Changeset: ee4e65a72a95 for MonetDB
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Branch: resource_management
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merge with default

diffs (167 lines):

diff --git a/gdk/gdk_batop.c b/gdk/gdk_batop.c
--- a/gdk/gdk_batop.c
+++ b/gdk/gdk_batop.c
@@ -2284,16 +2284,11 @@ do_sort(void *restrict h, void *restrict
                if (nilslast == reverse && (stable || n > 100))
                        return GDKrsort(h, t, n, hs, ts, reverse, false);
-       /* only use radix sort for UUID on big-endian architectures since
-        * the bytes need to be sorted in the opposite order from
-        * little-endian */
        case TYPE_uuid:
                assert(base == NULL);
                if (nilslast == reverse && (stable || n > 100))
                        return GDKrsort(h, t, n, hs, ts, reverse, true);
diff --git a/gdk/gdk_private.h b/gdk/gdk_private.h
--- a/gdk/gdk_private.h
+++ b/gdk/gdk_private.h
@@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ gdk_return GDKremovedir(int farmid, cons
 gdk_return GDKsave(int farmid, const char *nme, const char *ext, void *buf, 
size_t size, storage_t mode, bool dosync)
-gdk_return GDKrsort(void *restrict h, void *restrict t, size_t n, size_t hs, 
size_t ts, bool reverse, bool nosign)
+gdk_return GDKrsort(void *restrict h, void *restrict t, size_t n, size_t hs, 
size_t ts, bool reverse, bool isuuid)
 gdk_return GDKssort_rev(void *restrict h, void *restrict t, const void 
*restrict base, size_t n, int hs, int ts, int tpe)
diff --git a/gdk/gdk_rsort.c b/gdk/gdk_rsort.c
--- a/gdk/gdk_rsort.c
+++ b/gdk/gdk_rsort.c
@@ -18,10 +18,9 @@
 #define NBUCKETS (1 << RADIX)
-GDKrsort(void *restrict h, void *restrict t, size_t n, size_t hs, size_t ts, 
bool reverse, bool nosign)
+GDKrsort(void *restrict h, void *restrict t, size_t n, size_t hs, size_t ts, 
bool reverse, bool isuuid)
-       const size_t niters = (8 * hs + RADIX - 1) / RADIX;
-       size_t *counts = GDKmalloc(niters * NBUCKETS * sizeof(size_t));
+       size_t *counts = GDKmalloc(hs * NBUCKETS * sizeof(size_t));
        size_t pos[NBUCKETS];
        uint8_t *h1 = h;
        uint8_t *h2;
@@ -58,25 +57,32 @@ GDKrsort(void *restrict h, void *restric
                ts = 0;
-       memset(counts, 0, niters * NBUCKETS * sizeof(size_t));
-       for (size_t i = 0, o = 0; i < n; i++, o += hs) {
-               for (size_t j = 0; j < niters; j++) {
-                       uint8_t v = h1[o + hs - j - 1];
-                       uint8_t v = h1[o + j];
+       memset(counts, 0, hs * NBUCKETS * sizeof(size_t));
+       if (isuuid /* UUID, treat like big-endian */)
-                       counts[(j << RADIX) + v]++;
+               for (size_t i = 0, o = 0; i < n; i++, o += hs) {
+                       for (size_t j = 0, k = hs - 1; j < hs; j++, k--) {
+                               uint8_t v = h1[o + k];
+                               counts[(j << RADIX) + v]++;
+                       }
-       }
+       else
+               for (size_t i = 0, o = 0; i < n; i++, o += hs) {
+                       for (size_t j = 0; j < hs; j++) {
+                               uint8_t v = h1[o + j];
+                               counts[(j << RADIX) + v]++;
+                       }
+               }
        /* When sorting in ascending order, the negative numbers occupy
         * the second half of the buckets in the last iteration; when
         * sorting in descending order, the negative numbers occupy the
         * first half.  In either case, at the end we need to put the
         * second half first and the first half after. */
        size_t negpos = 0;
-       for (size_t j = 0, b = 0; j < niters; j++, b += NBUCKETS) {
+       for (size_t j = 0, b = 0, k = hs - 1; j < hs; j++, b += NBUCKETS, k--) {
                size_t nb = counts[b] > 0;
                if (reverse) {
                        pos[NBUCKETS - 1] = 0;
@@ -100,16 +106,24 @@ GDKrsort(void *restrict h, void *restric
                /* note, this loop changes the pos array */
-               for (size_t i = 0, ho = 0, to = 0; i < n; i++, ho += hs, to += 
ts) {
-                       uint8_t v = h1[ho + hs - j - 1];
-                       uint8_t v = h1[ho + j];
+               if (isuuid /* UUID, treat like big-endian */)
-                       if (t)
-                               memcpy(t2 + ts * pos[v], t1 + to, ts);
-                       memcpy(h2 + hs * pos[v]++, h1 + ho, hs);
-               }
+                       for (size_t i = 0, ho = 0, to = 0; i < n; i++, ho += 
hs, to += ts) {
+                               uint8_t v = h1[ho + k];
+                               if (t)
+                                       memcpy(t2 + ts * pos[v], t1 + to, ts);
+                               memcpy(h2 + hs * pos[v]++, h1 + ho, hs);
+                       }
+               else
+                       for (size_t i = 0, ho = 0, to = 0; i < n; i++, ho += 
hs, to += ts) {
+                               uint8_t v = h1[ho + j];
+                               if (t)
+                                       memcpy(t2 + ts * pos[v], t1 + to, ts);
+                               memcpy(h2 + hs * pos[v]++, h1 + ho, hs);
+                       }
                uint8_t *t = h1;
                h1 = h2;
                h2 = t;
@@ -120,7 +134,9 @@ GDKrsort(void *restrict h, void *restric
        if (h1 != (uint8_t *) h) {
-               if (nosign) {
+               /* we need to copy the data back to the correct heap */
+               if (isuuid) {
+                       /* no negative values in uuid, so no shuffling */
                        memcpy(h2, h1, n * hs);
                        if (t)
                                memcpy(t2, t1, n * ts);
@@ -137,21 +153,16 @@ GDKrsort(void *restrict h, void *restric
                                        memcpy(t2 + ts * (n - negpos), t1, 
negpos * ts);
-       } else if (negpos != 0 && negpos != n && !nosign) {
+       } else if (negpos > 0 && negpos < n && !isuuid) {
                /* copy the negative integers to the start, copy positive after 
-               if (negpos < n) {
-                       memcpy(h2, h1 + hs * negpos, (n - negpos) * hs);
-                       if (t)
-                               memcpy(t2, t1 + ts * negpos, (n - negpos) * ts);
+               memcpy(h2, h1 + hs * negpos, (n - negpos) * hs);
+               memcpy(h2 + hs * (n - negpos), h1, negpos * hs);
+               memcpy(h, h2, n * hs);
+               if (t) {
+                       memcpy(t2, t1 + ts * negpos, (n - negpos) * ts);
+                       memcpy(t2 + ts * (n - negpos), t1, negpos * ts);
+                       memcpy(t, t2, n * ts);
-               if (negpos > 0) {
-                       memcpy(h2 + hs * (n - negpos), h1, negpos * hs);
-                       if (t)
-                               memcpy(t2 + ts * (n - negpos), t1, negpos * ts);
-               }
-               memcpy(h, h2, n * hs);
-               if (t)
-                       memcpy(t, t2, n * ts);
        } /* else, everything is already in the correct place */
        HEAPfree(&tmph, true);
        if (t)
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