Changeset: 81d72fb732fc for MonetDB
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diffs (truncated from 36786 to 300 lines):

diff --git a/clients/ChangeLog.Jan2022 b/clients/ChangeLog.Jan2022
--- a/clients/ChangeLog.Jan2022
+++ b/clients/ChangeLog.Jan2022
@@ -1,6 +1,11 @@
 # ChangeLog file for clients
 # This file is updated with Maddlog
+* Fri Jun 10 2022 Sjoerd Mullender <>
+- Implemented dump of global grants, that is to say, grants for COPY INTO
+  and COPY FROM which grant permission to users to write to or read from
+  files on the server (COPY INTO queries without the ON CLIENT option).
 * Tue May 31 2022 Sjoerd Mullender <>
 - Fixed a bug where when the semicolon at the end of a COPY INTO query
   that reads from STDIN is at exactly a 10240 byte boundary in a file,
diff --git a/clients/Tests/exports.stable.out b/clients/Tests/exports.stable.out
--- a/clients/Tests/exports.stable.out
+++ b/clients/Tests/exports.stable.out
@@ -198,6 +198,7 @@ gdk_return BATsubcross(BAT **r1p, BAT **
 BAT *BATsubexist(BAT *l, BAT *g, BAT *e, BAT *s);
 BAT *BATsubnot_exist(BAT *l, BAT *g, BAT *e, BAT *s);
 gdk_return BATsum(void *res, int tp, BAT *b, BAT *s, bool skip_nils, bool 
+const char *BATtailname(const BAT *b);
 gdk_return BATthetajoin(BAT **r1p, BAT **r2p, BAT *l, BAT *r, BAT *sl, BAT 
*sr, int op, bool nil_matches, BUN estimate) 
 BAT *BATthetaselect(BAT *b, BAT *s, const void *val, const char *op);
 void BATtseqbase(BAT *b, oid o);
@@ -209,11 +210,13 @@ BBPrec *BBP[N_BBPINIT];
 gdk_return BBPaddfarm(const char *dirname, uint32_t rolemask, bool logerror);
 void BBPcold(bat i);
 int BBPfix(bat b);
+unsigned BBPheader(FILE *fp, int *lineno, bat *bbpsize, lng *logno, lng 
 bat BBPindex(const char *nme);
 void BBPkeepref(BAT *b) __attribute__((__nonnull__(1)));
 bat BBPlimit;
 void BBPlock(void);
 BAT *BBPquickdesc(bat b);
+int BBPreadBBPline(FILE *fp, unsigned bbpversion, int *lineno, BAT *bn, int 
*hashash, char *batname, char *filename, char **options);
 int BBPreclaim(BAT *b);
 int BBPrelease(bat b);
 int BBPrename(BAT *b, const char *nme);
diff --git a/clients/odbc/driver/ODBCStmt.c b/clients/odbc/driver/ODBCStmt.c
--- a/clients/odbc/driver/ODBCStmt.c
+++ b/clients/odbc/driver/ODBCStmt.c
@@ -76,8 +76,8 @@ newODBCStmt(ODBCDbc *dbc)
                .retrieveData = SQL_RD_ON,
                .noScan = SQL_NOSCAN_OFF,
-               .ApplRowDescr = newODBCDesc(dbc),
-               .ApplParamDescr = newODBCDesc(dbc),
+               .AutoApplRowDescr = newODBCDesc(dbc),
+               .AutoApplParamDescr = newODBCDesc(dbc),
                .ImplRowDescr = newODBCDesc(dbc),
                .ImplParamDescr = newODBCDesc(dbc),
@@ -90,20 +90,20 @@ newODBCStmt(ODBCDbc *dbc)
                return NULL;
-       if (stmt->ApplRowDescr == NULL || stmt->ApplParamDescr == NULL ||
+       if (stmt->AutoApplRowDescr == NULL || stmt->AutoApplParamDescr == NULL 
            stmt->ImplRowDescr == NULL || stmt->ImplParamDescr == NULL) {
                return NULL;
-       stmt->ApplRowDescr->sql_desc_alloc_type = SQL_DESC_ALLOC_AUTO;
-       stmt->ApplParamDescr->sql_desc_alloc_type = SQL_DESC_ALLOC_AUTO;
+       stmt->AutoApplRowDescr->sql_desc_alloc_type = SQL_DESC_ALLOC_AUTO;
+       stmt->AutoApplParamDescr->sql_desc_alloc_type = SQL_DESC_ALLOC_AUTO;
        stmt->ImplRowDescr->sql_desc_alloc_type = SQL_DESC_ALLOC_AUTO;
        stmt->ImplParamDescr->sql_desc_alloc_type = SQL_DESC_ALLOC_AUTO;
        stmt->ImplRowDescr->Stmt = stmt;
