Changeset: e789a8ee0966 for MonetDB
Modified Files:
Branch: Jan2022
Log Message:

Approve output.

diffs (156 lines):

diff --git a/sql/test/emptydb/Tests/check.stable.out 
--- a/sql/test/emptydb/Tests/check.stable.out
+++ b/sql/test/emptydb/Tests/check.stable.out
@@ -1649,6 +1649,8 @@ select 'duplicates in range_partitions',
 select 'duplicates in value_partitions', count(*), table_id, partition_id, 
"value" from sys.value_partitions group by table_id, partition_id, "value" 
having count(*) > 1;
 select 'duplicates in queue', count(*), tag from sys.queue group by tag having 
count(*) > 1;
 select 'duplicates in sessions', count(*), sessionid from sys.sessions group 
by sessionid having count(*) > 1;
+select 'duplicates in fkey_actions', count(*), action_id from sys.fkey_actions 
group by action_id having count(*) > 1;
+select 'duplicates in fkeys', count(*), id from sys.fkeys group by id having 
count(*) > 1;
 select 'duplicates in schemas', count(*), name from sys.schemas group by name 
having count(*) > 1;
 select 'duplicates in _tables', count(*), schema_id, name from sys._tables 
group by schema_id, name having count(*) > 1;
 select 'duplicates in tables', count(*), schema_id, name from sys.tables group 
by schema_id, name having count(*) > 1;
@@ -1679,6 +1681,8 @@ select 'duplicates in comments', count(*
 select 'duplicates in table_partitions WHERE column_id IS NOT NULL', count(*), 
table_id, column_id from sys.table_partitions WHERE column_id IS NOT NULL group 
by table_id, column_id having count(*) > 1;
 select 'duplicates in table_partitions WHERE expression IS NOT NULL', 
count(*), table_id, "expression" from sys.table_partitions WHERE "expression" 
IS NOT NULL group by table_id, "expression" having count(*) > 1;
 select 'duplicates in range_partitions', count(*), table_id, partition_id, 
"maximum" from sys.range_partitions group by table_id, partition_id, "maximum" 
having count(*) > 1;
+select 'duplicates in fkey_actions', count(*), action_name from 
sys.fkey_actions group by action_name having count(*) > 1;
+select 'duplicates in fkeys', count(*), table_id, name from sys.fkeys group by 
table_id, name having count(*) > 1;
 select 'missing reference in schemas authorization', authorization, * from 
sys.schemas where (authorization) not in (select id from sys.auths);
 select 'missing reference in schemas owner', owner, * from sys.schemas where 
(owner) not in (select id from sys.auths);
 select 'missing reference in _tables schema_id', schema_id, * from sys._tables 
where (schema_id) not in (select id from sys.schemas);
@@ -1772,6 +1776,11 @@ select 'missing reference in range_parti
 select 'missing reference in range_partitions partition_id', partition_id, * 
from sys.range_partitions where (partition_id) not in (select id from 
 select 'missing reference in value_partitions table_id', table_id, * from 
sys.value_partitions where (table_id) not in (select id from sys._tables);
 select 'missing reference in value_partitions partition_id', partition_id, * 
from sys.value_partitions where (partition_id) not in (select id from 
+select 'missing reference in keys cast(((action >> 8) & 255) as smallint)', 
cast(((action >> 8) & 255) as smallint), * from sys.keys WHERE action >= 0 AND  
(cast(((action >> 8) & 255) as smallint)) not in (select action_id from 
+select 'missing reference in keys cast((action & 255) as smallint)', 
cast((action & 255) as smallint), * from sys.keys WHERE action >= 0 AND  
(cast((action & 255) as smallint)) not in (select action_id from 
+select 'missing reference in fkeys id, table_id, type, name, rkey', id, 
table_id, type, name, rkey, * from sys.fkeys where (id, table_id, type, name, 
rkey) not in (select id, table_id, type, name, rkey from sys.keys);
+select 'missing reference in fkeys update_action_id', update_action_id, * from 
