Changeset: d4edbc92fb75 for MonetDB
Modified Files:
Branch: copyintobinary
Log Message:

Generate COPY BINARY code in rel_bin instead of in optimizer

diffs (287 lines):

diff --git a/sql/backends/monet5/rel_bin.c b/sql/backends/monet5/rel_bin.c
--- a/sql/backends/monet5/rel_bin.c
+++ b/sql/backends/monet5/rel_bin.c
@@ -1109,6 +1109,140 @@ exp2bin_coalesce(backend *be, sql_exp *f
        return res;
+static stmt *
+emit_loadcolumn(backend *be, stmt *importTable_args[], int *count_var, node 
*file_node, node *type_node)
+       MalBlkPtr mb = be->mb;
+       sql_exp *file_exp = file_node->data;
+       stmt *file_stmt = exp_bin(be, file_exp, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 
NULL, 0, 0, 0);
+       sql_subtype *subtype = type_node->data;
+       int data_type = subtype->type->localtype;
+       int bat_type = newBatType(data_type);
+       // The sql.importColumn operator takes a 'method' string to determine 
how to
+       // load the data. This leaves the door open to have multiple loaders 
for the
+       // same backend type, for example nul- and newline terminated strings.
+       // For the time being we just use the name of the storage type as the 
+       // name.
+       const char *method = ATOMname(data_type);
+       //  
+       stmt *onclient_arg = importTable_args[2];
+       stmt *bswap_arg = importTable_args[3];
+       int new_count_var = newTmpVariable(mb, TYPE_oid);
+       InstrPtr p = newStmt(mb, sqlRef, importColumnRef);
+       setArgType(mb, p, 0, bat_type);
+       p = pushReturn(mb, p, new_count_var);
+       //
+       p = pushStr(mb, p, method);
+       p = pushArgument(mb, p, bswap_arg->nr);
+       p = pushArgument(mb, p, file_stmt->nr);
+       p = pushArgument(mb, p, onclient_arg->nr);
+       if (*count_var < 0)
+               p = pushOid(mb, p, 0);
+       else
+               p = pushArgument(mb, p, *count_var);
+       *count_var = new_count_var;
+       stmt *s = stmt_magic(be, subtype, p);
+       return s;
+static int
+node_type_score(node *n)
+       sql_subtype *st = n->data;
+       int tpe = st->type->localtype;
+       int stpe = ATOMstorage(tpe);
+       int score = stpe + (stpe == TYPE_bit);
+       return score;
+static stmt*
+exp2bin_copyfrombinary(backend *be, sql_exp *fe, stmt *left, stmt *right, stmt 
*isel, int depth)
+       (void)depth;
+       mvc *sql = be->mvc;
+       assert(left == NULL); (void)left;
+       assert(right == NULL); (void)right;
+       assert(isel == NULL); (void)isel;
+       (void)be;
+       (void)fe;
+       sql_subfunc *f = fe->f;
+       list *arg_list = fe->l;
+       list *type_list = f->res;
+       // There are four arguments preceding the list of files.
+       // Translate them and remember the variable number of the result.
+       assert(4 + list_length(type_list) == list_length(arg_list));
+       node *argnode = arg_list->h;
+       stmt *arg_stmts[4] = { 0 };
+       for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
+               sql_exp *arg_exp = argnode->data;
+               arg_stmts[i] = exp_bin(be, arg_exp, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 
NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 0);
+               argnode = argnode->next;
+       }
+       // If it's on server we can optimize a little
+       bool onserver = false;
+       node *onclient_arg = arg_list->h->next->next;
+       sql_exp *onclient_exp = onclient_arg->data;
+       if (onclient_exp->type == e_atom) {
+               atom *onclient_atom = onclient_exp->l;
+               int onclient = onclient_atom->data.val.ival;
+               onserver = (onclient == 0);
+       }
+       node *const first_file = argnode;
+       node *const first_type = type_list->h;
+       node *file, *type;
+       // The first column we load determines the number of rows.
