Changeset: 40a8fd54244b for MonetDB
Modified Files:
Branch: clean_parser
Log Message:

some small improvements

diffs (77 lines):

diff --git a/sql/server/sqlparse.c b/sql/server/sqlparse.c
--- a/sql/server/sqlparse.c
+++ b/sql/server/sqlparse.c
@@ -234,12 +234,48 @@ symbol_escape_ident(allocator *sa, const
 static char *
+sa_concat(allocator *sa, char *prefix, char *a, char *infix, char *b, char 
+       int len = (prefix?strlen(prefix):0) + (a?strlen(a):0) + 
(infix?strlen(infix):0) + (b?strlen(b):0) + (postfix?strlen(postfix):0);
+       char *res = NULL;
+       if (!prefix)
+               prefix = "";
+       if (!a)
+               a = "";
+       if (!postfix)
+               postfix = "";
+       if (!infix)
+               infix = "";
+       if ((res = SA_NEW_ARRAY(sa, char, len + 1)))
+               stpcpy(stpcpy(stpcpy(stpcpy(stpcpy(res, prefix), a), infix), 
b), postfix);
+       return res;
+static char *
 sp_symbol2string(mvc *sql, symbol *se, int expression, char **err)
        if (!se)
                return "EMPTY SYMBOL";
        /* inner sp_symbol2string uses the temporary allocator */
        switch (se->token) {
+       case SQL_SELECT: {
+               SelectNode *s = (SelectNode*)se;
+               char *res = s->distinct?"SELECT DISTINCT (\n":"SELECT (\n";
+               if (s->from)
+                       res = sa_concat(sql->ta, " ", res, NULL, 
sp_symbol2string(sql, s->from, expression, err), "\n");
+               if (s->where)
+                       res = sa_concat(sql->ta, " ", res, "WHERE ", 
sp_symbol2string(sql, s->where, expression, err), "\n");
+               if (s->groupby)
+                       res = sa_concat(sql->ta, " ", res, NULL, 
sp_symbol2string(sql, s->groupby, expression, err), "\n");
+               if (s->having)
+                       res = sa_concat(sql->ta, " ", res, "HAVING ", 
sp_symbol2string(sql, s->having, expression, err), "\n");
+               if (s->orderby)
+                       res = sa_concat(sql->ta, " ", res, NULL, 
sp_symbol2string(sql, s->orderby, expression, err), "\n");
+               if (s->selection)
+                       res = sa_concat(sql->ta, " ", res, "SELECTION ", 
dlist2string(sql, s->selection, ", ", expression, err), "\n");
+               return res;
+       }
        case SQL_NOP: {
                dnode *lst = se->data.lval->h, *ops = NULL, *aux;
                const char *op = symbol_escape_ident(sql->ta, 
@@ -384,6 +420,24 @@ sp_symbol2string(mvc *sql, symbol *se, i
                        } else
                                return tok_str;
                        return res;
+               } else if (se->type == type_int) {
+                       char *tok_str = token2string(se->token), *res = NULL;
+                       char buf[10];
+                       snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d", se->data.i_val);
+                       if ((res = SA_NEW_ARRAY(sql->ta, char, strlen(tok_str) 
+ strlen(buf) + 2))) {
+                               stpcpy(stpcpy(stpcpy(res, tok_str), " "), buf);
+                       }
+                       return res;
+               } else if (se->type == type_lng) {
+                       char *tok_str = token2string(se->token), *res = NULL;
+                       char buf[10];
+                       snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), LLFMT, se->data.l_val);
+                       if ((res = SA_NEW_ARRAY(sql->ta, char, strlen(tok_str) 
+ strlen(buf) + 2))) {
+                               stpcpy(stpcpy(stpcpy(res, tok_str), " "), buf);
+                       }
+                       return res;
                } else {
                        const char msg[] = "SQL feature not yet available for 
expressions and default values: ";
                        char *tok_str = token2string(se->token);
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