Changeset: fbc32c87feb1 for MonetDB
Modified Files:
Branch: groupjoin
Log Message:

fixed antijoin, handle or's again

diffs (240 lines):

diff --git a/clients/Tests/MAL-signatures-hge.test 
--- a/clients/Tests/MAL-signatures-hge.test
+++ b/clients/Tests/MAL-signatures-hge.test
@@ -3499,6 +3499,11 @@ command algebra.markjoin(X_0:bat[:any_1]
 Left mark join with candidate lists, produces left output and mark flag; 
+command algebra.markselect(X_0:bat[:oid], X_1:bat[:bit], X_2:bat[:any_1], 
X_3:bat[:any_1], X_4:bit) (X_5:bat[:oid], X_6:bat[:bit]) 
+Group on group-ids, return aggregated anyequal or allnotequal
 command algebra.not_like(X_0:str, X_1:str, X_2:str, X_3:bit):bit 
@@ -3519,6 +3524,11 @@ command algebra.outerjoin(X_0:bat[:any_1
 Left outer join with candidate lists
+command algebra.outerselect(X_0:bat[:oid], X_1:bat[:bit], X_2:bat[:bit]) 
(X_3:bat[:oid], X_4:bat[:bit]) 
+Per input lid return atleast one row, if none of the predicates (p) hold, 
return a nil, else 'all' true cases.
 pattern algebra.project(X_0:bat[:any_1], X_1:any_3):bat[:any_3] 
diff --git a/clients/Tests/MAL-signatures.test 
--- a/clients/Tests/MAL-signatures.test
+++ b/clients/Tests/MAL-signatures.test
@@ -2934,6 +2934,11 @@ command algebra.markjoin(X_0:bat[:any_1]
 Left mark join with candidate lists, produces left output and mark flag; 
+command algebra.markselect(X_0:bat[:oid], X_1:bat[:bit], X_2:bat[:any_1], 
X_3:bat[:any_1], X_4:bit) (X_5:bat[:oid], X_6:bat[:bit]) 
+Group on group-ids, return aggregated anyequal or allnotequal
 command algebra.not_like(X_0:str, X_1:str, X_2:str, X_3:bit):bit 
@@ -2954,6 +2959,11 @@ command algebra.outerjoin(X_0:bat[:any_1
 Left outer join with candidate lists
+command algebra.outerselect(X_0:bat[:oid], X_1:bat[:bit], X_2:bat[:bit]) 
(X_3:bat[:oid], X_4:bat[:bit]) 
+Per input lid return atleast one row, if none of the predicates (p) hold, 
return a nil, else 'all' true cases.
 pattern algebra.project(X_0:bat[:any_1], X_1:any_3):bat[:any_3] 
diff --git a/sql/backends/monet5/rel_bin.c b/sql/backends/monet5/rel_bin.c
--- a/sql/backends/monet5/rel_bin.c
+++ b/sql/backends/monet5/rel_bin.c
@@ -622,11 +622,15 @@ exp_bin_or(backend *be, sql_exp *e, stmt
                /* propagate the anti flag */
                if (anti)
-               s = exp_bin(be, c, left, right, grp, ext, cnt, sin, depth, 
reduce, push);
+               s = exp_bin(be, c, left, right, grp, ext, cnt, reduce?sin:NULL, 
depth, reduce, push);
                if (!s)
                        return s;
-               if (!sin && sel1 && sel1->nrcols == 0 && s->nrcols == 0) {
+               if (!reduce && sin) {
+                       sql_subfunc *f = sql_bind_func(be->mvc, "sys", 
anti?"or":"and", bt, bt, F_FUNC, true);
+                       assert(f);
+                       s = stmt_binop(be, sin, s, NULL, f);
+               } else if (!sin && sel1 && sel1->nrcols == 0 && s->nrcols == 0) 
                        sql_subfunc *f = sql_bind_func(be->mvc, "sys", 
anti?"or":"and", bt, bt, F_FUNC, true);
                        s = stmt_binop(be, sel1, s, sin, f);
@@ -649,11 +653,15 @@ exp_bin_or(backend *be, sql_exp *e, stmt
                /* propagate the anti flag */
                if (anti)
-               s = exp_bin(be, c, left, right, grp, ext, cnt, sin, depth, 
reduce, push);
+               s = exp_bin(be, c, left, right, grp, ext, cnt, reduce?sin:NULL, 
depth, reduce, push);
                if (!s)
                        return s;
-               if (!sin && sel2 && sel2->nrcols == 0 && s->nrcols == 0) {
+               if (!reduce && sin) {
+                       sql_subfunc *f = sql_bind_func(be->mvc, "sys", 
anti?"or":"and", bt, bt, F_FUNC, true);
