Changeset: 8d0141a68711 for MonetDB
Branch: default
Log Message:

Merge with Jun2023 branch.

diffs (truncated from 605 to 300 lines):

diff --git a/sql/backends/monet5/UDF/pyapi3/type_conversion3.c 
--- a/sql/backends/monet5/UDF/pyapi3/type_conversion3.c
+++ b/sql/backends/monet5/UDF/pyapi3/type_conversion3.c
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
 #include "monetdb_config.h"
 #include "type_conversion.h"
 #include "unicode.h"
@@ -42,6 +43,7 @@ int hge_to_string(char *str, hge x)
 PyObject *PyLong_FromHge(hge h)
        PyLongObject *z;
        size_t size = 0;
        hge shift = h >= 0 ? h : -h;
@@ -65,6 +67,15 @@ PyObject *PyLong_FromHge(hge h)
        return (PyObject *)z;
+       return PyObject_CallMethod((PyObject *) &PyLong_Type, "from_bytes", 
"(y#s)", &h, (Py_ssize_t) sizeof(h),
+                                                          "big"
+                                                          "little"
+               );
@@ -255,23 +266,23 @@ wrapup:
        return msg;
-#define STRING_TO_NUMBER_FACTORY(tpe)                                          
-       str str_to_##tpe(const char *ptr, size_t maxsize, tpe *value)           
-       {                                                                       
-               size_t len = sizeof(tpe);                                       
-               char buf[256];                                                  
-               if (maxsize > 0) {                                              
-                       if (maxsize >= sizeof(buf))                             
-                               maxsize = sizeof(buf) - 1;                      
-                       strncpy(buf, ptr, maxsize);                             
-                       buf[maxsize] = 0;                                       
-                       if (strlen(buf) >= sizeof(buf) - 1)                     
-                               return GDKstrdup("string too long to 
convert.");               \
-                       ptr = buf;                                              
-               }                                                               
+#define STRING_TO_NUMBER_FACTORY(tpe)                                          
+       str str_to_##tpe(const char *ptr, size_t maxsize, tpe *value)           
+       {                                                                       
+               size_t len = sizeof(tpe);                                       
+               char buf[256];                                                  
+               if (maxsize > 0) {                                              
+                       if (maxsize >= sizeof(buf))                             
+                               maxsize = sizeof(buf) - 1;                      
+                       strncpy(buf, ptr, maxsize);                             
+                       buf[maxsize] = 0;                                       
+                       if (strlen(buf) >= sizeof(buf) - 1)                     
+                               return GDKstrdup("string too long to 
convert.");                \
+                       ptr = buf;                                              
+               }                                                               
                if (BATatoms[TYPE_##tpe].atomFromStr(ptr, &len, (void 
**)&value, false) < 0) \
-                       return GDKstrdup("Error converting string.");           
-               return MAL_SUCCEED;                                             
+                       return GDKstrdup("Error converting string.");           
+               return MAL_SUCCEED;                                             
 str str_to_date(const char *ptr, size_t maxsize, date *value)
@@ -329,53 +340,118 @@ str unicode_to_timestamp(Py_UNICODE *ptr
-#define PY_TO_(type, inttpe)                                           \
+#define PY_TO_(type, inttpe)                                                   
 str pyobject_to_##type(PyObject **pyobj, size_t maxsize, type *value)  \
-{                                                                      \
-       PyObject *ptr = *pyobj;                                         \
-       str retval = MAL_SUCCEED;                                               
-       (void) maxsize;                                                 \
-       if (PyLong_CheckExact(ptr)) {                                   \
-               PyLongObject *p = (PyLongObject*) ptr;                          
-               inttpe h = 0;                                                   
-               inttpe prev = 0;                                                
-               Py_ssize_t i = Py_SIZE(p);                                      
-               int sign = i < 0 ? -1 : 1;                                      
-               i *= sign;                                                      
-               while (--i >= 0) {                                              
-                       prev = h; (void)prev;                                   
-                       h = (h << PyLong_SHIFT) + p->ob_digit[i];               
-                       if ((h >> PyLong_SHIFT) != prev) {                      
+       PyObject *ptr = *pyobj;                                                 
+       str retval = MAL_SUCCEED;                                               
+       (void) maxsize;                                                         
+       if (PyLong_CheckExact(ptr)) {                                           
+               PyLongObject *p = (PyLongObject*) ptr;                          
+               inttpe h = 0;                                                   
