Changeset: 5f594f42e0cc for MonetDB
Modified Files:
Branch: odbc_loader
Log Message:

Add retrieval of ODBC Driver (Manager) error message via SQLGetDiagRec().
Also added support to connect using FILEDSN=

diffs (72 lines):

diff --git a/sql/backends/monet5/vaults/odbc/odbc_loader.c 
--- a/sql/backends/monet5/vaults/odbc/odbc_loader.c
+++ b/sql/backends/monet5/vaults/odbc/odbc_loader.c
@@ -114,6 +114,7 @@ map_rescol_type(SQLSMALLINT dataType, SQ
                /* decimalDigits contains the precision of fractions of a 
second */
                typenm = "time";
+       case SQL_DATETIME:
        case SQL_TYPE_TIMESTAMP:
                /* decimalDigits contains the precision of fractions of a 
second */
                typenm = "timestamp";
@@ -201,9 +202,13 @@ odbc_relation(mvc *sql, sql_subfunc *f, 
        // skip 'odbc:' prefix from url so we get a connection string including 
the query
        char * con_str = &url[5];
-       // the connection string must start with 'DSN=' or 'DRIVER=' else the 
ODBC driver manager can't load the ODBC driver
-       if (con_str && (strncasecmp("DSN=", con_str, 4) != 0) && 
(strncasecmp("DRIVER=", con_str, 7) != 0))
-               return "Invalid ODBC connection string. Should start with 
'DSN=' or 'DRIVER='.";
+       /* the connection string must start with 'DSN=' or 'DRIVER=' or 
+          else the ODBC driver manager can't load the ODBC driver */
+       if (con_str
+         && (strncmp("DSN=", con_str, 4) != 0)
+         && (strncmp("DRIVER=", con_str, 7) != 0)
+         && (strncmp("FILEDSN=", con_str, 8) != 0))
+               return "Invalid ODBC connection string. Should start with 
'DSN=' or 'DRIVER=' or 'FILEDSN='.";
        // locate the 'QUERY=' part to extract the SQL query string to execute
        char * qry_str = strstr(con_str, "QUERY=");
@@ -312,9 +317,41 @@ odbc_relation(mvc *sql, sql_subfunc *f, 
        if (odbc_con_str)
-       // TODO get DiagRecMsg to get driver err message and sqlstate
+       if (ret != SQL_SUCCESS && ret != SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO) {
+               SQLSMALLINT handleType;
+               SQLHANDLE handle;
+               SQLCHAR state[6];
+               SQLINTEGER errnr;
+               SQLCHAR msg[2048];
+               SQLSMALLINT msglen;
+               /* get err message(s) from the right handle */
+               if (stmt != SQL_NULL_HSTMT) {
+                       handleType = SQL_HANDLE_STMT;
+                       handle = stmt;
+               } else
+               if (dbc != SQL_NULL_HDBC) {
+                       handleType = SQL_HANDLE_DBC;
+                       handle = dbc;
+               } else {
+                       handleType = SQL_HANDLE_ENV;
+                       handle = env;
+               }
+               ret = SQLGetDiagRec(handleType, handle, 1, state, &errnr, msg, 
sizeof(msg), &msglen);
+               if (ret == SQL_SUCCESS || ret == SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO) {
+                       str retmsg;
+                       if (errmsg != NULL) {
+                               retmsg = sa_message(sql->sa, "odbc_loader" " %s 
SQLstate %s, Errnr %d, Message %s", errmsg, (char*)state, (int)errnr, 
+                       } else {
+                               retmsg = sa_message(sql->sa, "odbc_loader" " 
SQLstate %s, Errnr %d, Message %s", (char*)state, (int)errnr, (char*)msg);
+                       }
+                       odbc_cleanup(env, dbc, stmt);
+                       return retmsg;
+               }
+       }
        odbc_cleanup(env, dbc, stmt);
-       return errmsg;
+       return (str)errmsg;
 static void *
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