Changeset: 382382a88fc3 for MonetDB
Modified Files:
Branch: newjson
Log Message:

load json file into json column

diffs (truncated from 309 to 300 lines):

diff --git a/sql/backends/monet5/vaults/json/json.c 
--- a/sql/backends/monet5/vaults/json/json.c
+++ b/sql/backends/monet5/vaults/json/json.c
@@ -87,127 +87,65 @@ read_json_file(JSONFileHandle *jfh)
        return content;
-typedef struct jobject {
-       struct jobject *parent;
-       list *fields;
-} jobject;
-static jobject *
-new_jobject(allocator *sa, jobject *parent)
-       jobject *res = SA_NEW(sa, jobject);
-       res->parent = parent;
-       res->fields = sa_list(sa);
-       return res;
 static size_t
-json2subtypes(mvc *sql, JSONterm *t, sql_alias **alias_pptr, list *types, list 
*exps, list *names, jobject **parent_pptr)
+append_terms(allocator *sa, JSON *jt, size_t offset, BAT *b, char **error)
-       sql_subtype *tpe = NULL;
-       sql_exp *ne = NULL;
-       sql_alias *nalias = NULL;
-       const char *cname = NULL;
-       size_t offset = 1;
-       jobject *parent = *parent_pptr;
-       sql_alias *alias = *alias_pptr;
+       JSONterm *t = jt->elm + offset;
+       char *v = NULL;
+       JSONterm *prev = offset > 0 ? (jt->elm + (offset - 1)) : NULL;
+       JSONterm *next = offset < (size_t)jt->free ? jt->elm + (offset + 1): 
        switch(t->kind) {
                case JSON_ARRAY:
-                       tpe = sql_create_subtype(sql->sa, SA_ZNEW(sql->sa, 
sql_type), 0, 0);
-                       tpe->type->composite = true;
-                       tpe->multiset = MS_ARRAY;
-                       cname = alias->name;
-                       // append to parent fields
-                       if (parent && parent->fields) {
-                               sql_arg *field = sql_create_arg(sql->sa, cname, 
tpe, false); // ?inout
-                               list_append(parent->fields, field);
+                       if ( (prev == NULL && next && next->kind > JSON_ARRAY)
+                                       || (prev && prev->kind == JSON_ARRAY) ) 
+                               // array of basic types or array of arrays
+                               v = sa_strndup(sa, t->value, t->valuelen);
+                               size_t depth = 0;
+                               do {
+                                       offset += 1;
+                                       next = offset < (size_t)jt->free ? 
jt->elm + offset : NULL;
+                                       if (next && next->kind <=JSON_ARRAY)
+                                               depth ++;
+                                       if ((depth > 0 && next && (next->kind 
== JSON_VALUE || next->kind == 0))
+                                                       || (depth > 0 && next 
== NULL))
+                                               depth --;
+                               } while((next && next->kind != JSON_VALUE) || 
depth > 0);
+                       } else {
+                               offset += 1;
-                       ne = exp_column(sql->sa, alias, cname, tpe, CARD_MULTI, 
1, 0, 0);
-                       list_append(types, tpe);
-                       list_append(exps , ne);
-                       list_append(names, (char*)cname);
-                       nalias = &ne->alias;
-                       *alias_pptr = nalias;
-                       offset += json2subtypes(sql, t+1, alias_pptr, types, 
exps, names, parent_pptr);
                case JSON_OBJECT:
-                       tpe = sql_create_subtype(sql->sa, SA_ZNEW(sql->sa, 
sql_type), 0, 0);
-                       tpe->type->composite = true;
-                       // new object
-                       jobject *jo = new_jobject(sql->sa, parent);
-                       tpe->type->d.fields = jo->fields;
-                       cname = alias->name;
-                       if (parent) {
-                               sql_arg *field = sql_create_arg(sql->sa, cname, 
tpe, false); // ?inout
-                               list_append(parent->fields, field);
-                       }
