Changeset: 2ec67179aa32 for monetdb-java
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Branch: default
Log Message:

correct some Parameter descriptions

diffs (19 lines):

diff --git a/src/main/java/org/monetdb/mcl/net/ 
--- a/src/main/java/org/monetdb/mcl/net/
+++ b/src/main/java/org/monetdb/mcl/net/
@@ -43,12 +43,12 @@ public enum Parameter {
        DEBUG("debug", ParameterType.Bool, false, "enable tracing of socket 
communication for debugging", false),
        LOGFILE("logfile", ParameterType.Str, "", "when debug is enabled its 
output will be written to this logfile", false),
        SO_TIMEOUT("so_timeout", ParameterType.Int, 0, "abort if network I/O 
does not complete in this many milliseconds, 0 means no timeout", false),
-       CLOB_AS_VARCHAR("treat_clob_as_varchar", ParameterType.Bool, true, 
"return CLOB/TEXT data as type VARCHAR instead of type CLOB", false),
-       BLOB_AS_BINARY("treat_blob_as_binary", ParameterType.Bool, true, 
"return BLOB data as type BINARY instead of type BLOB", false),
+       CLOB_AS_VARCHAR("treat_clob_as_varchar", ParameterType.Bool, true, "map 
CLOB/TEXT data to type VARCHAR instead of type CLOB", false),
+       BLOB_AS_BINARY("treat_blob_as_binary", ParameterType.Bool, true, "map 
BLOB data to type BINARY instead of type BLOB", false),
        CLIENT_INFO("client_info", ParameterType.Bool, true, "whether to send 
ClientInfo when connecting", false),
        CLIENT_APPLICATION("client_application", ParameterType.Str, "", 
"application name to send in ClientInfo", false),
-       CLIENT_REMARK("client_remark", ParameterType.Str, "", "application name 
to send in ClientInfo", false),
+       CLIENT_REMARK("client_remark", ParameterType.Str, "", "any client 
remark to send in ClientInfo", false),
        public final String name;
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