+       // We pass it on to the other columns.
+       // The first column to load should therefore be an 'easy' one.
+       // We identify columns by their type node.
+       node *prototype_file = first_file;
+       node *prototype_type = first_type;
+       int score = node_type_score(prototype_type);
+       for (file = first_file->next, type = first_type->next; file && type; 
file = file->next, type = type->next) {
+               int sc = node_type_score(type);
+               if (sc < score) {
+                       prototype_file = file;
+                       prototype_type = type;
+                       score = sc;
+               }
+       }
+       // Emit the columns
+       int count_var = -1;
+       list *columns = sa_list(sql->sa);
+       stmt *prototype_stmt = emit_loadcolumn(be, arg_stmts, &count_var, 
prototype_file, prototype_type);
+       if (!prototype_stmt)
+               return NULL;
+       int orig_count_var = count_var;
+       for (file = first_file, type = first_type; file && type; file = 
file->next, type = type->next) {
+               stmt *s;
+               if (type == prototype_type) {
+                       s = prototype_stmt;
+               } else {
+                       s = emit_loadcolumn(be, arg_stmts, &count_var, file, 
+                       if (!s)
+                               return NULL;
+               }
+               list_append(columns, s);
+               if (onserver)
+                       count_var = orig_count_var;
+       }
+       return stmt_list(be, columns);
 stmt *
 exp_bin(backend *be, sql_exp *e, stmt *left, stmt *right, stmt *grp, stmt 
*ext, stmt *cnt, stmt *sel, int depth, int reduce, int push)
@@ -1262,16 +1396,19 @@ exp_bin(backend *be, sql_exp *e, stmt *l
                if (strcmp(mod, "") == 0 && strcmp(fimp, "") == 0) {
-                       if (strcmp(f->func->, "star") == 0) {
+                       const char *fname = f->func->;
+                       if (strcmp(fname, "star") == 0) {
                                if (!left)
                                        return const_column(be, stmt_bool(be, 
                                return left->op4.lval->h->data;
-                       } if (strcmp(f->func->, "case") == 0)
+                       } if (strcmp(fname, "case") == 0)
                                return exp2bin_case(be, e, left, right, sel, 
-                       if (strcmp(f->func->, "casewhen") == 0)
+                       if (strcmp(fname, "casewhen") == 0)
                                return exp2bin_casewhen(be, e, left, right, 
sel, depth);
-                       if (strcmp(f->func->, "coalesce") == 0)
+                       if (strcmp(fname, "coalesce") == 0)
                                return exp2bin_coalesce(be, e, left, right, 
sel, depth);
+                       if (strcmp(fname, "copyfrombinary") == 0)
+                               return exp2bin_copyfrombinary(be, e, left, 
right, sel, depth);
                if (!list_empty(exps)) {
                        unsigned nrcols = 0;
diff --git a/sql/backends/monet5/sql_statement.c 
--- a/sql/backends/monet5/sql_statement.c
+++ b/sql/backends/monet5/sql_statement.c
@@ -491,6 +491,21 @@ stmt_temp(backend *be, sql_subtype *t)
 stmt *
+stmt_magic(backend *be, sql_subtype *t, InstrPtr q)
+       if (q == NULL)
+               return NULL;
+       stmt *s = stmt_create(be->mvc->sa, st_result);
+       s->op4.typeval = *t;
+       s->nrcols = 1;
+       s->q = q;
+       s->nr = getDestVar(q);
+       s->flag = 0;
+       return s;
+stmt *
 stmt_tid(backend *be, sql_table *t, int partition)
        int tt = TYPE_oid;