-                       ne = exp_column(sql->sa, alias, cname, tpe, CARD_MULTI, 
1, 0, 0);
-                       set_basecol(ne);
-                       ne->alias.label = -(sql->nid++);
-                       list_append(exps, ne);
-                       list_append(types, tpe);
-                       list_append(names, (char*)cname);
-                       nalias = &ne->alias;
-                       *alias_pptr = nalias;
-                       *parent_pptr = jo;
-                       offset += json2subtypes(sql, t+1, alias_pptr, types, 
exps, names, parent_pptr);
+                       v = sa_strndup(sa, t->value, t->valuelen);
+                       size_t depth = 0;
+                       do {
+                               offset += 1;
+                               next = offset < (size_t)jt->free ? jt->elm + 
offset : NULL;
+                               if (next && next->kind <=JSON_ARRAY)
+                                       depth ++;
+                               if ((depth > 0 && next && (next->kind == 
JSON_VALUE || next->kind == 0))
+                                               || (depth > 0 && next == NULL))
+                                       depth --;
+                       } while((next && next->kind != JSON_VALUE) || depth > 
                case JSON_ELEMENT:
-                       cname = sa_strndup(sql->sa, t->value, t->valuelen);
-                       nalias = a_create(sql->sa, cname);
-                       nalias->parent = alias;
-                       *alias_pptr = nalias;
-                       offset += json2subtypes(sql, t+1, alias_pptr, types, 
exps, names, parent_pptr);
-                       break;
                case JSON_STRING:
-                       tpe = sql_bind_localtype("str");
-                       cname = alias->name;
-                       // append to parent fields
-                       if (parent) {
-                               sql_arg *field = sql_create_arg(sql->sa, cname, 
tpe, false); // ?inout
-                               list_append(parent->fields, field);
-                       }
-                       ne = exp_column(sql->sa, alias->parent, cname, tpe, 
CARD_MULTI, 1, 0, 0);
-                       set_basecol(ne);
-                       ne->alias.label = -(sql->nid++);
-                       list_append(exps, ne);
-                       list_append(types, tpe);
-                       list_append(names, (char*)cname);
-                       // adjust one level
-                       *alias_pptr = alias->parent;
-                       offset += json2subtypes(sql, t+1, alias_pptr, types, 
exps, names, parent_pptr);
-                       break;
                case JSON_NUMBER:
-                       tpe = sql_bind_localtype("int");
-                       cname = alias->name;
-                       // append to parent fields
-                       if (parent) {
-                               sql_arg *field = sql_create_arg(sql->sa, cname, 
tpe, false); // ?inout
-                               list_append(parent->fields, field);
-                       }
-                       ne = exp_column(sql->sa, alias->parent, cname, tpe, 
CARD_MULTI, 1, 0, 0);
-                       set_basecol(ne);
-                       ne->alias.label = -(sql->nid++);
-                       list_append(exps, ne);
-                       list_append(types, tpe);
-                       list_append(names, (char*)cname);
-                       // adjust one level
-                       *alias_pptr = alias->parent;
-                       offset += json2subtypes(sql, t+1, alias_pptr, types, 
exps, names, parent_pptr);
+                       // should not happen
+                       assert(0);
                case JSON_VALUE:
-                       // break one level
-                       if (parent)
-                               *parent_pptr = parent->parent;
-                       if (alias)
-                               *alias_pptr = alias->parent;
+                       offset +=1;
-                       // error ?
