for forwarding to the list.  Bouncing an email makes it look like it was
sent by the original sender to the final addressee - which in my case is
always the email list, but it can be abused to fool people, Person A sends
me and email, I bounce it to Person B and Person B thinks it was sent
directly from Person A.  You can see it came through me if you look at the

I did have my email list set up that way in 1994 when I started that list
as a "one way" email list.  Finally when google announced it was doing free
lists, I jumped at the chance.  I also printed newsletters using a
Commodore 64 and GeoPublish - wow that's going back some.


On Tue, Mar 31, 2020 at 7:16 PM David <weat...@lightingunlimited.com> wrote:

> Ok another question,
> If I am responding to a post do I use "reply" or do I use "reply list"?
> I use Thunderbird for email.
> David
> On 3/31/2020 10:21 AM, NE1EE - Rich wrote:
> > David asked if I got a new thread...so I logged into the email package
> to see. NO...my "new" subject is under a thread of
> > Yaesu FT-7100
> >     Baofeng UV-5RA
> > showing the hijacked message
> >
> > My message appears in the same 5RA thread.
> > I was under the impression that, though the standard called out the use
> of In-Reply-To, it was rarely used. Not the case here, as the mail package
> correctly identified the thread. I suppose that has some usefulness,
> because someone could preserve the thread and change the subject, providing
> a clue to someone of the thread content.
> >
> > So ...
> > You need to start a new message.
> > Mike, WB4TTZ
> >
> > is entirely correct. I'm glad I ran the test and got the answer to a
> pending question in my mind, though I didn't know how to find it. Thanks
> Mike!
> > ~R~
> >
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