@@ -1038,6 +1053,7 @@ stmt_result(backend *be, stmt *s, int nr
                ns->nr = s->nr;
        ns->op1 = s;
+       ns->op4.typeval = *sql_bind_localtype("oid");
        ns->flag = nr;
        ns->nrcols = s->nrcols;
        ns->key = s->key;
@@ -2465,6 +2481,10 @@ stmt_rs_column(backend *be, stmt *rs, in
                s->q = q;
                s->nr = getArg(q, s->flag);
                return s;
+       } else if (rs->type == st_list) {
+               list *cols = rs->op4.lval;
+               if (i < list_length(cols))
+                       return list_fetch(cols, i);
        return NULL;
@@ -3855,10 +3875,11 @@ tail_type(stmt *st)
                        /* fall through */
                case st_reorder:
                case st_group:
-               case st_result:
                case st_tid:
                case st_mirror:
                        return sql_bind_localtype("oid");
+               case st_result:
+                       return &st->op4.typeval;
                case st_table_clear:
                        return sql_bind_localtype("lng");
                case st_aggr:
diff --git a/sql/backends/monet5/sql_statement.h 
--- a/sql/backends/monet5/sql_statement.h
+++ b/sql/backends/monet5/sql_statement.h
@@ -247,6 +247,8 @@ extern stmt *stmt_func(backend *be, stmt
 extern stmt *stmt_direct_func(backend *be, InstrPtr q);
 extern stmt *stmt_aggr(backend *be, stmt *op1, stmt *grp, stmt *ext, 
sql_subfunc *op, int reduce, int no_nil, int nil_if_empty);
+extern stmt *stmt_magic(backend *be, sql_subtype *t, InstrPtr q);
 extern stmt *stmt_alias(backend *be, stmt *op1, const char *tname, const char 
 extern int stmt_output(backend *be, stmt *l);
diff --git a/sql/common/sql_types.c b/sql/common/sql_types.c
--- a/sql/common/sql_types.c
+++ b/sql/common/sql_types.c
@@ -1473,7 +1473,7 @@ sqltypeinit( sql_allocator *sa)
        f->varres = 1;
        /* bincopyfrom */
-       f = sql_create_union(sa, "copyfrom", "sql", "importTable", TRUE, 
+       f = sql_create_union(sa, "copyfrombinary", "", "", TRUE, SCALE_FIX, 0, 
        f->varres = 1;
        /* sys_update_schemas, sys_update_tables */
diff --git a/sql/server/rel_updates.c b/sql/server/rel_updates.c
--- a/sql/server/rel_updates.c
+++ b/sql/server/rel_updates.c
@@ -1744,8 +1744,9 @@ bincopyfrom(sql_query *query, dlist *qna
        list *exps, *args;
        sql_subtype strtpe;
        sql_exp *import;
-       sql_subfunc *f = sql_find_func(sql, "sys", "copyfrom", 3, F_UNION, 
true, NULL);
+       sql_subfunc *f = sql_find_func(sql, "sys", "copyfrombinary", 3, 
F_UNION, true, NULL);
        list *collist;
+       list *typelist;
        if (!copy_allowed(sql, 1))
@@ -1758,13 +1759,18 @@ bincopyfrom(sql_query *query, dlist *qna
        if (files == NULL)
                return sql_error(sql, 02, SQLSTATE(42000) "COPY INTO: must 
specify files");
-       collist = check_table_columns(sql, t, columns, "COPY BINARY INTO", 
-       if (!collist)
-               return NULL;
        bool do_byteswap = (endian != endian_native && endian != 
-       f->res = table_column_types(sql->sa, t);
+       typelist = sa_list(sql->sa);
+       collist = check_table_columns(sql, t, columns, "COPY BINARY INTO", 
+       if (!collist || !typelist)
+               return NULL;
+       for (node *n = collist->h; n; n = n->next) {
+               sql_column *c = n->data;
+               sa_list_append(sql->sa, typelist, &c->type);
+       }
+       f->res = typelist;
        sql_find_subtype(&strtpe, "varchar", 0, 0);
        args = append( append( append( append( new_exp_list(sql->sa),
                exp_atom_str(sql->sa, t->s?t->s->, &strtpe)),
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