Changeset: f3aa538ab35d for MonetDB
Modified Files:
Branch: mangled
Log Message:

Merge with default.

diffs (truncated from 8693 to 300 lines):

diff --git a/clients/Tests/MAL-signatures.stable.out 
--- a/clients/Tests/MAL-signatures.stable.out
+++ b/clients/Tests/MAL-signatures.stable.out
@@ -6386,6 +6386,8 @@
 [ "batsql",    "ntile",        "pattern batsql.ntile(X_0:bat[:any], X_1:any_1, 
X_2:any_2, X_3:any_3):bat[:any_1] ",    "SQLntile;",    "return the groups 
divided as equally as possible"      ]
 [ "batsql",    "ntile",        "pattern batsql.ntile(X_0:bat[:any], 
X_1:bat[:any_1], X_2:any_2, X_3:any_3):bat[:any_1] ",      "SQLntile;",    
"return the groups divided as equally as possible"      ]
 [ "batsql",    "password",     "pattern 
batsql.password(X_0:bat[:str]):bat[:str] ",    "db_password_wrap;",    "Return 
password hash of user"  ]
+[ "batsql",    "peak_next_value",      "pattern 
batsql.peak_next_value(X_0:bat[:str], X_1:bat[:str]):bat[:lng] ",      
"mvc_peak_next_value_bulk;",    "Peaks at the next value of the sequence"       
+[ "batsql",    "peak_next_value",      "pattern 
batsql.peak_next_value(X_0:bat[:str], X_1:bat[:str], X_2:bat[:oid], 
X_3:bat[:oid]):bat[:lng] ",        "mvc_peak_next_value_bulk;",    "Peaks at 
the next value of the sequence"       ]
 [ "batsql",    "percent_rank", "pattern batsql.percent_rank(X_0:bat[:any_1], 
X_1:any_2, X_2:any_3):bat[:dbl] ",        "SQLpercent_rank;",     "return the 
percentage into the total number of groups for each row"    ]
 [ "batsql",    "prod", "pattern[:bte], X_1:any, X_2:any, 
X_3:int, X_4:any, X_5:any):bat[:lng] ",   "SQLprod;",     "return the product 
of groups"  ]
 [ "batsql",    "prod", "pattern[:dbl], X_1:any, X_2:any, 
X_3:int, X_4:any, X_5:any):bat[:dbl] ",   "SQLprod;",     "return the product 
of groups"  ]
@@ -9291,7 +9293,7 @@
 [ "sql",       "bind_idxbat",  "pattern sql.bind_idxbat(X_0:int, X_1:str, 
X_2:str, X_3:str, X_4:int, X_5:int, X_6:int) (X_7:bat[:oid], X_8:bat[:any_1]) 
",     "mvc_bind_idxbat_wrap;",        "Bind the 'schema.table.index' BAT with 
access kind:\n0 - base table\n1 - inserts\n2 - updates" ]
 [ "sql",       "bind_idxbat",  "pattern sql.bind_idxbat(X_0:int, X_1:str, 
X_2:str, X_3:str, X_4:int, X_5:int, X_6:int):bat[:any_1] ",  
"mvc_bind_idxbat_wrap;",        "Bind the 'schema.table.index' BAT with access 
kind:\n0 - base table\n1 - inserts\n2 - updates" ]
 [ "sql",       "claim",        "unsafe pattern sql.claim(X_0:int, X_1:str, 
X_2:str, X_3:lng) (X_4:oid, X_5:bat[:oid]) ",       "mvc_claim_wrap;",      
"Claims slots for appending rows."      ]
-[ "sql",       "clear_table",  "unsafe pattern sql.clear_table(X_0:str, 
X_1:str):lng ",        "mvc_clear_table_wrap;",        "Clear the table 
sname.tname."  ]
+[ "sql",       "clear_table",  "unsafe pattern sql.clear_table(X_0:str, 
X_1:str, X_2:int):lng ",       "mvc_clear_table_wrap;",        "Clear the table 
sname.tname."  ]
 [ "sql",       "copy_from",    "unsafe pattern sql.copy_from(X_0:ptr, X_1:str, 
X_2:str, X_3:str, X_4:str, X_5:str, X_6:lng, X_7:lng, X_8:int, X_9:str, 
X_10:int, X_11:int):bat[:any]... ",     "mvc_import_table_wrap;",       "Import 
a table from bstream s with the \ngiven tuple and seperators (sep/rsep)"        
 [ "sql",       "copy_rejects", "pattern sql.copy_rejects() (X_0:bat[:lng], 
X_1:bat[:int], X_2:bat[:str], X_3:bat[:str]) ",     "COPYrejects;", ""      ]
 [ "sql",       "copy_rejects_clear",   "unsafe pattern 
sql.copy_rejects_clear():void ",        "COPYrejects_clear;",   ""      ]
@@ -9678,7 +9680,7 @@
 [ "wlc",       "alter_user",   "pattern wlc.alter_user(X_0:str, X_1:str, 
X_2:int, X_3:str, X_4:str):void ",    "WLCgeneric;",  "Catalog operation 
alter_user"  ]
 [ "wlc",       "append",       "pattern wlc.append(X_0:str, X_1:str, X_2:str, 
