Changeset: ee78bb8310b5 for MonetDB
Modified Files:
Branch: Aug2024
Log Message:

Small clarification.

diffs (41 lines):

diff --git a/clients/mapiclient/msqldump.1 b/clients/mapiclient/msqldump.1
--- a/clients/mapiclient/msqldump.1
+++ b/clients/mapiclient/msqldump.1
@@ -90,13 +90,15 @@ When dumping the table data, use INSERT 
 COPY INTO + CSV values.
 INSERT INTO statements are more portable, and necessary when the
 load of the dump is processed by e.g. a JDBC application.
+When the dump is to be used to feed back into MonetDB, COPY
+INTO is preferred since that is processed more efficiently.
 \fB\-\-noescape\fP (\fB\-e\fP)
 When dumping the table data, use the NO ESCAPE option on the COPY INTO
 \fB\-\-functions\fP (\fB\-f\fP)
-Only dump functions definitions.
+Only dump function definitions.
 \fB\-\-table=[\fIschema\fP\fB.\fP]\fItable\fP (\fB\-t\fP 
 Only dump the specified table.
diff --git a/documentation/source/manual_pages/msqldump.rst 
--- a/documentation/source/manual_pages/msqldump.rst
+++ b/documentation/source/manual_pages/msqldump.rst
@@ -64,14 +64,15 @@ OPTIONS
    When dumping the table data, use INSERT INTO statements, rather than
    COPY INTO + CSV values. INSERT INTO statements are more portable, and
    necessary when the load of the dump is processed by e.g. a JDBC
-   application.
+   application. When the dump is to be used to feed back into MonetDB,
+   COPY INTO is preferred since that is processed more efficiently.
 **--noescape** (**-e**)
    When dumping the table data, use the NO ESCAPE option on the COPY
    INTO query.
 **--functions** (**-f**)
-   Only dump functions definitions.
+   Only dump function definitions.
 **--table=**\ [\ *schema*\ **.**\ ]\ *table* (**-t** [\ *schema*\ **.**]\ 
*table*\ )
    Only dump the specified table. If *schema* is not specified, the
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