+               inttpe prev = 0;                                                
+               Py_ssize_t i = Py_SIZE(p);                                      
+               int sign = i < 0 ? -1 : 1;                                      
+               i *= sign;                                                      
+               while (--i >= 0) {                                              
+                       prev = h; (void)prev;                                   
+                       h = (h << PyLong_SHIFT) + p->ob_digit[i];               
+                       if ((h >> PyLong_SHIFT) != prev) {                      
                                return GDKstrdup("Overflow when converting 
value.");    \
-                       }                                                       
-               }                                                               
-               *value = (type)(h * sign);                                      
-       } else if (PyBool_Check(ptr)) {                                 \
-               *value = ptr == Py_True ? (type) 1 : (type) 0;                  
-       } else if (PyFloat_CheckExact(ptr)) {                           \
+                       }                                                       
+               }                                                               
+               *value = (type)(h * sign);                                      
+       } else if (PyBool_Check(ptr)) {                                         
+               *value = ptr == Py_True ? (type) 1 : (type) 0;                  
+       } else if (PyFloat_CheckExact(ptr)) {                                   
                *value = isnan(((PyFloatObject*)ptr)->ob_fval) ? type##_nil : 
(type) ((PyFloatObject*)ptr)->ob_fval; \
-       } else if (PyUnicode_CheckExact(ptr)) {                         \
-               return str_to_##type(PyUnicode_AsUTF8(ptr), 0, value);          
-       }  else if (PyByteArray_CheckExact(ptr)) {                              
+       } else if (PyUnicode_CheckExact(ptr)) {                                 
+               return str_to_##type(PyUnicode_AsUTF8(ptr), 0, value);          
+       } else if (PyByteArray_CheckExact(ptr)) {                               
                return str_to_##type(((PyByteArrayObject*)ptr)->ob_bytes, 0, 
value); \
-       }  else if (ptr == Py_None) {                                   \
-               *value = type##_nil;                                            
-       }                                                                       
-       return retval;                                                  \
+       } else if (ptr == Py_None) {                                            
+               *value = type##_nil;                                            
+       }                                                                       
+       return retval;                                                          
+#define ENDIAN "big"
+#define ENDIAN "little"
+#define PY_TO_(type, inttpe)                                                   
+str pyobject_to_##type(PyObject **pyobj, size_t maxsize, type *value)  \
+       PyObject *ptr = *pyobj;                                                 
+       str retval = MAL_SUCCEED;                                               
+       (void) maxsize;                                                         
+       if (PyLong_CheckExact(ptr)) {                                           
+               inttpe h;                                                       
+               PyObject *m = PyObject_GetAttrString(ptr, "to_bytes");          
+               PyObject *d = PyDict_New();                                     
+               PyObject *v, *z;                                                
+               v = PyLong_FromLong((long) sizeof(inttpe));                     
+               if (m == NULL || d == NULL || v == NULL) {                      
+                       Py_XDECREF(m);                                          
+                       Py_XDECREF(d);                                          
+                       Py_XDECREF(v);                                          
+                       throw(MAL, "pyapi3.eval", SQLSTATE(HY013) 
+               }                                                               
+               PyDict_SetItemString(d, "length", v);                           
+               Py_DECREF(v);                                                   
+               v = PyUnicode_FromString(ENDIAN);                               
+               if (v == NULL) {                                                
+                       Py_DECREF(m);                                           
+                       Py_DECREF(d);                                           
+                       throw(MAL, "pyapi3.eval", SQLSTATE(HY013) 
+               }                                                               
+               PyDict_SetItemString(d, "byteorder", v);                        
+               Py_DECREF(v);                                                   
+               PyDict_SetItemString(d, "signed", Py_True);                     
+               v = PyTuple_New(0);                                             
+               if (v == NULL) {                                                
+                       Py_DECREF(m);                                           
+                       Py_DECREF(d);                                           
+                       throw(MAL, "pyapi3.eval", SQLSTATE(HY013) 
+               }                                                               