X_3:any):int ",  "WLCappend;",   "Keep the insertions in the 
workload-capture-replay list"       ]
 [ "wlc",       "catalog",      "pattern wlc.catalog(X_0:str):void ",   
"WLCcatalog;",  "Keep the catalog changing queries for replay. "        ]
-[ "wlc",       "clear_table",  "pattern wlc.clear_table(X_0:str, X_1:str):int 
",       "WLCclear_table;",      "Keep the deletions in the 
workload-capture-replay list"        ]
+[ "wlc",       "clear_table",  "pattern wlc.clear_table(X_0:str, X_1:str, 
X_2:int):int ",      "WLCclear_table;",      "Keep the deletions in the 
workload-capture-replay list"        ]
 [ "wlc",       "comment_on",   "pattern wlc.comment_on(X_0:int, X_1:str):void 
",       "WLCgeneric;",  "Catalog operation comment_on"  ]
 [ "wlc",       "commit",       "pattern wlc.commit():void ",   
"WLCcommitCmd;",        "Commit the workload-capture-replay record"     ]
 [ "wlc",       "commit",       "pattern wlc.commit():void ",   
"WLCcommitCmd;",        "Mark the end of the work unit" ]
@@ -9748,7 +9750,7 @@
 [ "wlr",       "alter_user",   "pattern wlr.alter_user(X_0:str, X_1:str, 
X_2:int, X_3:str, X_4:str):void ",    "WLRgeneric;",  "Catalog operation 
alter_user"  ]
 [ "wlr",       "append",       "pattern wlr.append(X_0:str, X_1:str, X_2:str, 
X_3:oid, X_4:bat[:oid], X_5:any...):int ",       "WLRappend;",   "Apply the 
insertions in the workload-capture-replay list"      ]
 [ "wlr",       "catalog",      "pattern wlr.catalog(X_0:str):void ",   
"WLRcatalog;",  "A catalog changing query"      ]
-[ "wlr",       "clear_table",  "pattern wlr.clear_table(X_0:str, X_1:str):int 
",       "WLRclear_table;",      "Destroy the tuples in the table"       ]
+[ "wlr",       "clear_table",  "pattern wlr.clear_table(X_0:str, X_1:str, 
X_2:int):int ",      "WLRclear_table;",      "Destroy the tuples in the table"  
 [ "wlr",       "comment_on",   "pattern wlr.comment_on(X_0:int, X_1:str):void 
",       "WLRgeneric;",  "Catalog operation comment_on"  ]
 [ "wlr",       "commit",       "pattern wlr.commit():void ",   "WLRcommit;",   
"Mark the end of the work unit" ]
 [ "wlr",       "create_function",      "pattern wlr.create_function(X_0:str, 
X_1:str, X_2:int):void ", "WLRgeneric;",  "Catalog operation create_function"   
diff --git a/clients/Tests/MAL-signatures.stable.out.int128 
--- a/clients/Tests/MAL-signatures.stable.out.int128
+++ b/clients/Tests/MAL-signatures.stable.out.int128
@@ -8927,6 +8927,8 @@
 [ "batsql",    "ntile",        "pattern batsql.ntile(X_0:bat[:any], X_1:any_1, 
X_2:any_2, X_3:any_3):bat[:any_1] ",    "SQLntile;",    "return the groups 
divided as equally as possible"      ]
 [ "batsql",    "ntile",        "pattern batsql.ntile(X_0:bat[:any], 
X_1:bat[:any_1], X_2:any_2, X_3:any_3):bat[:any_1] ",      "SQLntile;",    
"return the groups divided as equally as possible"      ]
 [ "batsql",    "password",     "pattern 
batsql.password(X_0:bat[:str]):bat[:str] ",    "db_password_wrap;",    "Return 
password hash of user"  ]
+[ "batsql",    "peak_next_value",      "pattern 
batsql.peak_next_value(X_0:bat[:str], X_1:bat[:str]):bat[:lng] ",      
"mvc_peak_next_value_bulk;",    "Peaks at the next value of the sequence"       
+[ "batsql",    "peak_next_value",      "pattern 
batsql.peak_next_value(X_0:bat[:str], X_1:bat[:str], X_2:bat[:oid], 
X_3:bat[:oid]):bat[:lng] ",        "mvc_peak_next_value_bulk;",    "Peaks at 
the next value of the sequence"       ]
 [ "batsql",    "percent_rank", "pattern batsql.percent_rank(X_0:bat[:any_1], 
X_1:any_2, X_2:any_3):bat[:dbl] ",        "SQLpercent_rank;",     "return the 
percentage into the total number of groups for each row"    ]
 [ "batsql",    "prod", "pattern[:bte], X_1:any, X_2:any, 
X_3:int, X_4:any, X_5:any):bat[:hge] ",   "SQLprod;",     "return the product 
of groups"  ]
 [ "batsql",    "prod", "pattern[:bte], X_1:any, X_2:any, 
