Changeset: 2d3073d9a61c for MonetDB
Modified Files:
Branch: geo-update-dev
Log Message:

Improved ST_Intersects with RTree index search. Differentiate between rtree 
version and no index version. Changed function names.

diffs (truncated from 338 to 300 lines):

diff --git a/geom/monetdb5/geom.c b/geom/monetdb5/geom.c
--- a/geom/monetdb5/geom.c
+++ b/geom/monetdb5/geom.c
@@ -5515,11 +5515,12 @@ static mel_func geom_init_funcs[] = {
  command("geom", "IntersectsGeographicjoin", wkbIntersectsGeographicJoin, 
false, "TODO", args(2, 9, batarg("lr",oid),batarg("rr",oid), batarg("a", wkb), 
batarg("b", wkb), 
  command("geom", "Intersects", wkbIntersects, false, "Returns true if these 
Geometries 'spatially intersect in 2D'", args(1,3, 
- command("geom", "Intersectsselect", wkbIntersectsSelect, false, "TODO", 
args(1, 5, batarg("", oid), batarg("b", wkb), batarg("s", oid), arg("c", wkb), 
- command("geom", "Intersectsjoin", wkbIntersectsJoin, false, "TODO", args(2, 
8, batarg("lr",oid),batarg("rr",oid), batarg("a", wkb), batarg("b", wkb), 
+ command("geom", "Intersectsselect", wkbIntersectsSelectRTree, false, "TODO", 
args(1, 5, batarg("", oid), batarg("b", wkb), batarg("s", oid), arg("c", wkb), 
+ command("geom", "Intersectsjoin", wkbIntersectsJoinRTree, false, "TODO", 
args(2, 8, batarg("lr",oid),batarg("rr",oid), batarg("a", wkb), batarg("b", 
  command("geom", "IntersectsMBR", mbrIntersects, false, "TODO", args(1,3, 
  command("aggr", "Collect", wkbCollectAggr, false, "TODO", args(1, 2, arg("", 
wkb), batarg("val", wkb))),
  command("aggr", "subCollect", wkbCollectAggrSubGrouped, false, "TODO", 
args(1, 5, batarg("", wkb), batarg("val", wkb), batarg("g", oid), batarg("e", 
oid), arg("skip_nils", bit))),
  command("aggr", "subCollect", wkbCollectAggrSubGroupedCand, false, "TODO", 
args(1, 6, batarg("", wkb), batarg("val", wkb), batarg("g", oid), 
batargany("e", 1), batarg("g", oid), arg("skip_nils", bit))),
diff --git a/geom/monetdb5/geom.h b/geom/monetdb5/geom.h
--- a/geom/monetdb5/geom.h
+++ b/geom/monetdb5/geom.h
@@ -217,6 +217,6 @@ geom_export str wkbCoordinateFromMBR_bat
 geom_export str geom_sql_upgrade(int);
-geom_export str wkbIntersectsJoin(bat *lres_id, bat *rres_id, const bat *l_id, 
const bat *r_id, const bat *ls_id, const bat *rs_id, bit *nil_matches, lng 
-geom_export str wkbIntersectsSelect(bat* outid, const bat *bid , const bat 
*sid, wkb **wkb_const, bit *anti);
+geom_export str wkbIntersectsJoinRTree(bat *lres_id, bat *rres_id, const bat 
*l_id, const bat *r_id, const bat *ls_id, const bat *rs_id, bit *nil_matches, 
lng *estimate);
+geom_export str wkbIntersectsSelectRTree(bat* outid, const bat *bid , const 
bat *sid, wkb **wkb_const, bit *anti);
 geom_export str mbrIntersects(bit* out, mbr** mbr1, mbr** mbr2);
diff --git a/geom/monetdb5/geomBulk.c b/geom/monetdb5/geomBulk.c
--- a/geom/monetdb5/geomBulk.c
+++ b/geom/monetdb5/geomBulk.c
@@ -16,15 +16,129 @@
 #include "gdk_rtree.h"
 /********** Geo Update **********/
+//TODO SRID check could come earlier?