+                       assert(f);
+                       s = stmt_binop(be, sin, s, NULL, f);
+               } else if (!sin && sel2 && sel2->nrcols == 0 && s->nrcols == 0) 
                        sql_subfunc *f = sql_bind_func(be->mvc, "sys", 
anti?"or":"and", bt, bt, F_FUNC, true);
                        s = stmt_binop(be, sel2, s, sin, f);
@@ -685,6 +693,11 @@ exp_bin_or(backend *be, sql_exp *e, stmt
                predicate = stmt_const(be, predicate, stmt_bool(be, 1));
                sel2 = stmt_uselect(be, predicate, sel2, cmp_equal, NULL, 
0/*anti*/, 0);
+       if (!reduce) {
+                       sql_subfunc *f = sql_bind_func(be->mvc, "sys", 
anti?"and":"or", bt, bt, F_FUNC, true);
+                       assert(f);
+                       return stmt_binop(be, sel1, sel2, NULL, f);
+       }
        if (anti)
                return stmt_project(be, stmt_tinter(be, sel1, sel2, false), 
        return stmt_tunion(be, sel1, sel2);
@@ -3152,7 +3165,7 @@ rel2bin_antijoin(backend *be, sql_rel *r
        mvc *sql = be->mvc;
        list *l, *jexps = NULL, *sexps = NULL;
        node *en = NULL, *n;
-       stmt *left = NULL, *right = NULL, *join = NULL, *sel = NULL;
+       stmt *left = NULL, *right = NULL, *join = NULL, *sel = NULL, *sub = 
        if (rel->l) /* first construct the left sub relation */
                left = subrel_bin(be, rel->l, refs);
@@ -3219,67 +3232,59 @@ rel2bin_antijoin(backend *be, sql_rel *r
                en = en->next;
        if (en) {
-               /* we do not project, as we need the left in original lenght 
for the null check */
                stmt *jl = stmt_result(be, join, 0);
                stmt *jr = stmt_result(be, join, 1);
                stmt *nulls = NULL;
-               /* but we project before the select operation */
-               if (li && stmt_has_null(li))
+               if (li && stmt_has_null(li)) {
                        nulls = stmt_selectnil(be, li);
+               }
+               /* construct relation */
+               list *nl = sa_list(sql->sa);
+               /* first project after equi-joins */
+               for (n = left->op4.lval->h; n; n = n->next) {
+                       stmt *c = n->data;
+                       const char *rnme = table_name(sql->sa, c);
+                       const char *nme = column_name(sql->sa, c);
+                       stmt *s = stmt_project(be, jl, column(be, c));
+                       s = stmt_alias(be, s, rnme, nme);
+                       list_append(nl, s);
+               }
+               for (n = right->op4.lval->h; n; n = n->next) {
+                       stmt *c = n->data;
+                       const char *rnme = table_name(sql->sa, c);
+                       const char *nme = column_name(sql->sa, c);
+                       stmt *s = stmt_project(be, jr, column(be, c));
+                       s = stmt_alias(be, s, rnme, nme);
+                       list_append(nl, s);
+               }
+               sub = stmt_list(be, nl);
+               /* continue with non equi-joins */
                for (; en; en = en->next) {
-                       sql_exp *e = en->data;
-                       stmt *ls = exp_bin(be, e->l, left, NULL, NULL, NULL, 
NULL, NULL, 1, 0, 0), *rs;
-                       bool ll = ls?true:false, rr = true;
-                       bool swap = false;
-                       assert(e->type == e_cmp);
-                       /* handle or exps */
-                       if (e->flag == cmp_or) {
-                               printf ("todo\n");
-                               continue;
+                       stmt *s = exp_bin(be, en->data, sub, NULL, NULL, NULL, 
NULL, NULL /* sel */, 0, 0/* just the project call not the select*/, 0);