X_3:int, X_4:any, X_5:any):bat[:lng] ",   "SQLprod;",     "return the product 
of groups"  ]
@@ -12593,7 +12595,7 @@
 [ "sql",       "bind_idxbat",  "pattern sql.bind_idxbat(X_0:int, X_1:str, 
X_2:str, X_3:str, X_4:int, X_5:int, X_6:int) (X_7:bat[:oid], X_8:bat[:any_1]) 
",     "mvc_bind_idxbat_wrap;",        "Bind the 'schema.table.index' BAT with 
access kind:\n0 - base table\n1 - inserts\n2 - updates" ]
 [ "sql",       "bind_idxbat",  "pattern sql.bind_idxbat(X_0:int, X_1:str, 
X_2:str, X_3:str, X_4:int, X_5:int, X_6:int):bat[:any_1] ",  
"mvc_bind_idxbat_wrap;",        "Bind the 'schema.table.index' BAT with access 
kind:\n0 - base table\n1 - inserts\n2 - updates" ]
 [ "sql",       "claim",        "unsafe pattern sql.claim(X_0:int, X_1:str, 
X_2:str, X_3:lng) (X_4:oid, X_5:bat[:oid]) ",       "mvc_claim_wrap;",      
"Claims slots for appending rows."      ]
-[ "sql",       "clear_table",  "unsafe pattern sql.clear_table(X_0:str, 
X_1:str):lng ",        "mvc_clear_table_wrap;",        "Clear the table 
sname.tname."  ]
+[ "sql",       "clear_table",  "unsafe pattern sql.clear_table(X_0:str, 
X_1:str, X_2:int):lng ",       "mvc_clear_table_wrap;",        "Clear the table 
sname.tname."  ]
 [ "sql",       "copy_from",    "unsafe pattern sql.copy_from(X_0:ptr, X_1:str, 
X_2:str, X_3:str, X_4:str, X_5:str, X_6:lng, X_7:lng, X_8:int, X_9:str, 
X_10:int, X_11:int):bat[:any]... ",     "mvc_import_table_wrap;",       "Import 
a table from bstream s with the \ngiven tuple and seperators (sep/rsep)"        
 [ "sql",       "copy_rejects", "pattern sql.copy_rejects() (X_0:bat[:lng], 
X_1:bat[:int], X_2:bat[:str], X_3:bat[:str]) ",     "COPYrejects;", ""      ]
 [ "sql",       "copy_rejects_clear",   "unsafe pattern 
sql.copy_rejects_clear():void ",        "COPYrejects_clear;",   ""      ]
@@ -12999,7 +13001,7 @@
 [ "wlc",       "alter_user",   "pattern wlc.alter_user(X_0:str, X_1:str, 
X_2:int, X_3:str, X_4:str):void ",    "WLCgeneric;",  "Catalog operation 
alter_user"  ]
 [ "wlc",       "append",       "pattern wlc.append(X_0:str, X_1:str, X_2:str, 
X_3:any):int ",  "WLCappend;",   "Keep the insertions in the 
workload-capture-replay list"       ]
 [ "wlc",       "catalog",      "pattern wlc.catalog(X_0:str):void ",   
"WLCcatalog;",  "Keep the catalog changing queries for replay. "        ]
-[ "wlc",       "clear_table",  "pattern wlc.clear_table(X_0:str, X_1:str):int 
",       "WLCclear_table;",      "Keep the deletions in the 
workload-capture-replay list"        ]
+[ "wlc",       "clear_table",  "pattern wlc.clear_table(X_0:str, X_1:str, 
X_2:int):int ",      "WLCclear_table;",      "Keep the deletions in the 
workload-capture-replay list"        ]
 [ "wlc",       "comment_on",   "pattern wlc.comment_on(X_0:int, X_1:str):void 
",       "WLCgeneric;",  "Catalog operation comment_on"  ]
 [ "wlc",       "commit",       "pattern wlc.commit():void ",   
"WLCcommitCmd;",        "Commit the workload-capture-replay record"     ]
 [ "wlc",       "commit",       "pattern wlc.commit():void ",   
"WLCcommitCmd;",        "Mark the end of the work unit" ]
@@ -13069,7 +13071,7 @@
 [ "wlr",       "alter_user",   "pattern wlr.alter_user(X_0:str, X_1:str, 
X_2:int, X_3:str, X_4:str):void ",    "WLRgeneric;",  "Catalog operation 
alter_user"  ]
 [ "wlr",       "append",       "pattern wlr.append(X_0:str, X_1:str, X_2:str, 
X_3:oid, X_4:bat[:oid], X_5:any...):int ",       "WLRappend;",   "Apply the 
insertions in the workload-capture-replay list"      ]
 [ "wlr",       "catalog",      "pattern wlr.catalog(X_0:str):void ",   
"WLRcatalog;",  "A catalog changing query"      ]
-[ "wlr",       "clear_table",  "pattern wlr.clear_table(X_0:str, X_1:str):int 
",       "WLRclear_table;",      "Destroy the tuples in the table"       ]