sys.fkeys where (update_action_id) not in (select action_id from 
+select 'missing reference in fkeys delete_action_id', delete_action_id, * from 
sys.fkeys where (delete_action_id) not in (select action_id from 
 select 'null in', id, * from sys._columns where id is null;
 select 'null in', name, * from sys._columns where name is null;
 select 'null in _columns.type', type, * from sys._columns where type is null;
@@ -1942,6 +1951,17 @@ select 'null in table_partitions.type', 
 select 'null in value_partitions.table_id', table_id, * from 
sys.value_partitions where table_id is null;
 select 'null in value_partitions.partition_id', partition_id, * from 
sys.value_partitions where partition_id is null;
 select 'null in value_partitions.value', value, * from sys.value_partitions 
where value is null;
+select 'null in fkey_actions.action_id', action_id, * from sys.fkey_actions 
where action_id is null;
+select 'null in fkey_actions.action_name', action_name, * from 
sys.fkey_actions where action_name is null;
+select 'null in', id, * from sys.fkeys where id is null;
+select 'null in fkeys.table_id', table_id, * from sys.fkeys where table_id is 
+select 'null in fkeys.type', type, * from sys.fkeys where type is null;
+select 'null in', name, * from sys.fkeys where name is null;
+select 'null in fkeys.rkey', rkey, * from sys.fkeys where rkey is null;
+select 'null in fkeys.update_action_id', update_action_id, * from sys.fkeys 
where update_action_id is null;
+select 'null in fkeys.update_action', update_action, * from sys.fkeys where 
update_action is null;
+select 'null in fkeys.delete_action_id', delete_action_id, * from sys.fkeys 
where delete_action_id is null;
+select 'null in fkeys.delete_action', delete_action, * from sys.fkeys where 
delete_action is null;
 % .%1, .s,     .,      .,      .s # table_name
 % %1,  name,   authorization,  owner,  system # name
 % char,        varchar,        varchar,        varchar,        boolean # type
@@ -6870,6 +6890,14 @@ select 'null in value_partitions.value',
 % %3,  %2,     sessionid # name
 % char,        bigint, int # type
 % 22,  1,      1 # length
+% .%2, sys.%1, sys.fkey_actions # table_name
+% %2,  %1,     action_id # name
+% char,        bigint, smallint # type
+% 26,  1,      1 # length
+% .%13,        .%12,   .fkeys # table_name
+% %13, %12,    id # name
+% char,        bigint, int # type
+% 19,  1,      1 # length
 % .%2, sys.%1, sys.schemas # table_name
 % %2,  %1,     name # name
 % char,        bigint, varchar # type
@@ -6990,6 +7018,14 @@ select 'null in value_partitions.value',
 % %2,  %1,     table_id,       partition_id,   maximum # name
 % char,        bigint, int,    int,    varchar # type
 % 30,  1,      1,      1,      0 # length
+% .%2, sys.%1, sys.fkey_actions # table_name
+% %2,  %1,     action_name # name
+% char,        bigint, varchar # type
+% 26,  1,      0 # length
+% .%13,        .%12,   .fkeys, .fkeys # table_name
+% %13, %12,    table_id,       name # name
+% char,        bigint, int,    varchar # type
+% 19,  1,      1,      0 # length
 % .%5, sys.schemas,    sys.schemas,    sys.schemas,    sys.schemas,    
sys.schemas,    sys.schemas # table_name
 % %5,  authorization,  id,     name,   authorization,  owner,  system # name
 % char,        int,    int,    varchar,        int,    int,    boolean # type
@@ -7362,6 +7398,26 @@ select 'null in value_partitions.value',
 % %5,  partition_id,   table_id,       partition_id,   value # name
 % char,        int,    int,    int,    varchar # type
 % 50,  1,      1,      1,      0 # length
+% .%10,        sys.%4, sys.keys,       sys.keys,       sys.keys,       
sys.keys,       sys.keys,       sys.keys # table_name
+% %10, %4,     id,     table_id,       type,   name,   rkey,   action # name
+% char,        smallint,       int,    int,    int,    varchar,        int,    
int # type
