Changeset: 0a8d1af0c436 for MonetDB
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Branch: default
Log Message:
place upgrade code in proper scope

diffs (163 lines):

diff --git a/sql/backends/monet5/sql_upgrades.c 
--- a/sql/backends/monet5/sql_upgrades.c
+++ b/sql/backends/monet5/sql_upgrades.c
@@ -6645,19 +6645,13 @@ sql_update_dec2023_sp4(Client c, mvc *sq
 static str
 sql_update_default(Client c, mvc *sql, sql_schema *s)
-       allocator *old_sa = sql->sa;
        char *err;
        res_table *output;
        BAT *b;
-       if ((sql->sa = sa_create(sql->pa)) == NULL) {
-               sql->sa = old_sa;
-               return "sa_create failed";
-       }
        err = SQLstatementIntern(c, "SELECT id FROM sys.functions WHERE 
schema_id = 2000 AND name = 'describe_type' AND func LIKE '%sql_datatype%';\n", 
"update", true, false, &output);
        if (err)
-               goto end;
+               return err;
        b = BATdescriptor(output->cols[0].b);
        if (b) {
                if (BATcount(b) == 0) {
@@ -7070,114 +7064,34 @@ sql_update_default(Client c, mvc *sql, s
                        printf("Running database upgrade commands:\n%s\n", 
                        err = SQLstatementIntern(c, query, "update", true, 
false, NULL);
+                       list *l;
+                       if ((l = sa_list(sql->sa)) != NULL) {
+                               sql_subtype tp1, tp2;
+                               sql_find_subtype(&tp1, "date", 0, 0);
+                               list_append(l, &tp1);
+                               list_append(l, &tp1);
+                               sql_find_subtype(&tp2, "day_interval", 0, 0);
+                               list_append(l, &tp2);
+                               if (!sql_bind_func_(sql, s->, 
"generate_series", l, F_UNION, true, true)) {
+                                       const char query[] = "create function 
sys.generate_series(first date, \"limit\" date, stepsize interval month)\n"
+                                               "returns table (value date)\n"
+                                               "external name 
+                                               "create function 
sys.generate_series(first date, \"limit\" date, stepsize interval day)\n"
+                                               "returns table (value date)\n"
+                                               "external name 
+                                               "update sys.functions set 
system = true where system <> true and name = 'generate_series' and schema_id = 
+                                       sql->session->status = 0;
+                                       sql->errstr[0] = '\0';
+                                       printf("Running database upgrade 
commands:\n%s\n", query);
+                                       fflush(stdout);
+                                       err = SQLstatementIntern(c, query, 
"update", true, false, NULL);
+                               }
+                       }
-       list *l;
-       if ((l = sa_list(sql->sa)) != NULL) {
-               sql_subtype tp1, tp2;
-               sql_find_subtype(&tp1, "date", 0, 0);
-               list_append(l, &tp1);
-               list_append(l, &tp1);
-               sql_find_subtype(&tp2, "day_interval", 0, 0);
-               list_append(l, &tp2);
-               if (!sql_bind_func_(sql, s->, "generate_series", l, 
F_UNION, true, true)) {
-                       const char query[] = "create function 
sys.generate_series(first date, \"limit\" date, stepsize interval month)\n"
-                               "returns table (value date)\n"
-                               "external name generator.series;\n"
-                               "create function sys.generate_series(first 
date, \"limit\" date, stepsize interval day)\n"
-                               "returns table (value date)\n"
-                               "external name generator.series;\n"
-                               "update sys.functions set system = true where 
system <> true and name = 'generate_series' and schema_id = 2000;\n";
-                       sql->session->status = 0;
-                       sql->errstr[0] = '\0';
-                       printf("Running database upgrade commands:\n%s\n", 
-                       fflush(stdout);
