Changeset: 4a9ed6acbd32 for MonetDB
Modified Files:
Branch: default
Log Message:

Merge with Sep2022 branch.

diffs (truncated from 1420 to 300 lines):

diff --git a/clients/odbc/driver/ODBCDbc.h b/clients/odbc/driver/ODBCDbc.h
--- a/clients/odbc/driver/ODBCDbc.h
+++ b/clients/odbc/driver/ODBCDbc.h
@@ -56,6 +56,7 @@ typedef struct tODBCDRIVERDBC {
        bool Connected;         /* whether we are connecte to a server */
        bool has_comment;       /* whether the server has sys.comments */
        bool allow_hugeint;     /* whether the application deals with HUGEINT */
+       bool raw_strings;       /* server uses raw strings */
        SQLUINTEGER sql_attr_autocommit;
        SQLUINTEGER sql_attr_metadata_id;
        SQLUINTEGER sql_attr_connection_timeout;
diff --git a/clients/odbc/driver/ODBCUtil.c b/clients/odbc/driver/ODBCUtil.c
--- a/clients/odbc/driver/ODBCUtil.c
+++ b/clients/odbc/driver/ODBCUtil.c
@@ -321,6 +321,8 @@ ODBCutf82wchar(const SQLCHAR *src,
   {d 'yyyy-mm-dd'}
   {t 'hh:mm:ss'}
   {ts 'yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss[.f...]'}
+  {interval ...}
   {fn scalar-function}
   {escape 'escape-character'}
   {oj outer-join}
@@ -338,32 +340,32 @@ static struct scalars {
                .name = "abs",
                .nargs = 1,
-               .repl = "sys.\"abs\"(\1)",
+               .repl = "sys.\"abs\"",
                .name = "acos",
                .nargs = 1,
-               .repl = "sys.\"acos\"(\1)",
+               .repl = "sys.\"acos\"",
                .name = "ascii",
                .nargs = 1,
-               .repl = "sys.\"ascii\"(\1)",
+               .repl = "sys.\"ascii\"",
                .name = "asin",
                .nargs = 1,
-               .repl = "sys.\"asin\"(\1)",
+               .repl = "sys.\"asin\"",
                .name = "atan",
                .nargs = 1,
-               .repl = "sys.\"atan\"(\1)",
+               .repl = "sys.\"atan\"",
                .name = "atan2",
                .nargs = 2,
-               .repl = "sys.\"atan\"(\1,\2)", /* note: not atan2 */
+               .repl = "sys.\"atan\"", /* note: not atan2 */
                .name = "bit_length",
@@ -373,29 +375,32 @@ static struct scalars {
                .name = "ceiling",
                .nargs = 1,
-               .repl = "sys.\"ceiling\"(\1)",
+               .repl = "sys.\"ceiling\"",
                .name = "char",
                .nargs = 1,
-               .repl = "sys.\"code\"(\1)",
+               .repl = "sys.\"code\"",
                .name = "character_length",
                .nargs = 1,
-               .repl = "sys.\"character_length\"(\1)",
+               .repl = "sys.\"character_length\"",
                .name = "char_length",
                .nargs = 1,
-               .repl = "sys.\"char_length\"(\1)",
+               .repl = "sys.\"char_length\"",
                .name = "concat",
                .nargs = 2,
-               .repl = "sys.\"concat\"(\1,\2)",
+               .repl = "sys.\"concat\"",
+               /* second argument is an ODBC type name that also gets
+                * translated.  Note: convert is implemented in the
+                * parser */
                .name = "convert",
                .nargs = 2,
                .repl = NULL,
@@ -403,27 +408,27 @@ static struct scalars {
                .name = "cos",
                .nargs = 1,
-               .repl = "sys.\"cos\"(\1)",
+               .repl = "sys.\"cos\"",
                .name = "cot",
                .nargs = 1,
-               .repl = "sys.\"cot\"(\1)",
+               .repl = "sys.\"cot\"",
                .name = "curdate",
                .nargs = 0,
-               .repl = "sys.\"curdate\"()",
+               .repl = "sys.\"curdate\"",
                .name = "current_date",
                .nargs = 0,
-               .repl = "sys.\"current_date\"()",
+               .repl = "sys.\"current_date\"",
                .name = "current_time",
                .nargs = 0,
-               .repl = "sys.\"current_time\"()",
+               .repl = "sys.\"current_time\"",
                .name = "current_time",
@@ -433,7 +438,7 @@ static struct scalars {
                .name = "current_timestamp",
                .nargs = 0,
