Changeset: 547c5e34780d for MonetDB
Modified Files:
Branch: balanced_union
Log Message:

Fixes expected plan in test Bug-7140

diffs (33 lines):

diff --git a/sql/test/BugTracker-2021/Tests/plan-not-optimal-view.Bug-7140.test 
--- a/sql/test/BugTracker-2021/Tests/plan-not-optimal-view.Bug-7140.test
+++ b/sql/test/BugTracker-2021/Tests/plan-not-optimal-view.Bug-7140.test
@@ -121,17 +121,21 @@ project (
 | | | munion (
 | | | | group by (
 | | | | | project (
-| | | | | | select (
-| | | | | | | table("sys"."plantest0") [ "plantest0"."id" ]
-| | | | | | ) [ ("plantest0"."id") >= (bigint(28) "150000000") ]
-| | | | | ) [ "sys"."sql_div"("plantest0"."id" NOT NULL, int(24) "10000000") 
NOT NULL as "t"."id_r" ]
+| | | | | | project (
+| | | | | | | select (
+| | | | | | | | table("sys"."plantest0") [ "plantest0"."id" ]
+| | | | | | | ) [ ("plantest0"."id") >= (bigint(28) "150000000") ]
+| | | | | | ) [ "sys"."sql_div"("plantest0"."id" NOT NULL, int(24) "10000000") 
NOT NULL as "id_div" ]
+| | | | | ) [ "id_div" NOT NULL as "t"."id_r" ]
 | | | | ) [ "t"."id_r" NOT NULL ] [ "t"."id_r" NOT NULL, "sys"."count" no nil 
("t"."id_r" NOT NULL) NOT NULL as "%5"."%5" ],
 | | | | group by (
 | | | | | project (
-| | | | | | select (
-| | | | | | | table("sys"."plantest1") [ "plantest1"."id" ]
-| | | | | | ) [ ("plantest1"."id") >= (bigint(28) "150000000") ]
-| | | | | ) [ "sys"."sql_div"("plantest1"."id" NOT NULL, int(24) "10000000") 
NOT NULL as "t"."id_r" ]
+| | | | | | project (
+| | | | | | | select (
+| | | | | | | | table("sys"."plantest1") [ "plantest1"."id" ]
+| | | | | | | ) [ ("plantest1"."id") >= (bigint(28) "150000000") ]
+| | | | | | ) [ "sys"."sql_div"("plantest1"."id" NOT NULL, int(24) "10000000") 
NOT NULL as "id_div" ]
+| | | | | ) [ "id_div" NOT NULL as "t"."id_r" ]
 | | | | ) [ "t"."id_r" NOT NULL ] [ "t"."id_r" NOT NULL, "sys"."count" no nil 
("t"."id_r" NOT NULL) NOT NULL as "%5"."%5" ]
 | | | ) [ "t"."id_r" NOT NULL, "%5"."%5" NOT NULL ]
 | | ) [ "t"."id_r" NOT NULL ] [ "t"."id_r" NOT NULL, "sys"."sum" no nil 
("%5"."%5" NOT NULL) NOT NULL as "%5"."%5" ]
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