+               z = PyObject_Call(m, v, d);                                     
+               Py_DECREF(v);                                                   
+               Py_DECREF(d);                                                   
+               if (z == NULL) {                                                
+                       throw(MAL, "pyapi3.eval", SQLSTATE(HY013) 
+               }                                                               
+               memcpy(&h, PyBytes_AS_STRING(z), sizeof(inttpe));               
+               Py_DECREF(z);                                                   
+               *value = (type) h;                                              
+       } else if (PyBool_Check(ptr)) {                                         
+               *value = ptr == Py_True ? (type) 1 : (type) 0;                  
+       } else if (PyFloat_CheckExact(ptr)) {                                   
+               *value = isnan(((PyFloatObject*)ptr)->ob_fval) ? type##_nil : 
(type) ((PyFloatObject*)ptr)->ob_fval; \
+       } else if (PyUnicode_CheckExact(ptr)) {                                 
+               return str_to_##type(PyUnicode_AsUTF8(ptr), 0, value);          
+       } else if (PyByteArray_CheckExact(ptr)) {                               
+               return str_to_##type(((PyByteArrayObject*)ptr)->ob_bytes, 0, 
value); \
+       } else if (ptr == Py_None) {                                            
+               *value = type##_nil;                                            
+       }                                                                       
+       return retval;                                                          
-#define CONVERSION_FUNCTION_FACTORY(tpe, inttpe)            \
-       STRING_TO_NUMBER_FACTORY(tpe)                   \
+#define CONVERSION_FUNCTION_FACTORY(tpe, inttpe)                               
+       STRING_TO_NUMBER_FACTORY(tpe)                                           
        str unicode_to_##tpe(Py_UNICODE *ptr, size_t maxsize, tpe *value)   \
-       {                                   \
-               char utf8[1024];                        \
-       if (maxsize == 0)                       \
-                       maxsize = utf32_strlen(ptr);                \
-       if (maxsize > 255)                      \
-                       maxsize = 255;                      \
-               unicode_to_utf8(0, maxsize, utf8, ptr);             \
-               return str_to_##tpe(utf8, 0, value);                \
-       }                                   \
+       {                                                                       
+               char utf8[1024];                                                
+       if (maxsize == 0)                                                       
+                       maxsize = utf32_strlen(ptr);                            
+       if (maxsize > 255)                                                      
+                       maxsize = 255;                                          
+               unicode_to_utf8(0, maxsize, utf8, ptr);                         
+               return str_to_##tpe(utf8, 0, value);                            
+       }                                                                       
        PY_TO_(tpe, inttpe);
diff --git a/sql/storage/bat/bat_storage.c b/sql/storage/bat/bat_storage.c
--- a/sql/storage/bat/bat_storage.c
+++ b/sql/storage/bat/bat_storage.c
@@ -121,6 +121,7 @@ tc_gc_seg( sql_store Store, sql_change *
        if (s->ts <= oldest) {
                while(s) {
                        segment *n = s->prev;
+                       ATOMIC_PTR_DESTROY(&s->next);
                        s = n;
@@ -158,10 +159,10 @@ new_segment(segment *o, sql_trans *tr, s
                        n->start = 0;
                        n->end = cnt;
-               n->next = NULL;
+               ATOMIC_PTR_INIT(&n->next, NULL);
                n->prev = NULL;
                if (o)
-                       o->next = n;
+                       ATOMIC_PTR_SET(&o->next, n);
        return n;
@@ -197,19 +198,19 @@ split_segment(segments *segs, segment *o
                 * inserted before */
                n->start = o->start;
                n->end = n->start + cnt;
-               n->next = o;
+               ATOMIC_PTR_INIT(&n->next, o);
                if (segs->h == o)
                        segs->h = n;
                if (p)
-                       p->next = n;
+                       ATOMIC_PTR_SET(&p->next, n);
                o->start = n->end;
        } else if (start+cnt == o->end) {
                /* 2-way split: o remains first part of segment, new one is
                 * added after */
                n->start = o->end - cnt;
                n->end = o->end;
-               n->next = o->next;
-               o->next = n;
+               ATOMIC_PTR_INIT(&n->next, ATOMIC_PTR_GET(&o->next));
+               ATOMIC_PTR_SET(&o->next, n);
                if (segs->t == o)
                        segs->t = n;
                o->end = n->start;
@@ -221,15 +222,16 @@ split_segment(segments *segs, segment *o
                        return NULL;
-               n->next = n2;
+               ATOMIC_PTR_INIT(&n->next, n2);
                n->start = start;
                n->end = start + cnt;
                *n2 = *o;
+               ATOMIC_PTR_INIT(&n2->next, ATOMIC_PTR_GET(&o->next));
                n2->start = n->end;
                n2->prev = NULL;
                if (segs->t == o)
                        segs->t = n2;
-               o->next = n;
+               ATOMIC_PTR_SET(&o->next, n);
                o->end = start;
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