-                       err = SQLstatementIntern(c, query, "update", true, 
false, NULL);
-               }
-       }
-       if (err)
-               goto end;
-       const char *query = "select id from args where func_id = (select id 
from functions where schema_id = 2000 and name = 'sessions');\n";
-       err = SQLstatementIntern(c, query, "update", true, false, &output);
-       if (err)
-               goto end;
-       b = BATdescriptor(output->cols[0].b);
-       if (b && BATcount(b) < 15) {
-               query =
-                       "drop view sys.sessions;\n"
-                       "drop function sys.sessions();\n"
-                       "create function sys.sessions()\n"
-                       " returns table(\n"
-                       "  \"sessionid\" int,\n"
-                       "  \"username\" string,\n"
-                       "  \"login\" timestamp,\n"
-                       "  \"idle\" timestamp,\n"
-                       "  \"optimizer\" string,\n"
-                       "  \"sessiontimeout\" int,\n"
-                       "  \"querytimeout\" int,\n"
-                       "  \"workerlimit\" int,\n"
-                       "  \"memorylimit\" int,\n"
-                       "  \"language\" string,\n"
-                       "  \"peer\" string,\n"
-                       "  \"hostname\" string,\n"
-                       "  \"application\" string,\n"
-                       "  \"client\" string,\n"
-                       "  \"clientpid\" bigint,\n"
-                       "  \"remark\" string\n"
-                       " )\n"
-                       " external name sql.sessions;\n"
-                       "create view sys.sessions as select * from 
-                       "create procedure sys.setclientinfo(property string, 
value string)\n"
-                       " external name clients.setinfo;\n"
-                       "grant execute on procedure sys.setclientinfo(string, 
string) to public;\n"
-                       "create table sys.clientinfo_properties(prop string);\n"
-                       "insert into sys.clientinfo_properties values\n"
-                       " ('ClientHostname'),\n"
-                       " ('ApplicationName'),\n"
-                       " ('ClientLibrary'),\n"
-                       " ('ClientRemark'),\n"
-                       " ('ClientPid');\n"
-                       "update sys.functions set system = true where schema_id 
= 2000 and name in ('setclientinfo', 'sessions');\n"
-                       "update sys._tables set system = true where schema_id = 
2000 and name in ('clientinfo_properties', 'sessions');\n";
-                       ;
-               sql_schema *sys = mvc_bind_schema(sql, "sys");
-               sql_table *t = mvc_bind_table(sql, sys, "sessions");
-               t->system = 0; /* make it non-system else the drop view will 
fail */
-               printf("Running database upgrade commands:\n%s\n", query);
-               fflush(stdout);
-               err = SQLstatementIntern(c, query, "update", true, false, NULL);
-       }
-       if (b)
-               BBPunfix(b->batCacheid);
-       res_table_destroy(output);
-       sa_destroy(sql->sa);
-       sql->sa = old_sa;
-       if (err)
-               return err;
-       sql_table *t;
-       if ((t = mvc_bind_table(sql, s, "key_types")) != NULL)
-               t->system = 0;
-       err = SQLstatementIntern(c,
-               "DROP TABLE sys.key_types;\n"
-               "CREATE TABLE sys.key_types (\n"
-               "       key_type_id   SMALLINT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,\n"
-               "       key_type_name VARCHAR(35) NOT NULL UNIQUE);\n"
-               "INSERT INTO sys.key_types VALUES\n"
-               "(0, 'Primary Key'),\n"
-               "(1, 'Unique Key'),\n"
-               "(2, 'Foreign Key'),\n"
-               "(3, 'Unique Key With Nulls Not Distinct'),\n"
-               "(4, 'Check Constraint');\n"
-               "ALTER TABLE sys.key_types SET READ ONLY;\n"
-               "GRANT SELECT ON sys.key_types TO PUBLIC;\n"
-               "UPDATE sys._tables SET system = true WHERE schema_id = 2000 
AND name = 'key_types';\n"
-               , "update", true, false, NULL);
        return err;
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