> I can do some that testing here. I dont know if you’ve read my long winded 
> email a couple weeks back regarding how the macOs version locks up the serial 
> device hard while using the new Wouxon KG-8* drivers.  This can only be 
> duplicated when chirp is running under macOS. So Im under the impression that 
> it has something to do with the runtime.

No, that would be a driver problem. USB serial drivers on MacOS are generally 
pretty terrible. There is absolutely nothing that something in userland (an 
application) should be able to do to lock up a piece of hardware, especially 
something so simple as serial communication. There is nothing in the runtime 
relating to low-level serial communication. The reason that it doesn't happen 
on other OSes is because their drivers are better. This is the reason I've 
pretty much stopped using MacOS for any of my serial activities (CHIRP or 

The KeySpan drivers have always been the best supported under MacOS, and for 
anything that uses a 9-pin regular serial connector, I could always use the 
KeySpan to do what I needed. However, most everything I get nowadays has a USB 
converter in the cable shell. If I were to cut that off and rewire them all 
(which you could do) then I'd be able to continue, but that's just totally not 
worth it.

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