+//TODO The BUN_NONE is not correctly retrieved in search function
 static str
-filterSelectGeomGeomToBitIndex(bat* outid, const bat *bid , const bat *sid, 
wkb *wkb_const, bit anti, char (*func) (const GEOSGeometry *, const 
GEOSGeometry *), const char *name)
+filterSelectRTree(bat* outid, const bat *bid , const bat *sid, wkb *wkb_const, 
bit anti, char (*func) (const GEOSGeometry *, const GEOSGeometry *), const char 
        BAT *out = NULL, *b = NULL, *s = NULL;
        BATiter b_iter;
        struct canditer ci;
        GEOSGeom col_geom, const_geom;
-       //Check if the geometry is null and convert to GEOS
+       if ((const_geom = wkb2geos(wkb_const)) == NULL) {
+               if ((out = BATdense(0, 0, 0)) == NULL)
+                       throw(MAL, name, GDK_EXCEPTION);
+               *outid = out->batCacheid;
+               BBPkeepref(out);
+               return MAL_SUCCEED;
+       }
+       if ((b = BATdescriptor(*bid)) == NULL)
+               throw(MAL, name, SQLSTATE(HY002) RUNTIME_OBJECT_MISSING);
+       if (sid && !is_bat_nil(*sid) && !(s = BATdescriptor(*sid))) {
+               BBPunfix(b->batCacheid);
+               throw(MAL, name, SQLSTATE(HY002) RUNTIME_OBJECT_MISSING);
+       }
+       canditer_init(&ci, b, s);
+       b_iter = bat_iterator(b);
+       if ((out = COLnew(0, ATOMindex("oid"), ci.ncand, TRANSIENT)) == NULL) {
+               BBPunfix(b->batCacheid);
+               if (s)
+                       BBPunfix(s->batCacheid);
+               throw(MAL, name, SQLSTATE(HY013) MAL_MALLOC_FAIL);
+       }
+       /*if (!RTREEexists(b)) {
+               if (RTREEcreate(b) != GDK_SUCCEED) {
+                       //TODO What to do?
+                       throw(MAL, name, "Failed to initialize RTree");
+               }
+               for (BUN j = 0; j < BATcount(b); j++) {
+                       wkb *inWKB = (wkb *) BUNtvar(b_iter, j - b->hseqbase);
+                       mbr *inMBR = NULL;
+                       wkbMBR(&inMBR, &inWKB);
+                       if (RTREEaddmbr(b,(mbr_t*)inMBR,j) != GDK_SUCCEED) {
+                               //TODO Cleanup
+                       }
+                       GDKfree(inMBR);
+                       inMBR = NULL;
+               }
+       }*/
+       //Calculate the MBR for the constant geometry
+       mbr *const_mbr = NULL;
+       wkbMBR(&const_mbr,&wkb_const);
+       //Get a candidate list from searching on the rtree with the constant mbr
+       BUN* results_rtree = NULL;
+       if (RTREEexists(b))
+               results_rtree = RTREEsearch(b,(mbr_t*)const_mbr, b->batCount);
+       //Cycle through rtree candidates
+       //If there is a original candidate list, make sure the rtree cand is in 
+       //Then do the actual calculation for the geo predicate using the GEOS 
+       for (int i = 0; results_rtree[i] != BUN_NONE; i++) {
+               BUN cand = results_rtree[i];
+               //If we have a candidate list that is not dense, we need to 
check if the rtree candidate is also on the original candidate list
+               //TODO Check w Stefanos
+               if (ci.tpe != cand_dense) {
+                       //If the original candidate list does not contain the 
rtree cand, move on to next one
+                       if (!canditer_contains(&ci,cand))
+                               continue;
+               }
+               const wkb *col_wkb = BUNtvar(b_iter, cand - b->hseqbase);
+               if ((col_geom = wkb2geos(col_wkb)) == NULL)
+                       throw(MAL, name, SQLSTATE(38000) "WKB2Geos operation 
+               if (GEOSGetSRID(col_geom) != GEOSGetSRID(const_geom)) {
+                       GEOSGeom_destroy(col_geom);
+                       GEOSGeom_destroy(const_geom);
+                       bat_iterator_end(&b_iter);
+                       BBPunfix(b->batCacheid);
+                       if (s)
+                               BBPunfix(s->batCacheid);
+                       BBPreclaim(out);
+                       throw(MAL, name, SQLSTATE(38000) "Geometries of 
different SRID");
+               }
+               //GEOS function returns 1 on true, 0 on false and 2 on exception
+               //TODO Deal with exception of GEOS func?
