Changeset: 5b5eed0526cc for MonetDB
Branch: newjson
Log Message:

merge nested

diffs (46 lines):

diff --git a/sql/backends/monet5/sql.c b/sql/backends/monet5/sql.c
--- a/sql/backends/monet5/sql.c
+++ b/sql/backends/monet5/sql.c
@@ -2318,6 +2318,7 @@ DELTAsub(bat *result, const bat *col, co
                        res = nres;
                        ret = BATappend(res, u, cminu, true);
                        cminu = NULL;
@@ -5830,8 +5831,23 @@ SQLfrom_json(Client cntxt, MalBlkPtr mb,
                return msg;
        int mtype = getArgType(mb, pci, pci->retc);
-       if (strcmp(BATatoms[mtype].name, "json") != 0)
-               throw(SQL, "SQLfrom_json", SQLSTATE(HY013) "Incorrect argument 
+       if (isaBatType(mtype)) {
+               if(strcmp(BATatoms[getBatType(mtype)].name, "json") != 0 )
+                       throw(SQL, "SQLfrom_json", SQLSTATE(HY013) "Incorrect 
bat argument type");
+               bat bid = *getArgReference_bat(stk, pci, pci->retc);
+               BAT *b = BATdescriptor(bid);
+               BATiter bi = bat_iterator(b);
+               BUN p, q;
+               BATloop(b, p, q) {
+                       const char *json = (const char *) BUNtail(bi, p);
+                       (void) json;
+               }
+               bat_iterator_end(&bi);
+       } else {
+               if (strcmp(BATatoms[mtype].name, "json") != 0)
+                       throw(SQL, "SQLfrom_json", SQLSTATE(HY013) "Incorrect 
argument type");
+       }
        str json = *(str*)getArgReference(stk, pci, pci->retc);
        sql_subtype *t = *(sql_subtype**)getArgReference(stk, pci, pci->retc+1);
@@ -6866,7 +6882,7 @@ static mel_func sql_init_funcs[] = {
  pattern("sql", "stop_vacuum", SQLstr_stop_vacuum, true, "stop auto vacuum", 
args(0,2, arg("sname",str),arg("tname",str))),
  pattern("sql", "check", SQLcheck, false, "Return sql string of check 
constraint.", args(1,3, arg("sql",str), arg("sname", str), arg("name", str))),
  pattern("sql", "read_dump_rel", SQLread_dump_rel, false, "Reads sql_rel 
string into sql_rel object and then writes it to the return value", args(1,2, 
arg("sql",str), arg("sql_rel", str))),
- pattern("sql", "from_json", SQLfrom_json, false, "Reads json string into 
table of nested/multiset structures", args(1,3, batvarargany("t",0), 
arg("input", json), arg("type", ptr))),
+ pattern("sql", "from_json", SQLfrom_json, false, "Reads json string into 
table of nested/multiset structures", args(1,3, batvarargany("t",0), 
optbatarg("input", json), arg("type", ptr))),
  pattern("sql", "from_varchar", SQLfrom_varchar, false, "Reads string into 
table of nested/multiset structures", args(1,3, batvarargany("t",0), 
arg("input", str), arg("type", ptr))),
  { .imp=NULL }
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