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diffs (truncated from 3874 to 300 lines):

diff --git a/clients/Tests/MAL-signatures.stable.out 
--- a/clients/Tests/MAL-signatures.stable.out
+++ b/clients/Tests/MAL-signatures.stable.out
@@ -6248,6 +6248,7 @@
 [ "batmtime",  "year", "pattern batmtime.year(X_0:bat[:timestamp], 
X_1:bat[:oid]):bat[:int] ", "MTIMEtimestamp_year_bulk;",    ""      ]
 [ "batpcre",   "replace",      "command batpcre.replace(X_0:bat[:str], 
X_1:str, X_2:str, X_3:str):bat[:str] ", "PCREreplace_bat_wrap;",        ""      
 [ "batpcre",   "replace_first",        "command 
batpcre.replace_first(X_0:bat[:str], X_1:str, X_2:str, X_3:str):bat[:str] ",   
"PCREreplacefirst_bat_wrap;",   ""      ]
+[ "batpyapi3", "eval", "unsafe pattern batpyapi3.eval(X_0:lng, X_1:ptr, 
X_2:str):any... ",     "PYAPI3PyAPIevalStd;",  "Execute a simple Python script 
value"  ]
 [ "batpyapi3", "eval", "unsafe pattern batpyapi3.eval(X_0:ptr, X_1:str, 
X_2:any...):any... ",  "PYAPI3PyAPIevalStd;",  "Execute a simple Python script 
value"  ]
 [ "batpyapi3", "eval_aggr",    "unsafe pattern batpyapi3.eval_aggr(X_0:ptr, 
X_1:str, X_2:any...):any... ",     "PYAPI3PyAPIevalAggr;", "grouped aggregates 
through Python"     ]
 [ "batpyapi3", "eval_loader",  "unsafe pattern batpyapi3.eval_loader(X_0:ptr, 
X_1:str):any... ",       "PYAPI3PyAPIevalLoader;",       "loader functions 
through Python"       ]
@@ -6256,6 +6257,7 @@
 [ "batpyapi3map",      "eval", "pattern batpyapi3map.eval(X_0:ptr, X_1:str, 
X_2:any...):any... ",      "PYAPI3PyAPIevalStdMap;",       "Execute a simple 
Python script value"  ]
 [ "batpyapi3map",      "eval_aggr",    "pattern 
batpyapi3map.eval_aggr(X_0:ptr, X_1:str, X_2:any...):any... ", 
"PYAPI3PyAPIevalAggrMap;",      "grouped aggregates through Python"     ]
 [ "batpyapi3map",      "subeval_aggr", "pattern 
batpyapi3map.subeval_aggr(X_0:ptr, X_1:str, X_2:any...):any... ",      
"PYAPI3PyAPIevalAggrMap;",      "grouped aggregates through Python"     ]
+[ "batrapi",   "eval", "pattern batrapi.eval(X_0:lng, X_1:ptr, X_2:str):any... 
",      "RAPIevalStd;", "Execute a simple R script value"       ]
 [ "batrapi",   "eval", "pattern batrapi.eval(X_0:ptr, X_1:str, 
X_2:any...):any... ",   "RAPIevalStd;", "Execute a simple R script value"       
 [ "batrapi",   "eval_aggr",    "pattern batrapi.eval_aggr(X_0:ptr, X_1:str, 
X_2:any...):any... ",      "RAPIevalAggr;",        "grouped aggregates through 
R"  ]
 [ "batrapi",   "subeval_aggr", "pattern batrapi.subeval_aggr(X_0:ptr, X_1:str, 
X_2:any...):any... ",   "RAPIevalAggr;",        "grouped aggregates through R"  
@@ -6347,9 +6349,6 @@
 [ "batsql",    "diff", "pattern batsql.diff(X_0:bat[:bit], 
X_1:bat[:any_1]):bat[:bit] ",       "SQLdiff;",     "return true if cur != prev 
row"        ]
 [ "batsql",    "diff", "pattern batsql.diff(X_0:bit, 
X_1:bat[:any_1]):bat[:bit] ",     "SQLdiff;",     "return true if cur != prev 
row"        ]
 [ "batsql",    "first_value",  "pattern batsql.first_value(X_0:bat[:any_1], 
X_1:any, X_2:any, X_3:int, X_4:any, X_5:any):bat[:any_1] ",        
"SQLfirst_value;",      "return the first value of groups"      ]