+               bit cond = ((*func)(col_geom, const_geom) == 1);
+               if (cond != anti) {
+                       if (BUNappend(out, (oid*) &cand, false) != GDK_SUCCEED) 
+                               if (col_geom)
+                                       GEOSGeom_destroy(col_geom);
+                               if (const_geom)
+                                       GEOSGeom_destroy(const_geom);
+                               bat_iterator_end(&b_iter);
+                               BBPunfix(b->batCacheid);
+                               if (s)
+                                       BBPunfix(s->batCacheid);
+                               BBPreclaim(out);
+                               throw(MAL, name, SQLSTATE(HY013) 
+                       }
+               }
+               GEOSGeom_destroy(col_geom);
+       }
+       GEOSGeom_destroy(const_geom);
+       bat_iterator_end(&b_iter);
+       BBPunfix(b->batCacheid);
+       if (s)
+               BBPunfix(s->batCacheid);
+       *outid = out->batCacheid;
+       BBPkeepref(out);
+       return MAL_SUCCEED;
+static str
+filterSelectNoIndex(bat* outid, const bat *bid , const bat *sid, wkb 
*wkb_const, bit anti, char (*func) (const GEOSGeometry *, const GEOSGeometry 
*), const char *name)
+       BAT *out = NULL, *b = NULL, *s = NULL;
+       BATiter b_iter;
+       struct canditer ci;
+       GEOSGeom col_geom, const_geom;
        if ((const_geom = wkb2geos(wkb_const)) == NULL) {
                if ((out = BATdense(0, 0, 0)) == NULL)
                        throw(MAL, name, GDK_EXCEPTION);
@@ -39,6 +153,10 @@ filterSelectGeomGeomToBitIndex(bat* outi
                throw(MAL, name, SQLSTATE(HY002) RUNTIME_OBJECT_MISSING);
+       canditer_init(&ci, b, s);
+       b_iter = bat_iterator(b);
        if ((out = COLnew(0, ATOMindex("oid"), ci.ncand, TRANSIENT)) == NULL) {
                if (s)
@@ -46,34 +164,11 @@ filterSelectGeomGeomToBitIndex(bat* outi
                throw(MAL, name, SQLSTATE(HY013) MAL_MALLOC_FAIL);
-       //Calculate the MBR for the constant geometry
-       mbr *const_mbr = NULL;
-       wkbMBR(&const_mbr,&wkb_const);
-       //Get a candidate list from searching on the rtree with the constant mbr
-       BUN* results_rtree = RTREEsearch(b,(mbr_t*)const_mbr, b->batCount);
-       canditer_init(&ci, b, s);
-       b_iter = bat_iterator(b);
-       //Intersect prev_cands with rtree_cands
-       //Cycle through rtree_cands
-       //              if there is prev_cands -> bin search
-       //              if there is not -> just cycle through rtree_cands
        for (BUN i = 0; i < ci.ncand; i++) {
-               oid c_oid = canditer_next(&ci);
-               int i = 0;
-               while (results_rtree[i] != BUN_NONE && results_rtree[i] != 
c_oid) {
-                       i++;
-               }
-               if (results_rtree[i] == BUN_NONE)
-                       continue;
-               const wkb *col_wkb = BUNtvar(b_iter, c_oid - b->hseqbase);
+               oid cand = canditer_next(&ci) - b->hseqbase;
+               const wkb *col_wkb = BUNtvar(b_iter, cand);
                if ((col_geom = wkb2geos(col_wkb)) == NULL)
-                       continue;
+                       throw(MAL, name, SQLSTATE(38000) "WKB2Geos operation 
                if (GEOSGetSRID(col_geom) != GEOSGetSRID(const_geom)) {
@@ -84,12 +179,11 @@ filterSelectGeomGeomToBitIndex(bat* outi
                        throw(MAL, name, SQLSTATE(38000) "Geometries of 
different SRID");
-               //GEOS functino returns 1 on true, 0 on false and 2 on exception
-               char ret = ((*func)(col_geom, const_geom));
-               bit cond = (ret == 1);
+               //GEOS function returns 1 on true, 0 on false and 2 on exception
+               //TODO Deal with exception of GEOS func?