+                       /* ifthenelse if (not(predicate)) then false else true 
(needed for antijoin) */
+                       sql_subtype *bt = sql_bind_localtype("bit");
+                       sql_subfunc *not = sql_bind_func(be->mvc, "sys", "not", 
bt, NULL, F_FUNC, true);
+                       s = stmt_unop(be, s, NULL, not);
+                       s = sql_Nop_(be, "ifthenelse", s, stmt_bool(be, 0), 
stmt_bool(be, 1), NULL);
+                       if (s->nrcols == 0) {
+                               stmt *l = bin_find_smallest_column(be, sub);
+                               s = stmt_uselect(be, stmt_const(be, l, s), 
stmt_bool(be, 1), cmp_equal, sel, 0, 0);
+                       } else {
+                               s = stmt_uselect(be, s, stmt_bool(be, 1), 
cmp_equal, sel, 0, 0);
-                       if (!ls) {
-                               swap = true;
-                               ls = exp_bin(be, e->l, right, NULL, NULL, NULL, 
NULL, NULL, 1, 0, 0);
-                       }
-                       if (!ls)
+                       if (!s) {
+                               assert(sql->session->status == -10); /* Stack 
overflow errors shouldn't terminate the server */
                                return NULL;
-                       if (!(rs = exp_bin(be, e->r, left, NULL, NULL, NULL, 
NULL, NULL, 1, 0, 0)))
-                               rr = false;
-                       if (!rs) {
-                               if (!(rs = exp_bin(be, e->r, right, NULL, NULL, 
NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, 0, 0)))
-                                       return NULL;
-                               rr = false;
-                       if (!rs)
-                               return NULL;
-                       if (swap) {
-                               stmt *t = ls;
-                               ls = rs;
-                               rs = t;
-                               bool tt = ll;
-                               ll = rr;
-                               rr = tt;
-                       }
-                       if (ls->nrcols == 0)
-                               ls = stmt_const(be, 
bin_find_smallest_column(be, ll?left:right), ls);
-                       if (rs->nrcols == 0)
-                               rs = stmt_const(be, 
bin_find_smallest_column(be, rr?left:right), rs);
-                       if (stmt_has_null(ls)) {
-                               stmt *nn = stmt_selectnil(be, ls);
-                               if (nulls)
-                                       nulls = stmt_tunion(be, nulls, nn);
-                               else
-                                       nulls = nn;
-                       }
-                       stmt *l = stmt_project(be, ll?jl:jr, ls);
-                       stmt *r = stmt_project(be, rr?jl:jr, rs);
-                       sel = stmt_uselect(be, l, r, e->flag, sel, 0, 0);
+                       sel = s;
                stmt *c = stmt_mirror(be, bin_find_smallest_column(be, left));
                if (nulls) {
@@ -3287,11 +3292,13 @@ rel2bin_antijoin(backend *be, sql_rel *r
                        c = stmt_project(be, nonilcand, c);
                if (join && sel) {
+                       /* recreate join output */
                        jl = stmt_project(be, sel, jl);
                        join = stmt_tdiff(be, c, jl, NULL);
                if (nulls)
                        join = stmt_project(be, join, c);
        } else if (list_empty(jexps)) {
                stmt *jl = stmt_result(be, join, 0);
                stmt *c = stmt_mirror(be, bin_find_smallest_column(be, left));
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