Changeset: 7c1b1198c9c7 for MonetDB
Modified Files:
Branch: nested
Log Message:

Renames tables and cols in test

diffs (92 lines):

diff --git a/sql/test/nested/Tests/array.test b/sql/test/nested/Tests/array.test
--- a/sql/test/nested/Tests/array.test
+++ b/sql/test/nested/Tests/array.test
@@ -1,32 +1,34 @@
+## fixed-length type array
 statement ok
-create table foo (n int[])
+create table flent_arr (n int[])
 query I nosort
-select * from foo
+select * from flent_arr
 statement ok
-insert into foo values ('{1, 2}')
+insert into flent_arr values ('{1, 2}')
 query T nosort
-select * from foo
+select * from flent_arr
 statement ok
-insert into foo values ('{1, 2}')
+insert into flent_arr values ('{1, 2}')
 query T nosort
-select * from foo
+select * from flent_arr
 statement ok
-insert into foo values ('{3, 4}'), ('{5}'), ('{6, 7, 8}')
+insert into flent_arr values ('{3, 4}'), ('{5}'), ('{6, 7, 8}')
 query T nosort
-select * from foo
+select * from flent_arr
@@ -34,35 +36,37 @@ select * from foo
+## variable-length type array
 statement ok
-create table bar (n text[])
+create table vlent_arr (s text[])
 query I nosort
-select * from bar
+select * from vlent_arr
 statement ok
-insert into bar values ('{"left", "right"}')
+insert into vlent_arr values ('{"left", "right"}')
 query T nosort
-select * from bar
+select * from vlent_arr
 statement ok
-insert into bar values ('{"l2", "r2"}')
+insert into vlent_arr values ('{"l2", "r2"}')
 query T nosort
-select * from bar
+select * from vlent_arr
 statement ok
-insert into bar values ('{"single"}'), ('{"a", "b", "c"}'), ('{"one", "two"}');
+insert into vlent_arr values ('{"single"}'), ('{"a", "b", "c"}'), ('{"one", 
 query T nosort
-select * from bar
+select * from vlent_arr
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