Changeset: 1407c0aa2015 for MonetDB
Modified Files:
Branch: balanced_union
Log Message:

Implements push_join_down_munion optimizer WIP

diffs (116 lines):

diff --git a/sql/server/rel_optimize_proj.c b/sql/server/rel_optimize_proj.c
--- a/sql/server/rel_optimize_proj.c
+++ b/sql/server/rel_optimize_proj.c
@@ -3524,7 +3524,8 @@ rel_push_join_down_union(visitor *v, sql
                        nl = rel_project(v->sql->sa, nl, 
rel_projections(v->sql, nl, NULL, 1, 1));
                        nr = rel_project(v->sql->sa, nr, 
rel_projections(v->sql, nr, NULL, 1, 1));
-                       return rel_inplace_setop(v->sql, rel, nl, nr, op_union, 
rel_projections(v->sql, rel, NULL, 1, 1));
+                       return rel_inplace_setop(v->sql, rel, nl, nr, op_union,
+                                       rel_projections(v->sql, rel, NULL, 1, 
                } else if (is_union(l->op) && !need_distinct(l) && 
!is_single(l) &&
                           is_union(r->op) && !need_distinct(r) && 
!is_single(r) && je) {
                        sql_rel *nl, *nr;
@@ -3684,6 +3685,102 @@ rel_push_join_down_union(visitor *v, sql
        return rel;
+ * Push (semi)joins down unions, this is basically for merge tables, where
+ * we know that the fk-indices are split over two clustered merge tables.
+ */
+static inline sql_rel *
+rel_push_join_down_munion(visitor *v, sql_rel *rel)
+       if ((is_join(rel->op) && !is_outerjoin(rel->op) && !is_single(rel)) || 
is_semi(rel->op)) {
+               sql_rel *l = rel->l, *r = rel->r, *ol = l, *or = r;
+               list *exps = rel->exps, *attr = rel->attr;
+               sql_exp *je = NULL;
+               /* we would like to optimize in place reference rels which point
+                * to replica tables and let the replica optimizer handle those
+                * later. otherwise we miss the push join down optimization due
+                * to the rel_is_ref bailout
+                */
+               if (rel_is_ref(l) && is_basetable(l->op) && l->l && 
isReplicaTable((sql_table*)l->l)) {
+                       rel->l = rel_copy(v->sql, l, true);
+                       rel_destroy(l);
+               }
+               if (rel_is_ref(r) && is_basetable(r->op) && r->l && 
isReplicaTable((sql_table*)r->l)) {
+                       rel->r = rel_copy(v->sql, r, true);
+                       rel_destroy(r);
+               }
+               // TODO: do we need to check if it's l/r are refs?
+               if (!l || !r || need_distinct(l) || need_distinct(r) || 
rel_is_ref(l) || rel_is_ref(r))
+                       return rel;
+               if (l->op == op_project)
+                       l = l->l;
+               if (r->op == op_project)
+                       r = r->l;
+               /* both sides only if we have a join index ASSUMING pkey-fkey 
are aligned */
+               // TODO: we could also check if the join cols are (not) unique
+               bool aligned_pk_fk = true;
+               if (!l || !r || (is_munion(l->op) && is_munion(r->op) &&
+                       !(je = rel_is_join_on_pkey(rel, aligned_pk_fk))))
+                       return rel;
+               // TODO: why? bailout for no semijoin without pkey joins
+               if (is_semi(rel->op) && is_munion(l->op) && !je)
+                       return rel;
+               if (is_munion(l->op) && !need_distinct(l) && !is_single(l) &&
+                  !is_munion(r->op)){
+                       /* join(munion(a,b,c), d) -> munion(join(a,d), 
join(b,d), join(c,d)) */
+                       for (node *n = ((list*)l->l)->h; n; n = n->next) {
+                               sql_rel *pc = rel_dup(n->data);
+                               if (!is_project(pc->op))
+                                       pc = rel_project(v->sql->sa, pc, 
rel_projections(v->sql, pc, NULL, 1, 1));
+                               rel_rename_exps(v->sql, l->exps, pc->exps);
+                               if (l != ol) {
+                                       pc = rel_project(v->sql->sa, pc, NULL);
+                                       pc->exps = exps_copy(v->sql, ol->exps);
+                                       set_processed(pc);
+                               }
+                               pc = rel_crossproduct(v->sql->sa, pc, 
rel_dup(or), rel->op);
+                               pc->exps = exps_copy(v->sql, exps);
+                               pc->attr = exps_copy(v->sql, attr);
+                               set_processed(pc);
+                               pc = rel_project(v->sql->sa, pc, 
rel_projections(v->sql, pc, NULL, 1, 1));
+                               n->data = pc;
+                       }
+                       v->changes++;
+                       return rel_inplace_setop_n_ary(v->sql, rel, l->l, 
rel_projections(v->sql, rel, NULL, 1, 1));
+               } else if (is_munion(l->op) && !need_distinct(l) && 
!is_single(l) &&
+                              is_munion(r->op) && !need_distinct(r) && 
!is_single(r) &&
+                              je) {
+                       /* join(munion(a,b,c), union(d,e,f)) -> 
munion(join(a,d), join(b,e), join(c,f)) */
+                       // TODO
+               } else if (!is_munion(l->op) &&
+                               is_munion(r->op) && !need_distinct(r) && 
!is_single(r) &&
+                              !is_semi(rel->op)) {
+                       /* join(a, munion(b,c,d)) -> munion(join(a,b), 
join(a,c), join(a,d)) */
+                       // TODO
+               } else if (!is_munion(l->op) &&
+                               is_munion(r->op) && !need_distinct(r) && 
!is_single(r) &&
+                               is_semi(rel->op) && je) {
+                       /* {semi}join ( A1, munion (B, A2, C)) [A1.partkey = 
A2.partkey] ->
+                        * {semi}join ( A1, A2 )
+                        * (ie a single part on n-th munion operand)
+                        *
+                        * How to detect that a relation isn't matching?
+                        *              partitioning is currently done only on 
+                        *              ie only matching per part if join is on 
pkey/fkey (parts)
+                        *              and part numbers should match.
+                        * */
+                       // TODO
+               }
+       }
+       return rel;
 static sql_rel *
 rel_optimize_unions_topdown_(visitor *v, sql_rel *rel)
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