+               bit cond = ((*func)(col_geom, const_geom) == 1);
                if (cond != anti) {
-                       if (BUNappend(out, &c_oid, false) != GDK_SUCCEED) {
+                       if (BUNappend(out, (oid*) &cand, false) != GDK_SUCCEED) 
                                if (col_geom)
                                if (const_geom)
@@ -102,7 +196,6 @@ filterSelectGeomGeomToBitIndex(bat* outi
                                throw(MAL, name, SQLSTATE(HY013) 
-               //TODO Deal with exception?
@@ -116,13 +209,15 @@ filterSelectGeomGeomToBitIndex(bat* outi
-wkbIntersectsSelect(bat* outid, const bat *bid , const bat *sid, wkb 
**wkb_const, bit *anti) {
-       return 
+wkbIntersectsSelectRTree(bat* outid, const bat *bid , const bat *sid, wkb 
**wkb_const, bit *anti) {
+       return 
 static str
-filterJoinGeomGeomDoubleToBit(bat *lres_id, bat *rres_id, const bat *l_id, 
const bat *r_id, double double_flag, const bat *ls_id, const bat *rs_id, bit 
nil_matches, lng *estimate, char (*func) (const GEOSGeometry *, const 
GEOSGeometry *, double), const char *name)
+       (void) double_flag;
        BAT *lres = NULL, *rres = NULL, *l = NULL, *r = NULL, *ls = NULL, *rs = 
        BATiter l_iter, r_iter;
        str msg = MAL_SUCCEED;
@@ -207,7 +302,7 @@ filterJoinGeomGeomDoubleToBit(bat *lres_
                                goto free;
                        //Apply the (Geom, Geom) -> bit function
-                       bit cond = ((*func)(l_geom, r_geom, double_flag) == 
+                       bit cond = ((*func)(l_geom, r_geom) == '1');
                        if (cond != anti) {
                                if (BUNappend(lres, &l_oid, false) != 
GDK_SUCCEED || BUNappend(rres, &r_oid, false) != GDK_SUCCEED) {
                                        msg = createException(MAL, name, 
@@ -269,9 +364,25 @@ free:
        return msg;
+static str
+filterJoinRTree(bat *lres_id, bat *rres_id, const bat *l_id, const bat *r_id, 
double double_flag, const bat *ls_id, const bat *rs_id, bit nil_matches, lng 
*estimate, char (*func) (const GEOSGeometry *, const GEOSGeometry *), const 
char *name) {
+       (void) lres_id;
+       (void) rres_id;
+       (void) l_id;
+       (void) r_id;
+       (void) double_flag;
+       (void) ls_id;
+       (void) rs_id;
+       (void) nil_matches;
+       (void) estimate;
+       (void) func;
+       (void) name;
+       return MAL_SUCCEED;
-wkbIntersectsJoin(bat *lres_id, bat *rres_id, const bat *l_id, const bat 
*r_id, const bat *ls_id, const bat *rs_id, bit *nil_matches, lng *estimate) {
-       return 
+wkbIntersectsJoinRTree(bat *lres_id, bat *rres_id, const bat *l_id, const bat 
*r_id, const bat *ls_id, const bat *rs_id, bit *nil_matches, lng *estimate) {
+       return 
@@ -297,9 +408,8 @@ wkbMBR_bat(bat *outBAT_id, bat *inBAT_id
                throw(MAL, "batgeom.mbr", SQLSTATE(HY013) MAL_MALLOC_FAIL);
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