+[ "wlr",       "clear_table",  "pattern wlr.clear_table(X_0:str, X_1:str, 
X_2:int):int ",      "WLRclear_table;",      "Destroy the tuples in the table"  
 [ "wlr",       "comment_on",   "pattern wlr.comment_on(X_0:int, X_1:str):void 
",       "WLRgeneric;",  "Catalog operation comment_on"  ]
 [ "wlr",       "commit",       "pattern wlr.commit():void ",   "WLRcommit;",   
"Mark the end of the work unit" ]
 [ "wlr",       "create_function",      "pattern wlr.create_function(X_0:str, 
X_1:str, X_2:int):void ", "WLRgeneric;",  "Catalog operation create_function"   
diff --git a/clients/mapiclient/dump.c b/clients/mapiclient/dump.c
--- a/clients/mapiclient/dump.c
+++ b/clients/mapiclient/dump.c
@@ -1506,46 +1506,55 @@ describe_sequence(Mapi mid, const char *
                goto bailout;
        snprintf(query, maxquerylen,
-               "SELECT, "                                               
                        /* 0 */
-                      ", "                                             
                        /* 1 */
-                      "peak_next_value_for(,, "        /* 2 */
-                      "seq.\"minvalue\", "                                     
                /* 3 */
-                      "seq.\"maxvalue\", "                                     
                /* 4 */
-                      "seq.\"increment\", "                                    
        /* 5 */
-                      "seq.\"cycle\", "                                        
                /* 6 */
-                      "seq.\"cacheinc\", "                                     
                /* 7 */
-                      "rem.\"remark\" "                                        
                /* 8 */
-               "FROM sys.sequences seq LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.comments rem ON =, "
-                    "sys.schemas s "
-               "WHERE = seq.schema_id "
-                 "AND = '%s' "
-                 "AND = '%s' "
-               "ORDER BY,",
+                        "SELECT c.remark, q.* "
+                          "FROM sys.sequences seq LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.comments 
c ON =, "
+                               "sys.schemas s, "
+                               "sys.describe_sequences q "
+                         "WHERE = seq.schema_id "
+                           "AND = '%s' "   /* schema name */
+                           "AND = '%s' " /* sequence name */
+                           "AND q.sch = '%s' "    /* schema name */
+                           "AND q.seq = '%s' "    /* sequence name */
+                         "ORDER BY q.sch, q.seq",
+               schema, tname,
                schema, tname);
        if ((hdl = mapi_query(mid, query)) == NULL || mapi_error(mid))
                goto bailout;
        while (mapi_fetch_row(hdl) != 0) {
-               const char *schema = mapi_fetch_field(hdl, 0);
-               const char *name = mapi_fetch_field(hdl, 1);
-               const char *start = mapi_fetch_field(hdl, 2);
-               const char *minvalue = mapi_fetch_field(hdl, 3);
-               const char *maxvalue = mapi_fetch_field(hdl, 4);
-               const char *increment = mapi_fetch_field(hdl, 5);
-               const char *cycle = mapi_fetch_field(hdl, 6);
-               const char *cacheinc = mapi_fetch_field(hdl, 7);
-               const char *remark = mapi_fetch_field(hdl, 8);
+               const char *remark = mapi_fetch_field(hdl, 0);
+               const char *schema = mapi_fetch_field(hdl, 1);          /* sch 
+               const char *name = mapi_fetch_field(hdl, 2);            /* seq 
+               const char *restart = mapi_fetch_field(hdl, 4);         /* rs */
+               const char *minvalue;
+               const char *maxvalue;
