Changeset: 96c6a859807f for MonetDB
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Branch: nested
Log Message:

handle complex type output (wip)

diffs (truncated from 513 to 300 lines):

diff --git a/monetdb5/modules/mal/tablet.c b/monetdb5/modules/mal/tablet.c
--- a/monetdb5/modules/mal/tablet.c
+++ b/monetdb5/modules/mal/tablet.c
@@ -283,9 +283,14 @@ static int
 multiset_size( Column *fmt)
        int nrattrs = 1 + (fmt->multiset == MS_ARRAY);
-       //if (fmt[1]) { /* todo check composite types */
+       if (fmt[0].composite) {
+               nrattrs += fmt[0].composite;
+               for (int i = 0; i<fmt[0].composite; i++)
+                       if (fmt[i+1].multiset)
+                               nrattrs += multiset_size(fmt+(i+1));
+       } else {
                nrattrs ++;
-       //}
+       }
        return nrattrs;
@@ -293,8 +298,24 @@ static inline ssize_t
 output_line_multiset(char **buf, size_t *len, ssize_t fill, char **localbuf, 
size_t *locallen, Column *fmt, stream *fd, BUN nr_attrs);
 static ssize_t
+output_line_composite(char **buf, size_t *len, ssize_t fill, char **localbuf, 
size_t *locallen, Column *fmt, stream *fd, BUN nr_attrs, int composite)
+       (void)composite;
+       (*buf)[fill++] = '(';
+       if (!fmt->multiset) {
+               fmt++;
+               nr_attrs--;
+       }
+       if ((fill = output_line_multiset(buf, len, fill, localbuf, locallen, 
fmt, fd, nr_attrs)) < 0) {
+               return -1;
+       }
+       (*buf)[fill++] = ')';
+       return fill;
+static ssize_t
 output_multiset_value(char **buf, size_t *len, ssize_t fill, char **localbuf, 
size_t *locallen,
-                                 Column *fmt, stream *fd, BUN nr_attrs, int 
multiset, int id)
+                                 Column *fmt, stream *fd, BUN nr_attrs, int 
multiset, int composite, int id)
        nr_attrs -= (multiset == MS_ARRAY)?2:1;
        Column *msid = fmt + nr_attrs;
@@ -303,8 +324,14 @@ output_multiset_value(char **buf, size_t
        for (; *idp == id; idp++, msid->p++) {
                if (!first)
                        (*buf)[fill++] = ',';
-               if ((fill = output_line_multiset(buf, len, fill, localbuf, 
locallen, fmt, fd, nr_attrs)) < 0) {
-                       break;
+               if (composite) {
+                       if ((fill = output_line_composite(buf, len, fill, 
localbuf, locallen, fmt, fd, nr_attrs, composite)) < 0) {
+                               break;
+                       }
+               } else {
+                       if ((fill = output_line_multiset(buf, len, fill, 
localbuf, locallen, fmt, fd, nr_attrs)) < 0) {
+                               break;
+                       }
                first = 0;
@@ -332,7 +359,7 @@ output_line_multiset(char **buf, size_t 
                                (*buf)[fill++] = '\'';
                                (*buf)[fill++] = '{';
                                (*buf)[fill] = 0;
-                               fill = output_multiset_value(buf, len, fill, 
localbuf, locallen, fmt + i + 1, fd, nr_attrs, f->multiset, *(int*)p);
+                               fill = output_multiset_value(buf, len, fill, 
localbuf, locallen, fmt + i + 1, fd, nr_attrs, f->multiset, f->composite, 
                                (*buf)[fill++] = '}';
                                (*buf)[fill++] = '\'';
                                (*buf)[fill] = 0;
diff --git a/monetdb5/modules/mal/tablet.h b/monetdb5/modules/mal/tablet.h
--- a/monetdb5/modules/mal/tablet.h
+++ b/monetdb5/modules/mal/tablet.h
@@ -44,6 +44,7 @@ typedef struct Column_t {
        unsigned int width;                     /* actual column width */
        unsigned int maxwidth;          /* permissible width */
        int multiset;                           /* multiset */
+       int composite;                          /* 0 no composite type else 
number of composite fields */
        int fieldstart;                         /* Fixed character field load 