-                       offset = 0;
+                       *error = createException(SQL, "json.appent_terms", 
"unknown json term");
+       if (v) {
+               if (BUNappend(b, v, false) != GDK_SUCCEED) {
+                       *error = createException(SQL, "json.appent_terms", 
"BUNappend failed!");
+               }
+       }
        return offset;
@@ -215,40 +153,22 @@ json2subtypes(mvc *sql, JSONterm *t, sql
 static str
 json_relation(mvc *sql, sql_subfunc *f, char *filename, list *res_exps, char 
+       (void) filename;
        char *res = MAL_SUCCEED;
+       list *types = sa_list(sql->sa);
+       list *names = sa_list(sql->sa);
+       char *cname = sa_strdup(sql->sa, "json");
+       list_append(names, cname);
+       sql_subtype *tpe = sql_bind_localtype("str");
+       list_append(types, tpe);
+       sql_exp *ne = exp_column(sql->sa, a_create(sql->sa, tname), cname, tpe, 
CARD_MULTI, 1, 0, 0);
+       set_basecol(ne);
+       ne->alias.label = -(sql->nid++);
+       list_append(res_exps, ne);
        f->tname = tname;
-       allocator *sa = sa_create(NULL);
-       JSONFileHandle *jfh = json_open(filename, sa);
-       const char* json_str = NULL;
-       if (jfh) {
-               json_str = read_json_file(jfh);
-               json_close(jfh);
-       }
-       JSON *jt = JSONparse(json_str); // should take allocator
-       if (jt && jt->error == NULL) {
-               list *types = sa_list(sql->sa);
-               list *names = sa_list(sql->sa);
-               size_t offset = 0;
-               sql_alias *alias = a_create(sql->sa, tname);
-               jobject *jo = NULL;
-               do {
-                       size_t prev_offset = offset;
-                       offset += json2subtypes(sql, jt->elm + offset, &alias, 
types, res_exps, names, &jo);
-                       if (offset == prev_offset) {
-                               res = createException(SQL, SQLSTATE(42000), 
"json" "json2subtypes failure for %s", filename);
-                               break;
-                       }
-               } while(offset < (size_t)jt->free);
-               JSONfree(jt);
-               if (res == MAL_SUCCEED) {
-                       f->res = types;
-                       f->coltypes = types;
-                       f->colnames = names;
-               }
-       } else {
-               res = jt ? jt->error : createException(SQL, SQLSTATE(42000), 
"json" "Failure parsing %s", filename);
-       }
-       sa_destroy(sa);
+       f->res = types;
+       f->coltypes = types;
+       f->colnames = names;
        return res;
@@ -256,18 +176,23 @@ json_relation(mvc *sql, sql_subfunc *f, 
 static void *
 json_load(void *BE, sql_subfunc *f, char *filename, sql_exp *topn)
-       (void) f;
-       (void) topn;
+       (void) topn; // TODO include topn
        backend *be = BE;
+       allocator *sa = be->mvc->sa;
+       sql_subtype *tpe = f->res->h->data;
+       const char *tname = f->tname;
+       const char *cname = f->colnames->h->data;
        stmt *s = stmt_none(be);
        InstrPtr q = newStmt(be->mb, "json", "read_json");
        q = pushStr(be->mb, q, filename);
        pushInstruction(be->mb, q);
        s->nr = getDestVar(q);
-       //s->nrcols = 1;
        s->q = q;
-       //s->op4.typeval = *st;
-       //s = stmt_alias(be, s, i+1, "bla", column_name);
+       s->nrcols = 1;
+       s->op4.typeval = *tpe;
+       // is alias essential here?
+       s = stmt_alias(be, s, 1, a_create(sa, tname), cname);
        return s;
@@ -297,13 +222,40 @@ JSONread_json(Client cntxt, MalBlkPtr mb
        allocator *sa = sa_create(NULL);
        JSONFileHandle *jfh = json_open(fname, sa);
        const char* json_str = NULL;
+       JSON *jt = NULL;
+       BAT *b = NULL;
        if (jfh) {
                json_str = read_json_file(jfh);
-       JSON *jt = JSONparse(json_str);
-       // TODO do something
-       JSONfree(jt);
+       if (json_str)
+               jt = JSONparse(json_str);
+       if (jt) {
+               if (jt->error == NULL) {
+                       b = COLnew(0, TYPE_str, 0, TRANSIENT);
+                       size_t offset = 0;
+                       char *error = NULL;
+                       // append terms
+                       do {
+                               offset = append_terms(sa, jt, offset, b, 
+                               if (error) {
+                                       msg = error;
+                                       break;
+                               }
+                       } while(offset < (size_t)jt->free);
+                       if (msg == MAL_SUCCEED) {
+                               bat *res = getArgReference_bat(stk, pci, 0);
+                               *res = b->batCacheid;
+                               BBPkeepref(b);
+                       } else
+                               BBPreclaim(b);
+               } else {
+                       msg = jt->error;
+               }
+               JSONfree(jt);
+       } else {
+               msg = createException(SQL, "json.read_json", "JSONparse error");
+       }
        return msg;
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