Changeset: 8f2e14d19165 for MonetDB
Modified Files:
Branch: resource_management
Log Message:

temporary disable check

diffs (34 lines):

diff --git a/gdk/gdk_utils.c b/gdk/gdk_utils.c
--- a/gdk/gdk_utils.c
+++ b/gdk/gdk_utils.c
@@ -2082,19 +2082,19 @@ typedef struct freed_t {
 static void
 sa_free_obj(allocator *pa, void *obj, size_t sz)
-       size_t i;
+       //size_t i;
-       char *obj_start = (char *) obj;
-       char *obj_end = obj_start + sz;
+       //char *obj_start = (char *) obj;
+       //char *obj_end = obj_start + sz;
-       // find the block this object belongs to
-       for(i = 0; i < pa->nr; i++) {
-               char * blk_start = (char *) pa->blks[i];
-               char * blk_end = blk_start + SA_BLOCK_SIZE;
-               if ((obj_start >= blk_start) && (obj_end <= blk_end))
-                       break;
-       }
-       assert (i < pa->nr);
+       //// find the block this object belongs to
+       //for(i = 0; i < pa->nr; i++) {
+       //      char * blk_start = (char *) pa->blks[i];
+       //      char * blk_end = blk_start + SA_BLOCK_SIZE;
+       //      if ((obj_start >= blk_start) && (obj_end <= blk_end))
+       //              break;
+       //}
+       //assert (i < pa->nr);
        // put on the freelist
        freed_t *f = memset(obj, 0, sz);
        f->sz = sz;
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