Chirp doesn't support the MD-380.
You can save the file produced by your code page editor but that is likely only 
a configuration file and not a complete memory image.

> On 20 January 2020 at 08:04 Angelo T Sonnesso <> wrote:
>     Can you create an image file from the MD-380, or do you have to get it 
> online?
>     73 N2DYN Angelo
>     From: 
> [] On Behalf Of Kenneth 
> Strom VA3KRS
>     Sent: Monday, January 20, 2020 6:35 AM
>     To:
>     Subject: [chirp_users] Image Files
>     Now that we are on the subject of Image files...  
>     I was just programming a brand new Retevis RT3 GPS (TYT MD-380 G) and 
> somehow it bricked up.
>     As I had saved the "fresh new out of the box" Image file I simply resent 
> it to the radio and...reset the radio to Factory specs in mere seconds.
>     BTW this is the only Reset procedure for all DMR radios, no pressing this 
> and that button nor any Menu settings.  Still it also works on any radio 
> regardless.
>     Now you know why I cannot emphasize enough saving 
>     the original Factory Image file.
>     If by chance you never had one, you can also use the stock blank file 
> from the original Factory (CPS) software and send it to the radio.  Then of 
> course, save and label it.  
>     Program with CHIRP afterwards and again, always remember to save your new 
> files.
>     If you have to do a Firmware Update, first download the correct software 
> from the Manufactures' Website and check for installation instructions on 
> YouTube.  This rarely will you find on the OEM Website or in your Owner's 
> Manual.  And again, save this new Image file and label it.
>     There are some Manufacturers' that do not supply any OEM programming 
> software.  Sadly, Yaesu comes to mind.  Then just simply use the CHIRP or RT 
> Systems software Image file you created.
>     Kenneth Strom  VA3KRS
>     _______________________________________________
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