Changeset: 546a4b0f327a for MonetDB
Removed Files:
Branch: default
Log Message:

Remove unused files.

diffs (truncated from 840 to 300 lines):

diff --git a/sql/test/drupal/database.monetdb b/sql/test/drupal/database.monetdb
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/sql/test/drupal/database.monetdb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,827 +0,0 @@
--- Table structure for access
-CREATE TABLE access (
-  aid SERIAL,
-  mask varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
-  type varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
-  status smallint NOT NULL default '0',
-  PRIMARY KEY (aid)
--- Table structure for accesslog
-CREATE TABLE accesslog (
-  aid SERIAL,
-  mask varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
-  title varchar(255) default NULL,
-  path varchar(255) default NULL,
-  url varchar(255) default NULL,
-  hostname varchar(128) default NULL,
-  uid integer default '0',
-  timestamp integer NOT NULL default '0',
-  PRIMARY KEY (aid)
-CREATE INDEX accesslog_timestamp_idx ON accesslog (timestamp);
--- Table structure for table 'aggregator_category'
-CREATE SEQUENCE aggregator_category_cid_seq as integer; 
-CREATE TABLE aggregator_category (
-  cid INTEGER,
-  title varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
-  description text,
-  block smallint NOT NULL default '0',
-  PRIMARY KEY  (cid),
-  UNIQUE (title)
--- Table structure for table 'aggregator_category_feed'
-CREATE TABLE aggregator_category_feed (
-  fid integer NOT NULL default '0',
-  cid integer NOT NULL default '0',
-  PRIMARY KEY  (fid,cid)
--- Table structure for table 'aggregator_category_item'
-CREATE TABLE aggregator_category_item (
-  iid integer NOT NULL default '0',
-  cid integer NOT NULL default '0',
-  PRIMARY KEY  (iid,cid)
--- Table structure for table 'aggregator_feed'
-CREATE SEQUENCE aggregator_feed_fid_seq as integer; 
-CREATE TABLE aggregator_feed (
-  fid integer,
-  title varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
-  url varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
-  refresh integer NOT NULL default '0',
-  checked integer NOT NULL default '0',
-  link varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
-  description text,
-  image text,
-  etag varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
-  modified integer NOT NULL default '0',
-  block smallint NOT NULL default '0',
-  PRIMARY KEY  (fid),
-  UNIQUE (url),
-  UNIQUE (title)
--- Table structure for table 'aggregator_item'
-CREATE TABLE aggregator_item (
-  iid SERIAL,
-  fid integer NOT NULL default '0',
-  title varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
-  link varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
-  author varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
-  description text,
-  timestamp integer default NULL,
-  PRIMARY KEY  (iid)
--- Table structure for authmap
-CREATE TABLE authmap (
-  aid SERIAL,
-  uid integer NOT NULL default '0',
-  authname varchar(128) NOT NULL default '',
-  module varchar(128) NOT NULL default '',
-  PRIMARY KEY (aid),
-  UNIQUE (authname)
--- Table structure for blocks
-CREATE TABLE blocks (
-  module varchar(64) NOT NULL default '',
-  delta varchar(32) NOT NULL default '0',
-  status smallint NOT NULL default '0',
-  weight smallint NOT NULL default '0',
-  region smallint NOT NULL default '0',
-  custom smallint NOT NULL default '0',
-  throttle smallint NOT NULL default '0',
-  visibility smallint NOT NULL default '0',
-  pages text NOT NULL default '',
-  types text NOT NULL default ''
--- Table structure for book
-  nid integer NOT NULL default '0',
-  parent integer NOT NULL default '0',
-  weight smallint NOT NULL default '0',
-  log text default '',
-  PRIMARY KEY (nid)
-CREATE INDEX book_nid_idx ON book(nid);
-CREATE INDEX book_parent ON book(parent);
--- Table structure for boxes
-  bid SERIAL,
-  title varchar(64) NOT NULL default '',
-  body text default '',
-  info varchar(128) NOT NULL default '',
-  format smallint NOT NULL default '0',
-  PRIMARY KEY  (bid),
-  UNIQUE (info),
-  UNIQUE (title)
--- Table structure for cache
-  cid varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
-  data text default '',
-  expire integer NOT NULL default '0',
-  created integer NOT NULL default '0',
-  headers text default '',
-  PRIMARY KEY  (cid)
-CREATE INDEX cache_expire_idx ON cache(expire);
--- Table structure for comments
-CREATE TABLE comments (
-  cid SERIAL,
-  pid integer NOT NULL default '0',
-  nid integer NOT NULL default '0',
-  uid integer NOT NULL default '0',
-  subject varchar(64) NOT NULL default '',
-  comment text NOT NULL default '',
-  hostname varchar(128) NOT NULL default '',
-  timestamp integer NOT NULL default '0',
-  score integer NOT NULL default '0',
-  status smallint  NOT NULL default '0',
-  format smallint NOT NULL default '0',
-  thread varchar(255) default '',
-  users text default '',
-  name varchar(60) default NULL,
-  mail varchar(64) default NULL,
-  homepage varchar(255) default NULL,
-  PRIMARY KEY  (cid)
-CREATE INDEX comments_nid_idx ON comments(nid);
--- Table structre for table 'node_last_comment'
-CREATE TABLE node_comment_statistics (
-  nid integer NOT NULL,
-  last_comment_timestamp integer NOT NULL default '0',
-  last_comment_name varchar(60)  default NULL,
-  last_comment_uid integer NOT NULL default '0',
-  comment_count integer NOT NULL default '0',
-  PRIMARY KEY (nid)
-CREATE INDEX node_comment_statistics_timestamp_idx ON 
--- Table structure for directory
-CREATE TABLE directory (
-  link varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
-  name varchar(128) NOT NULL default '',
-  mail varchar(128) NOT NULL default '',
-  slogan text NOT NULL default '',
-  mission text NOT NULL default '',
-  timestamp integer NOT NULL default '0',
-  PRIMARY KEY  (link)
--- Table structure for table 'files'
-  fid SERIAL,
-  nid integer NOT NULL default '0',
-  filename varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
-  filepath varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
-  filemime varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
-  filesize integer NOT NULL default '0',
-  list smallint NOT NULL default '0',
-  PRIMARY KEY  (fid)
--- Table structure for table 'filter_formats'
-CREATE TABLE filter_formats (
-  format SERIAL,
-  name varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
-  roles varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
-  cache smallint NOT NULL default '0',
-  PRIMARY KEY (format)
--- Table structure for table 'filters'
-CREATE TABLE filters (
-  format integer NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
-  module varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
-  delta smallint NOT NULL DEFAULT 1,
-  weight smallint DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL
-CREATE INDEX filters_module_idx ON filters(module);
-CREATE INDEX filters_weight_idx ON filters(weight);
--- Table structure for table 'flood'
-  event varchar(64) NOT NULL default '',
-  hostname varchar(128) NOT NULL default '',
-  timestamp integer NOT NULL default '0'
--- Table structure for table 'forum'
-  nid integer NOT NULL default '0',
-  tid integer NOT NULL default '0',
-  shadow integer NOT NULL default '0',
-  PRIMARY KEY  (nid)
-CREATE INDEX forum_tid_idx ON forum(tid);
--- Table structure for history
-CREATE TABLE history (
-  uid integer NOT NULL default '0',
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