I've found a problem with the crouton script.
It repartitions your hard drive, which is probably only 16GB to start with and, 
having removed crouton and reverted to vanilla Chrome OS, I have lost 5GB, I 
assume, in a hidden partition that I can't get back.
So now, if I reinstall Linux, it only starts with 11GB.
Can't afford to loose that amount.

> On 16 March 2020 at 23:13 Pat Anderson <anderson5...@gmail.com> wrote:
>     Correct, ChromeOs does not support CHIRP, BUT ChromeOS DOES support 
> Linux, which DOES support CHIRP. In fact Linux is the preferred platform for 
> CHIRP. If you are not running Linux on your ChromeOS machine, you are missing 
> the BEST part of what ChromeOS can do!
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