Even well branded ones, like the Motorola ones have a poor range, like a block 
or two at best.
They are useful around one's urban property, but that's about all they are good 

From: David 
Sent: Saturday, June 22, 2019 7:50 PM
To: Gene McKnight via chirp_users 
Subject: Re: [chirp_users] Transmit UV5r to FRS

I have never had any luck using FRS radios. Things have very poor range. And I 
am talking about the FRS radios you can buy that only do FRS. Pretty worthless 
in my book. Anyone else have any luck with FRS radios?

I have moved on to GoTennaMESH they work way way better.


On 6/22/2019 6:51 PM, Gene McKnight via chirp_users wrote:

  Spencer, this is one of many of these emails. This email will be followed by 
others.    Gene

  On Thursday, June 20, 2019, 11:02:57 PM CDT, D.J.J. Ring, Jr. <n...@arrl.net> 

  We also do not want to be accomplices in the commission of a crime.
  §95.335   Operation of non-certified transmitters prohibited.


  GMRS and FRS regulations have changed, but unlicensed FRS does not permit any 
radio that has a removable antenna.  Also radios have to be certified under FCC 
Part 95.  UV-5R isn't on the list, and FCC is planning on banning the import of 
any radio capable of being used on a frequency that the unit is not licensed 
for.  That is if it isn't an amateur radio, in the future any radio imported 
will only be able to be used on amateur radio frequencies.

  Also in the near future, radios will not be legally allowed to be 
manufactured, imported , or sold that can be used on BOTH GMRS and FRS.  This 
is going to cause a problem for licensed amateur radio operators  who own such 
radios, like I do:
  §95.1791   Sales of GMRS/FRS combination radios prohibited.
  (a) Effective September 30, 2019, no person shall be permitted to manufacture 
or import, sell or offer for sale any radio equipment capable of operating 
under both this subpart (GMRS) and subpart B (FRS) of this chapter.

  FRS allows 2 watts or less on channels 1 – 7 and the previously GMRS only 
channels of 15 – 22, but only 0.5 watts on channels 8 – 14.
  GMRS licensees can use up to 50 watts, but there are somewhat complicated 
restrictions and an FCC 10 year renewable license (good for entire family) is 
needed. GMRS licensees can also operate on 8 additional repeater frequencies.  

  The regulations for GMRS are quite complicated. 

  I think the past practice of this group not to provide such information to 
unlicensed persons is a wise one.

  David N1EA

  On Thu, Jun 20, 2019 at 4:48 PM Glenn At Home <glenner...@cableone.net> wrote:

    Let's not play police here.
    I do believe that the FCC has allowed some of the FRS frequencies, now up 
to 2 watts.
    To answer the question, make sure the same frequencies are in the column 
next to the receive column.
    I don't recall if they are labeled RX and TX or what.

    From: John Wuest 
    Sent: Thursday, June 20, 2019 3:42 PM
    To: Discussion of CHIRP 
    Subject: Re: [chirp_users] Transmit UV5r to FRS

    Using your UV-5R on FRS frequencies will be a violation of Federal Law. 
That radio is not, nor can not be, type accepted for that service.

    On Thu, Jun 20, 2019 at 4:25 PM Todd J. Unkefer <tunke...@gmail.com> wrote:

      I can hear the FRS radios on their respective channels, I cannot transmit 
on those respective channels. How can I enable the transmit on chirp?

      Thanks, in advance.


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