+               const char *increment = mapi_fetch_field(hdl, 7);       /* inc 
+               const char *cacheinc = mapi_fetch_field(hdl, 8);        /* 
cache */
+               const char *cycle = mapi_fetch_field(hdl, 9);           /* 
cycle */
+               if (mapi_get_field_count(hdl) > 10) {
+                       /* new version (Jan2022) of sys.describe_sequences */
+                       minvalue = mapi_fetch_field(hdl, 12);                   
/* rmi */
+                       maxvalue = mapi_fetch_field(hdl, 13);                   
/* rma */
+               } else {
+                       /* old version (pre Jan2022) of sys.describe_sequences 
+                       minvalue = mapi_fetch_field(hdl, 5);                    
/* minvalue */
+                       maxvalue = mapi_fetch_field(hdl, 6);                    
/* maxvalue */
+                       if (strcmp(minvalue, "0") == 0)
+                               minvalue = NULL;
+                       if (strcmp(maxvalue, "0") == 0)
+                               maxvalue = NULL;
+               }
                mnstr_printf(toConsole, "CREATE SEQUENCE ");
                dquoted_print(toConsole, schema, ".");
                dquoted_print(toConsole, name, NULL);
-               mnstr_printf(toConsole, " START WITH %s", start);
+               mnstr_printf(toConsole, " START WITH %s", restart);
                if (strcmp(increment, "1") != 0)
                        mnstr_printf(toConsole, " INCREMENT BY %s", increment);
-               if (strcmp(minvalue, "0") != 0)
+               if (minvalue)
                        mnstr_printf(toConsole, " MINVALUE %s", minvalue);
-               if (strcmp(maxvalue, "0") != 0)
+               if (maxvalue)
                        mnstr_printf(toConsole, " MAXVALUE %s", maxvalue);
                if (strcmp(cacheinc, "1") != 0)
                        mnstr_printf(toConsole, " CACHE %s", cacheinc);
@@ -1683,9 +1692,9 @@ dump_table_data(Mapi mid, const char *sc
                goto bailout;
        if (mapi_rows_affected(hdl) != 1) {
                if (mapi_rows_affected(hdl) == 0)
-                       fprintf(stderr, "table '%s.%s' does not exist\n", 
schema, tname);
+                       fprintf(stderr, "table %s.%s does not exist\n", schema, 
-                       fprintf(stderr, "table '%s.%s' is not unique\n", 
schema, tname);
+                       fprintf(stderr, "table %s.%s is not unique\n", schema, 
                goto bailout;
        while ((mapi_fetch_row(hdl)) != 0) {
@@ -1853,6 +1862,93 @@ bailout:
        return 1;
+static int
+dump_table_alters(Mapi mid, const char *schema, const char *tname, stream 
+       char *sname = NULL;
+       char *query = NULL;
+       size_t maxquerylen;
+       MapiHdl hdl = NULL;
+       char *s = NULL;
+       char *t = NULL;
+       int rc = 1;
+       if (schema == NULL) {
+               if ((sname = strchr(tname, '.')) != NULL) {
+                       size_t len = sname - tname + 1;
+                       sname = malloc(len);
+                       if (sname == NULL)
+                               goto bailout;
+                       strcpy_len(sname, tname, len);
+                       tname += len;
+               } else if ((sname = get_schema(mid)) == NULL) {
+                       goto bailout;
+               }
+               schema = sname;
+       }
+       maxquerylen = 5120 + 2*strlen(tname) + 2*strlen(schema);
+       query = malloc(maxquerylen);
+       s = sescape(schema);
+       t = sescape(tname);
+       if (query == NULL || s == NULL || t == NULL)
+               goto bailout;
+       snprintf(query, maxquerylen,
+                        "SELECT t.access FROM sys._tables t, sys.schemas s "
+                        "WHERE = '%s' AND t.schema_id = AND 
= '%s'",
+                        s, t);