positions */
        int fieldwidth;
        int scale, precision;
diff --git a/sql/backends/monet5/rel_bin.c b/sql/backends/monet5/rel_bin.c
--- a/sql/backends/monet5/rel_bin.c
+++ b/sql/backends/monet5/rel_bin.c
@@ -2443,6 +2443,26 @@ rel2bin_sql_table(backend *be, sql_table
        return stmt_list(be, l);
+typedef struct subtable_e {
+       sql_table *t;
+       int nr;
+       stmt *dels;
+} subtable_e;
+static sql_column *
+subtable_e_find(subtable_e *sts, const char *name, int nr, stmt **dels)
+       for(int i = 0; i < nr; i++) {
+               sql_table *t = sts[i].t;
+               sql_column *c = find_sql_column(t, name);
+               if (c) {
+                       *dels = sts[i].dels;
+                       return c;
+               }
+       }
+       return NULL;
 static stmt *
 rel2bin_basetable(backend *be, sql_rel *rel)
@@ -2454,7 +2474,17 @@ rel2bin_basetable(backend *be, sql_rel *
        stmt *dels = stmt_tid(be, t, rel->flag == REL_PARTITION), *odels = 
dels, *col = NULL;
        node *en;
        list *subtables = rel_base_subtables(rel);
-       node *stn = NULL;
+       int nr = list_length(subtables);
+       subtable_e *sts = NULL;
+       if (nr) {
+               sts = (subtable_e*)sa_alloc(be->mvc->sa, sizeof(subtable_e)*nr);
+               int i = 0;
+               for(node *n = subtables->h; n; n = n->next, i++) {
+                       sts[i].t = n->data;
+                       sts[i].nr = 0;
+                       sts[i].dels = stmt_tid(be, sts[i].t, rel->flag == 
+               }
+       }
        bool multiset = t->multiset;
        if (l == NULL || dels == NULL)
@@ -2508,23 +2538,17 @@ rel2bin_basetable(backend *be, sql_rel *
                        s = (i == fi) ? col : stmt_idx(be, i, 
multiset?dels:NULL, dels->partition);
                } else {
-                       sql_column *c = find_sql_column(t, oname);
-                       if (!c && stn) {
-                               t = bt;
+                       sql_column *c = find_sql_column(bt, oname);
+                       if (c) {
                                dels = odels;
-                               c = find_sql_column(t, oname);
+                       } else if (sts) {
+                               c = subtable_e_find(sts, oname, nr, &dels);
+                       assert(c);
                        if (!c->type.multiset && c->type.type->composite)
                        s = (c == fcol) ? col : stmt_col(be, c, 
multiset?dels:NULL, dels->partition);
-                       if (c->type.multiset) {
-                               if (!stn)
-                                       stn = subtables->h;
-                               t = stn->data;
-                               dels = stmt_tid(be, t, rel->flag == 
-                               stn = stn->next;
-                       }
                s = stmt_alias(be, s, exp->alias.label, rname, exp_name(exp));
                list_append(l, s);
diff --git a/sql/backends/monet5/sql_result.c b/sql/backends/monet5/sql_result.c
--- a/sql/backends/monet5/sql_result.c
+++ b/sql/backends/monet5/sql_result.c
@@ -1246,10 +1246,15 @@ mvc_export_table_columnar(stream *s, res
 static int
-multiset_size(res_col *c)
+complex_type_size(res_col *c)
        if (c->type.multiset) {
-               return 1+(c->type.multiset == MS_ARRAY?3:2);
+               int res = (c->type.multiset == MS_ARRAY?2:1);
+               if (c->type.type->composite)
+                       res += list_length(c->type.type->d.fields);
+               else
+                       res ++;
+               return res;
        return 0;
@@ -1286,7 +1291,7 @@ mvc_export_table_(mvc *m, int output_for
        fmt[0].ws = 0;
        fmt[0].nullstr = NULL;
-       int multiset = 0;
+       int complex_type = 0;
        for (i = 1; i <= t->nr_cols; i++) {
                res_col *c = t->cols + (i - 1);
@@ -1311,11 +1316,12 @@ mvc_export_table_(mvc *m, int output_for
                        fmt[i].rsep = rsep;