+% 65,  1,      1,      1,      1,      0,      1,      1 # length
+% .%10,        sys.%4, sys.keys,       sys.keys,       sys.keys,       
sys.keys,       sys.keys,       sys.keys # table_name
+% %10, %4,     id,     table_id,       type,   name,   rkey,   action # name
+% char,        smallint,       int,    int,    int,    varchar,        int,    
int # type
+% 58,  1,      1,      1,      1,      0,      1,      1 # length
+% .%30,        .fkeys, .fkeys, .fkeys, .fkeys, .fkeys, .fkeys, .fkeys, .fkeys, 
.fkeys, .fkeys, .fkeys, .fkeys, .fkeys, .fkeys # table_name
+% %30, id,     table_id,       type,   name,   rkey,   id,     table_id,       
type,   name,   rkey,   update_action_id,       update_action,  
delete_action_id,       delete_action # name
+% char,        int,    int,    int,    varchar,        int,    int,    int,    
int,    varchar,        int,    smallint,       varchar,        smallint,       
varchar # type
+% 57,  1,      1,      1,      0,      1,      1,      1,      1,      0,      
1,      1,      0,      1,      0 # length
+% .%16,        .fkeys, .fkeys, .fkeys, .fkeys, .fkeys, .fkeys, .fkeys, .fkeys, 
.fkeys, .fkeys # table_name
+% %16, update_action_id,       id,     table_id,       type,   name,   rkey,   
update_action_id,       update_action,  delete_action_id,       delete_action # 
+% char,        smallint,       int,    int,    int,    varchar,        int,    
smallint,       varchar,        smallint,       varchar # type
+% 43,  1,      1,      1,      1,      0,      1,      1,      0,      1,      
0 # length
+% .%16,        .fkeys, .fkeys, .fkeys, .fkeys, .fkeys, .fkeys, .fkeys, .fkeys, 
.fkeys, .fkeys # table_name
+% %16, delete_action_id,       id,     table_id,       type,   name,   rkey,   
update_action_id,       update_action,  delete_action_id,       delete_action # 
+% char,        smallint,       int,    int,    int,    varchar,        int,    
smallint,       varchar,        smallint,       varchar # type
+% 43,  1,      1,      1,      1,      0,      1,      1,      0,      1,      
0 # length
 % .%1, sys._columns,   sys._columns,   sys._columns,   sys._columns,   
sys._columns,   sys._columns,   sys._columns,   sys._columns,   sys._columns,   
sys._columns,   sys._columns # table_name
 % %1,  id,     id,     name,   type,   type_digits,    type_scale,     
table_id,       default,        null,   number, storage # name
 % char,        int,    int,    varchar,        varchar,        int,    int,    
int,    varchar,        boolean,        int,    varchar # type
@@ -8042,3 +8098,47 @@ select 'null in value_partitions.value',
 % %1,  value,  table_id,       partition_id,   value # name
 % char,        varchar,        int,    int,    varchar # type
 % 30,  0,      1,      1,      0 # length
+% .%1, .fkey_actions,  .fkey_actions,  .fkey_actions # table_name
+% %1,  action_id,      action_id,      action_name # name
+% char,        smallint,       smallint,       varchar # type
+% 30,  1,      1,      0 # length
+% .%1, .fkey_actions,  .fkey_actions,  .fkey_actions # table_name
+% %1,  action_name,    action_id,      action_name # name
+% char,        varchar,        smallint,       varchar # type
+% 32,  0,      1,      0 # length
+% .%14,        .fkeys, .fkeys, .fkeys, .fkeys, .fkeys, .fkeys, .fkeys, .fkeys, 
.fkeys, .fkeys # table_name
+% %14, id,     id,     table_id,       type,   name,   rkey,   
update_action_id,       update_action,  delete_action_id,       delete_action # 
+% char,        int,    int,    int,    int,    varchar,        int,    
smallint,       varchar,        smallint,       varchar # type
+% 16,  1,      1,      1,      1,      0,      1,      1,      0,      1,      
0 # length
+% .%14,        .fkeys, .fkeys, .fkeys, .fkeys, .fkeys, .fkeys, .fkeys, .fkeys, 
.fkeys, .fkeys # table_name
+% %14, table_id,       id,     table_id,       type,   name,   rkey,   