        stmt->ImplParamDescr->Stmt = stmt;
-       stmt->AutoApplRowDescr = stmt->ApplRowDescr;
-       stmt->AutoApplParamDescr = stmt->ApplParamDescr;
+       stmt->ApplRowDescr = stmt->AutoApplRowDescr;
+       stmt->ApplParamDescr = stmt->AutoApplParamDescr;
        /* add this stmt to the administrative linked stmt list */
        stmt->next = dbc->FirstStmt,
@@ -191,19 +191,20 @@ destroyODBCStmt(ODBCStmt *stmt)
        /* remove this stmt from the dbc */
-       assert(stmt->Dbc->FirstStmt);
        /* search for stmt in linked list */
        stmtp = &stmt->Dbc->FirstStmt;
        while (*stmtp && *stmtp != stmt)
                stmtp = &(*stmtp)->next;
-       /* stmtp points to location in list where stmt is found */
+       /* stmtp points to location in list where stmt is found, or
+        * *stmtp is NULL in case it wasn't there (presumably not added
+        * yet) */
-       assert(*stmtp == stmt); /* we must have found it */
-       /* now remove it from the linked list */
-       *stmtp = stmt->next;
+       if (*stmtp) {
+               /* now remove it from the linked list */
+               *stmtp = stmt->next;
+       }
        /* cleanup own managed data */
diff --git a/gdk/gdk.h b/gdk/gdk.h
--- a/gdk/gdk.h
+++ b/gdk/gdk.h
@@ -781,7 +781,9 @@ typedef enum {
  * the following fields: theap, tvheap, batInserted, batCapacity.  There
  * is no need for the lock if the bat cannot possibly be modified
  * concurrently, e.g. when it is new and not yet returned to the
- * interpreter or during system initialization. */
+ * interpreter or during system initialization.
+ * If multiple bats need to be locked at the same time by the same
+ * thread, first lock the view, then the view's parent(s). */
 typedef struct BAT {
        /* static bat properties */
        oid hseqbase;           /* head seq base */
@@ -909,6 +911,111 @@ gdk_export void HEAPincref(Heap *h);
        (((x)->theap && (x)->theap->parentid != (x)->batCacheid) ||     \
         ((x)->tvheap && (x)->tvheap->parentid != (x)->batCacheid))
+ * @+ BAT Buffer Pool
+ * @multitable @columnfractions 0.08 0.7
+ * @item int
+ * @tab BBPfix (bat bi)
+ * @item int
+ * @tab BBPunfix (bat bi)
+ * @item int
+ * @tab BBPretain (bat bi)
+ * @item int
+ * @tab BBPrelease (bat bi)
+ * @item bat
+ * @tab BBPindex  (str nme)
+ * @item BAT*
+ * @tab BATdescriptor (bat bi)
+ * @end multitable
+ *
+ * The BAT Buffer Pool module contains the code to manage the storage
+ * location of BATs.
+ *
+ * The remaining BBP tables contain status information to load, swap
+ * and migrate the BATs. The core table is BBPcache which contains a
+ * pointer to the BAT descriptor with its heaps.  A zero entry means
+ * that the file resides on disk. Otherwise it has been read or mapped
+ * into memory.
+ *
+ * BATs loaded into memory are retained in a BAT buffer pool.  They
+ * retain their position within the cache during their life cycle,
+ * which make indexing BATs a stable operation.
+ *
+ * The BBPindex routine checks if a BAT with a certain name is
+ * registered in the buffer pools. If so, it returns its BAT id.  The
+ * BATdescriptor routine has a BAT id parameter, and returns a pointer
+ * to the corresponding BAT record (after incrementing the reference
+ * count). The BAT will be loaded into memory, if necessary.
+ *
+ * The structure of the BBP file obeys the tuple format for GDK.
+ *
+ * The status and BAT persistency information is encoded in the status
+ * field.