                fmt[i].multiset = c->type.multiset;
-               multiset += multiset_size(c);
-               if (multiset>1) {
-                       fmt[i].sep = NULL;
-                       fmt[i].seplen = 0;
-                       multiset--;
+               fmt[i].composite = 
+               complex_type += complex_type_size(c);
+               if (complex_type>1) {
+                       fmt[i].sep = NULL;// ", ";
+                       fmt[i].seplen = 0;//2;
+                       complex_type--;
                if (json) {
                        res_col *p = t->cols + (i - 1);
@@ -1353,7 +1359,10 @@ mvc_export_table_(mvc *m, int output_for
                fmt[i].data = NULL;
                fmt[i].len = 0;
                fmt[i].ws = 0;
-               fmt[i].quote = ssep ? ssep[0] : 0;
+               if (complex_type)
+                       fmt[i].quote = '"';
+               else
+                       fmt[i].quote = ssep ? ssep[0] : 0;
                fmt[i].nullstr = ns;
                if (c->type.type->eclass == EC_DEC) {
                        fmt[i].tostr = &dec_tostr;
@@ -1651,9 +1660,19 @@ mvc_export_affrows(backend *b, stream *s
 static inline int
-skip_multiset(res_col *c)
+next_col(res_col *c)
-       return (c->type.multiset==MS_VALUE)?0:(c->type.multiset==MS_ARRAY)?3:2;
+       int res = 
+       if (c->type.type->composite) {
+               int nr = list_length(c->type.type->d.fields);
+               res += nr;
+               for(int i = 0; i < nr; i++) {
+                       res += next_col(c+i+1);
+               }
+       } else {
+               res++;
+       }
+       return res;
@@ -1716,20 +1735,20 @@ mvc_export_head(backend *b, stream *s, i
        if (mnstr_write(s, "\n% ", 3, 1) != 1)
                return -4;
-       for (i = 0; i < t->nr_cols; i++) {
+       for (i = 0; i < t->nr_cols; ) {
                res_col *c = t->cols + i;
                size_t len = strlen(c->tn);
                if (len && mnstr_write(s, c->tn, len, 1) != 1)
                        return -4;
-               i += skip_multiset(c);
-               if (i + 1 < t->nr_cols && mnstr_write(s, ",\t", 2, 1) != 1)
+               i += next_col(c);
+               if (i < t->nr_cols && mnstr_write(s, ",\t", 2, 1) != 1)
                        return -4;
        if (mnstr_write(s, " # table_name\n% ", 16, 1) != 1)
                return -4;
-       for (i = 0; i < t->nr_cols; i++) {
+       for (i = 0; i < t->nr_cols; ) {
                res_col *c = t->cols + i;
                if (strpbrk(c->name, ", \t#\"\\")) {
@@ -1750,40 +1769,40 @@ mvc_export_head(backend *b, stream *s, i
                        if (mnstr_write(s, c->name, strlen(c->name), 1) != 1)
                                return -4;
+               i += next_col(c);
-               i += skip_multiset(c);
-               if (i + 1 < t->nr_cols && mnstr_write(s, ",\t", 2, 1) != 1)
+               if (i < t->nr_cols && mnstr_write(s, ",\t", 2, 1) != 1)
                        return -4;
        if (mnstr_write(s, " # name\n% ", 10, 1) != 1)
                return -4;
-       for (i = 0; i < t->nr_cols; i++) {
+       for (i = 0; i < t->nr_cols; ) {
                res_col *c = t->cols + i;
-               if (c->type.multiset) {
+               if (c->type.multiset || c->type.type->composite) {
                   if (mnstr_write(s, "varchar", 7, 1) != 1)
                                return -4;
                } else if (mnstr_write(s, c->type.type->, 
strlen(c->type.type->, 1) != 1)
                        return -4;
                //if (c->type.multiset && mnstr_write(s, "[]", 2, 1) != 1)
                        //return -4;
-               i += skip_multiset(c);
-               if (i + 1 < t->nr_cols && mnstr_write(s, ",\t", 2, 1) != 1)
+               i += next_col(c);
+               if (i < t->nr_cols && mnstr_write(s, ",\t", 2, 1) != 1)
                        return -4;
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