Changeset: ca8ad1e3b92a for MonetDB
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Branch: clientinfo
Log Message:

Unwrap mel signature lines

diffs (40 lines):

diff --git a/sql/backends/monet5/sql.c b/sql/backends/monet5/sql.c
--- a/sql/backends/monet5/sql.c
+++ b/sql/backends/monet5/sql.c
@@ -5330,33 +5330,9 @@ static mel_func sql_init_funcs[] = {
  pattern("sql", "argRecord", SQLargRecord, false, "Glue together the calling 
sequence", args(1,1, arg("",str))),
  pattern("sql", "argRecord", SQLargRecord, false, "Glue together the calling 
sequence", args(1,2, arg("",str),varargany("a",0))),
  pattern("sql", "sql_variables", sql_variables, false, "return the table with 
session variables", args(4,4, 
- pattern("sql", "sessions", sql_sessions_wrap, false, "SQL export table of 
active sessions, their timeouts and idle status",
-   args(16,16,
-     batarg("id",int),batarg("user",str),batarg("start",timestamp),
-        batarg("idle",timestamp),batarg("optmizer",str),batarg("stimeout",int),
-        batarg("qtimeout",int),batarg("wlimit",int),batarg("mlimit",int),
-               batarg("language", str),
-               batarg("peer", str),
-               batarg("hostname", str),
-               batarg("application", str),
-               batarg("client", str),
-               batarg("clientpid", lng),
-               batarg("remark", str),
-  )
- ),
-pattern("sql", "password", SQLuser_password, false, "Return password hash of 
user", args(1,2, arg("",str),arg("user",str))),
-pattern("sql", "decypher", SQLdecypher, false, "Return decyphered password", 
args(1,2, arg("",str),arg("hash",str))),
+ pattern("sql", "sessions", sql_sessions_wrap, false, "SQL export table of 
active sessions, their timeouts and idle 
 str),batarg("peer", str),batarg("hostname", str),batarg("application", 
str),batarg("client", str),batarg("clientpid", lng),batarg("remark", str),)),
+ pattern("sql", "password", SQLuser_password, false, "Return password hash of 
user", args(1,2, arg("",str),arg("user",str))),
+ pattern("sql", "decypher", SQLdecypher, false, "Return decyphered password", 
args(1,2, arg("",str),arg("hash",str))),
  pattern("sql", "dump_cache", dump_cache, false, "dump the content of the 
query cache", args(2,2, batarg("query",str),batarg("count",int))),
  pattern("sql", "dump_opt_stats", dump_opt_stats, false, "dump the optimizer 
rewrite statistics", args(2,2, batarg("rewrite",str),batarg("count",int))),
  pattern("sql", "dump_trace", dump_trace, false, "dump the trace statistics", 
args(3,3, batarg("ticks",lng),batarg("stmt",str),batarg("stmt",str))),
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