update_action_id,       update_action,  delete_action_id,       delete_action # 
+% char,        int,    int,    int,    int,    varchar,        int,    
smallint,       varchar,        smallint,       varchar # type
+% 22,  1,      1,      1,      1,      0,      1,      1,      0,      1,      
0 # length
+% .%14,        .fkeys, .fkeys, .fkeys, .fkeys, .fkeys, .fkeys, .fkeys, .fkeys, 
.fkeys, .fkeys # table_name
+% %14, type,   id,     table_id,       type,   name,   rkey,   
update_action_id,       update_action,  delete_action_id,       delete_action # 
+% char,        int,    int,    int,    int,    varchar,        int,    
smallint,       varchar,        smallint,       varchar # type
+% 18,  1,      1,      1,      1,      0,      1,      1,      0,      1,      
0 # length
+% .%14,        .fkeys, .fkeys, .fkeys, .fkeys, .fkeys, .fkeys, .fkeys, .fkeys, 
.fkeys, .fkeys # table_name
+% %14, name,   id,     table_id,       type,   name,   rkey,   
update_action_id,       update_action,  delete_action_id,       delete_action # 
+% char,        varchar,        int,    int,    int,    varchar,        int,    
smallint,       varchar,        smallint,       varchar # type
+% 18,  0,      1,      1,      1,      0,      1,      1,      0,      1,      
0 # length
+% .%14,        .fkeys, .fkeys, .fkeys, .fkeys, .fkeys, .fkeys, .fkeys, .fkeys, 
.fkeys, .fkeys # table_name
+% %14, rkey,   id,     table_id,       type,   name,   rkey,   
update_action_id,       update_action,  delete_action_id,       delete_action # 
+% char,        int,    int,    int,    int,    varchar,        int,    
smallint,       varchar,        smallint,       varchar # type
+% 18,  1,      1,      1,      1,      0,      1,      1,      0,      1,      
0 # length
+% .%14,        .fkeys, .fkeys, .fkeys, .fkeys, .fkeys, .fkeys, .fkeys, .fkeys, 
.fkeys, .fkeys # table_name
+% %14, update_action_id,       id,     table_id,       type,   name,   rkey,   
update_action_id,       update_action,  delete_action_id,       delete_action # 
+% char,        smallint,       int,    int,    int,    varchar,        int,    
smallint,       varchar,        smallint,       varchar # type
+% 30,  1,      1,      1,      1,      0,      1,      1,      0,      1,      
0 # length
+% .%12,        .fkeys, .fkeys, .fkeys, .fkeys, .fkeys, .fkeys, .fkeys, .fkeys, 
.fkeys, .fkeys # table_name
+% %12, update_action,  id,     table_id,       type,   name,   rkey,   
update_action_id,       update_action,  delete_action_id,       delete_action # 
+% char,        varchar,        int,    int,    int,    varchar,        int,    
smallint,       varchar,        smallint,       varchar # type
+% 27,  0,      1,      1,      1,      0,      1,      1,      0,      1,      
0 # length
+% .%14,        .fkeys, .fkeys, .fkeys, .fkeys, .fkeys, .fkeys, .fkeys, .fkeys, 
.fkeys, .fkeys # table_name
+% %14, delete_action_id,       id,     table_id,       type,   name,   rkey,   
update_action_id,       update_action,  delete_action_id,       delete_action # 
+% char,        smallint,       int,    int,    int,    varchar,        int,    
smallint,       varchar,        smallint,       varchar # type
+% 30,  1,      1,      1,      1,      0,      1,      1,      0,      1,      
0 # length
+% .%12,        .fkeys, .fkeys, .fkeys, .fkeys, .fkeys, .fkeys, .fkeys, .fkeys, 
.fkeys, .fkeys # table_name
+% %12, delete_action,  id,     table_id,       type,   name,   rkey,   
update_action_id,       update_action,  delete_action_id,       delete_action # 
+% char,        varchar,        int,    int,    int,    varchar,        int,    
smallint,       varchar,        smallint,       varchar # type
+% 27,  0,      1,      1,      1,      0,      1,      1,      0,      1,      
0 # length
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