-               .repl = "sys.\"current_timestamp\"()",
+               .repl = "sys.\"current_timestamp\"",
                .name = "current_timestamp",
@@ -443,7 +448,7 @@ static struct scalars {
                .name = "curtime",
                .nargs = 0,
-               .repl = "sys.\"curtime\"()",
+               .repl = "sys.\"curtime\"",
                .name = "database",
@@ -458,112 +463,112 @@ static struct scalars {
                .name = "dayofmonth",
                .nargs = 1,
-               .repl = "sys.\"dayofmonth\"(\1)",
+               .repl = "sys.\"dayofmonth\"",
                .name = "dayofweek",
                .nargs = 1,
-               .repl = "sys.\"dayofweek\"(\1)",
+               .repl = "sys.\"dayofweek\"",
                .name = "dayofyear",
                .nargs = 1,
-               .repl = "sys.\"dayofyear\"(\1)",
+               .repl = "sys.\"dayofyear\"",
                .name = "degrees",
                .nargs = 1,
-               .repl = "sys.\"degrees\"(\1)",
+               .repl = "sys.\"degrees\"",
                .name = "difference",
                .nargs = 2,
-               .repl = "sys.\"difference\"(\1,\2)",
+               .repl = "sys.\"difference\"",
                .name = "exp",
                .nargs = 1,
-               .repl = "sys.\"exp\"(\1)",
+               .repl = "sys.\"exp\"",
                .name = "extract",
                .nargs = 1,
-               .repl = "EXTRACT(\1)", /* include "X FROM " in argument */
+               .repl = "EXTRACT", /* include "X FROM " in argument */
                .name = "floor",
                .nargs = 1,
-               .repl = "sys.\"floor\"(\1)",
+               .repl = "sys.\"floor\"",
                .name = "hour",
                .nargs = 1,
-               .repl = "sys.\"hour\"(\1)",
+               .repl = "sys.\"hour\"",
                .name = "ifnull",
                .nargs = 2,
-               .repl = "sys.\"coalesce\"(\1,\2)",
+               .repl = "sys.\"coalesce\"",
                .name = "insert",
                .nargs = 4,
-               .repl = "sys.\"insert\"(\1,\2,\3,\4)",
+               .repl = "sys.\"insert\"",
                .name = "lcase",
                .nargs = 1,
-               .repl = "sys.\"lcase\"(\1)",
+               .repl = "sys.\"lcase\"",
                .name = "left",
                .nargs = 2,
-               .repl = "sys.\"left\"(\1,\2)",
+               .repl = "sys.\"left\"",
                .name = "length",
                .nargs = 1,
-               .repl = "sys.\"length\"(\1)",
+               .repl = "sys.\"length\"",
                .name = "locate",
                .nargs = 2,
-               .repl = "sys.\"locate\"(\1,\2)",
+               .repl = "sys.\"locate\"",
                .name = "locate",
                .nargs = 3,
-               .repl = "sys.\"locate\"(\1,\2,\3)",
+               .repl = "sys.\"locate\"",
                .name = "log10",
                .nargs = 1,
-               .repl = "sys.\"log10\"(\1)",
+               .repl = "sys.\"log10\"",
                .name = "log",
                .nargs = 1,
-               .repl = "sys.\"log\"(\1)",
+               .repl = "sys.\"log\"",
                .name = "ltrim",
                .nargs = 1,
-               .repl = "sys.\"ltrim\"(\1)",
+               .repl = "sys.\"ltrim\"",
                .name = "minute",
                .nargs = 1,
-               .repl = "sys.\"minute\"(\1)",
+               .repl = "sys.\"minute\"",
                .name = "mod",
                .nargs = 2,
-               .repl = "sys.\"mod\"(\1,\2)",
+               .repl = "sys.\"mod\"",
                .name = "month",
                .nargs = 1,
-               .repl = "sys.\"month\"(\1)",
+               .repl = "sys.\"month\"",
                .name = "monthname",
@@ -573,114 +578,114 @@ static struct scalars {
                .name = "now",
                .nargs = 0,
-               .repl = "sys.\"now\"()",
+               .repl = "sys.\"now\"",
                .name = "octet_length",
                .nargs = 1,
-               .repl = "sys.\"octet_length\"(\1)",
+               .repl = "sys.\"octet_length\"",
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