Hi Lee,

On Sun, Nov 17, 2019 at 1:25 AM Lee M <leem1...@gmail.com> wrote:
> How do i turn off the power on beep on a UV-5R+ ?

You can't. The best workarounds that I know of are...

... turn the knob just far enough to allow the power to be switched on
at the very lowest volume. Wait until the power-on beep occurs (you
can still barely hear them) and then turn the volume up to the desired

... insert a 2.5mm plug into the 2.5mm part of the speaker/mic socket
while powering on the radio. While the plug is in the socket the
internal speaker is disconnected. Remove the 2.5mm plug a few seconds
after the radio is powered on to reconnect the internal speaker.

> Is there  a way to turn off the  alarm sound and light?

Not locally. If you set menu 32 (AL-MOD) to SITE, at least the awful
alarm will not be transmitted over-the-air.

Some BTech models (a Baofeng like radio model sold by Baofeng Tech - a
radio dealer in the USA) have settings to disable some or all of the
alarm. For example, both the BTech GMRS-V1 and BTech MURS-V1 models
have added an OFF setting to AL-MOD which disables the alarm.
Unfortunately the BTech UV-5X3 only has a setting to disable the alarm
sound. The AL-MOD menu must to set to SITE to prevent the alarm from
going out over the air and the lights will still flash locally.

Believe me, if there was a way discovered that would allow CHIRP to
disable this awful feature, it would be implemented. ;-)

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