+ */
+typedef struct {
+       BAT *cache;             /* if loaded: BAT* handle */
+       char *logical;          /* logical name (may point at bak) */
+       char bak[16];           /* logical name backup (tmp_%o) */
+       BAT *desc;              /* the BAT descriptor */
+       char *options;          /* A string list of options */
+#if SIZEOF_VOID_P == 4
+       char physical[20];      /* dir + basename for storage */
+       char physical[24];      /* dir + basename for storage */
+       bat next;               /* next BBP slot in linked list */
+       int refs;               /* in-memory references on which the loaded 
status of a BAT relies */
+       int lrefs;              /* logical references on which the existence of 
a BAT relies */
+       ATOMIC_TYPE status;     /* status mask used for spin locking */
+       MT_Id pid;              /* creator of this bat while "private" */
+} BBPrec;
+gdk_export bat BBPlimit;
+#if SIZEOF_VOID_P == 4
+#define N_BBPINIT      1000
+#define BBPINITLOG     11
+#define N_BBPINIT      10000
+#define BBPINITLOG     14
+#define BBPINIT                (1 << BBPINITLOG)
+/* absolute maximum number of BATs is N_BBPINIT * BBPINIT
+ * this also gives the longest possible "physical" name and "bak" name
+ * of a BAT: the "bak" name is "tmp_%o", so at most 14 + \0 bytes on 64
+ * bit architecture and 11 + \0 on 32 bit architecture; the physical
+ * name is a bit more complicated, but the longest possible name is 22 +
+ * \0 bytes (16 + \0 on 32 bits), the longest possible extension adds
+ * another 17 bytes (.thsh(grp|uni)(l|b)%08x) */
+gdk_export BBPrec *BBP[N_BBPINIT];
+/* fast defines without checks; internal use only  */
+#define BBP_record(i)  BBP[(i)>>BBPINITLOG][(i)&(BBPINIT-1)]
+#define BBP_cache(i)   BBP_record(i).cache
+#define BBP_logical(i) BBP_record(i).logical
+#define BBP_bak(i)     BBP_record(i).bak
+#define BBP_next(i)    BBP_record(i).next
+#define BBP_physical(i)        BBP_record(i).physical
+#define BBP_options(i) BBP_record(i).options
+#define BBP_desc(i)    BBP_record(i).desc
+#define BBP_refs(i)    BBP_record(i).refs
+#define BBP_lrefs(i)   BBP_record(i).lrefs
+#define BBP_status(i)  ((unsigned) ATOMIC_GET(&BBP_record(i).status))
+#define BBP_pid(i)     BBP_record(i).pid
+#define BATgetId(b)    BBP_logical((b)->batCacheid)
+#define BBPvalid(i)    (BBP_logical(i) != NULL && *BBP_logical(i) != '.')
+#define BBPRENAME_ALREADY      (-1)
+#define BBPRENAME_ILLEGAL      (-2)
+#define BBPRENAME_LONG         (-3)
+#define BBPRENAME_MEMORY       (-4)
+gdk_export void BBPlock(void);
+gdk_export void BBPunlock(void);
+gdk_export void BBPtmlock(void);
+gdk_export void BBPtmunlock(void);
+gdk_export BAT *BBPquickdesc(bat b);
 /* BAT iterator, also protects use of BAT heaps with reference counts.
  * A BAT iterator has to be used with caution, but it does have to be
@@ -1037,7 +1144,25 @@ bat_iterator(BAT *b)
        /* needs matching bat_iterator_end */
        BATiter bi;
        if (b) {
+               BAT *pb = NULL, *pvb = NULL;
+               /* for a view, always first lock the view and then the
+                * parent(s)
+                * note that a varsized bat can have two different
+                * parents and that the parent for the tail can itself
+                * have a parent for its vheap (which would have to be
+                * our own vheap parent), so lock the vheap after the
+                * tail */
+               if (b->theap->parentid != b->batCacheid) {
+                       pb = BBP_desc(b->theap->parentid);
+                       MT_lock_set(&pb->theaplock);
+               }
+               if (b->tvheap &&
+                   b->tvheap->parentid != b->batCacheid &&
+                   b->tvheap->parentid != b->theap->parentid) {
+                       pvb = BBP_desc(b->tvheap->parentid);
+                       MT_lock_set(&pvb->theaplock);
+               }
                bi = bat_iterator_nolock(b);
 #ifndef NDEBUG
                bi.locked = true;
@@ -1045,6 +1170,10 @@ bat_iterator(BAT *b)
                if (bi.vh)
+               if (pvb)
+                       MT_lock_unset(&pvb->theaplock);
+               if (pb)
+                       MT_lock_unset(&pb->theaplock);
        } else {
                bi = (BATiter) {
@@ -1155,6 +1284,7 @@ gdk_export gdk_return BATextend(BAT *b, 
 /* internal */
 gdk_export uint8_t ATOMelmshift(int sz)
+gdk_export const char *BATtailname(const BAT *b);
 gdk_export gdk_return GDKupgradevarheap(BAT *b, var_t v, BUN cap, BUN ncopy)
@@ -1501,119 +1631,6 @@ BATsettrivprop(BAT *b)
- * @+ BAT Buffer Pool
- * @multitable @columnfractions 0.08 0.7
- * @item int
- * @tab BBPfix (bat bi)
- * @item int
- * @tab BBPunfix (bat bi)
- * @item int
- * @tab BBPretain (bat bi)
- * @item int
- * @tab BBPrelease (bat bi)
- * @item str
- * @tab BBPname (bat bi)
- * @item bat
- * @tab BBPindex  (str nme)
- * @item BAT*
- * @tab BATdescriptor (bat bi)
- * @end multitable
- *
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