+       if ((hdl = mapi_query(mid, query)) == NULL || mapi_error(mid))
+               goto bailout;
+       if (mapi_rows_affected(hdl) != 1) {
+               if (mapi_rows_affected(hdl) == 0)
+                       fprintf(stderr, "table %s.%s does not exist\n", schema, 
+               else
+                       fprintf(stderr, "table %s.%s is not unique\n", schema, 
+               goto bailout;
+       }
+       while ((mapi_fetch_row(hdl)) != 0) {
+               const char *access = mapi_fetch_field(hdl, 0);
+               if (access && (*access == '1' || *access == '2')) {
+                       mnstr_printf(toConsole, "ALTER TABLE ");
+                       dquoted_print(toConsole, schema, ".");
+                       dquoted_print(toConsole, tname, " ");
+                       mnstr_printf(toConsole, "SET %s ONLY;\n", *access == 
'1' ? "READ" : "INSERT");
+               }
+       }
+       mapi_close_handle(hdl);
+       snprintf(query, maxquerylen,
+                        "SELECT name, storage FROM sys._columns "
+                        "WHERE storage IS NOT NULL "
+                        "AND table_id = (SELECT id FROM sys._tables WHERE name 
= '%s' "
+                        "AND schema_id = (SELECT id FROM sys.schemas WHERE 
name = '%s'))",
+                        t, s);
+       if ((hdl = mapi_query(mid, query)) == NULL || mapi_error(mid))
+               goto bailout;
+       while ((mapi_fetch_row(hdl)) != 0) {
+               const char *cname = mapi_fetch_field(hdl, 0);
+               const char *storage = mapi_fetch_field(hdl, 1);
+               char *stg = sescape(storage);
+               if (stg == NULL)
+                       goto bailout;
+               mnstr_printf(toConsole, "ALTER TABLE ");
+               dquoted_print(toConsole, schema, ".");
+               dquoted_print(toConsole, tname, " ");
+               mnstr_printf(toConsole, "ALTER COLUMN ");
+               dquoted_print(toConsole, cname, " ");
+               mnstr_printf(toConsole, "SET STORAGE '%s';\n", stg);
+               free(stg);
+       }
+       rc = 0;                                         /* success */
+  bailout:
+       free(s);
+       free(t);
+       mapi_close_handle(hdl);         /* may be NULL */
+       free(sname);                            /* may be NULL */
+       return rc;
 dump_table(Mapi mid, const char *schema, const char *tname, stream *toConsole,
                   bool describe, bool foreign, bool useInserts, bool 
@@ -1863,6 +1959,8 @@ dump_table(Mapi mid, const char *schema,
        rc = describe_table(mid, schema, tname, toConsole, foreign, 
        if (rc == 0 && !describe)
                rc = dump_table_data(mid, schema, tname, toConsole, useInserts, 
+       if (rc == 0)
+               rc = dump_table_alters(mid, schema, tname, toConsole);
        return rc;
@@ -2389,16 +2487,7 @@ dump_database(Mapi mid, stream *toConsol
                "WHERE = seq.schema_id "
                "ORDER BY,";
        const char *sequences2 =
-               "SELECT "
-                    "sch, "
-                    "seq, "
-                    "rs, "
-                    "rmi, "
-                    "rma, "
-                    "inc, "
-                    "cycle "
-               "FROM sys.describe_sequences "
-               "ORDER BY sch, seq";
+               "SELECT * FROM sys.describe_sequences ORDER BY sch, seq";
        /* we must dump tables, views, functions/procedures and triggers in 
order of creation since they can refer to each other */
        const char *tables_views_functions_triggers =
                "with vft (sname, name, id, query, remark, type) AS ("
@@ -2862,19 +2951,31 @@ dump_database(Mapi mid, stream *toConsol
                        goto bailout;
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