-[ "batsql",    "get_value",    "pattern batsql.get_value(X_0:bat[:str], 
X_1:bat[:str]):bat[:lng] ",    "mvc_bat_get_value;",   "return the current 
value of sequences" ]
-[ "batsql",    "get_value",    "pattern batsql.get_value(X_0:bat[:str], 
X_1:str):bat[:lng] ",  "mvc_bat_get_value;",   "return the current value of the 
sequence"      ]
-[ "batsql",    "get_value",    "pattern batsql.get_value(X_0:str, 
X_1:bat[:str]):bat[:lng] ",  "mvc_bat_get_value;",   "return the current value 
of sequences" ]
 [ "batsql",    "index",        "command batsql.index(X_0:bat[:str], 
X_1:bit):bat[:bte] ",      "BATSTRindex_bte;",     "Return the offsets as an 
index bat"    ]
 [ "batsql",    "index",        "command batsql.index(X_0:bat[:str], 
X_1:bit):bat[:int] ",      "BATSTRindex_int;",     "Return the offsets as an 
index bat"    ]
 [ "batsql",    "index",        "command batsql.index(X_0:bat[:str], 
X_1:bit):bat[:sht] ",      "BATSTRindex_sht;",     "Return the offsets as an 
index bat"    ]
@@ -6378,9 +6377,7 @@
 [ "batsql",    "lead", "pattern batsql.lead(X_0:bat[:any_1], X_1:bat[:any], 
X_2:bat[:any_1], X_3:any_2, X_4:any_3):bat[:any_1] ",      "SQLlead;",     
"return the value in the next 'l' row in the partition or 'd' if non existent"  
 [ "batsql",    "max",  "pattern batsql.max(X_0:bat[:any_1], X_1:any, X_2:any, 
X_3:int, X_4:any, X_5:any):bat[:any_1] ",        "SQLmax;",      "return the 
maximum of groups"  ]
 [ "batsql",    "min",  "pattern batsql.min(X_0:bat[:any_1], X_1:any, X_2:any, 
X_3:int, X_4:any, X_5:any):bat[:any_1] ",        "SQLmin;",      "return the 
minimum of groups"  ]
-[ "batsql",    "next_value",   "pattern batsql.next_value(X_0:bat[:str], 
X_1:bat[:str]):bat[:lng] ",   "mvc_bat_next_value;",  "return the next value of 
sequences"    ]
-[ "batsql",    "next_value",   "pattern batsql.next_value(X_0:bat[:str], 
X_1:str):bat[:lng] ", "mvc_bat_next_value;",  "return the next value of the 
sequence" ]
-[ "batsql",    "next_value",   "pattern batsql.next_value(X_0:str, 
X_1:bat[:str]):bat[:lng] ", "mvc_bat_next_value;",  "return the next value of 
sequences"    ]
+[ "batsql",    "next_value",   "unsafe pattern batsql.next_value(X_0:lng, 
X_1:str, X_2:str):bat[:lng] ",       "mvc_next_value_bulk;", "return the next 
value of the sequence" ]
 [ "batsql",    "nth_value",    "pattern batsql.nth_value(X_0:any_1, 
X_1:bat[:lng], X_2:any, X_3:any, X_4:int, X_5:any, X_6:any):bat[:any_1] ", 
"SQLnth_value;",        "return the nth value of each group"    ]
 [ "batsql",    "nth_value",    "pattern batsql.nth_value(X_0:bat[:any_1], 
X_1:bat[:lng], X_2:any, X_3:any, X_4:int, X_5:any, X_6:any):bat[:any_1] ",   
"SQLnth_value;",        "return the nth value of each group"    ]
 [ "batsql",    "nth_value",    "pattern batsql.nth_value(X_0:bat[:any_1], 
X_1:lng, X_2:any, X_3:any, X_4:int, X_5:any, X_6:any):bat[:any_1] ", 
"SQLnth_value;",        "return the nth value of each group"    ]
@@ -6397,13 +6394,6 @@
 [ "batsql",    "prod", "pattern[:lng], X_1:any, X_2:any, 
X_3:int, X_4:any, X_5:any):bat[:lng] ",   "SQLprod;",     "return the product 
of groups"  ]
 [ "batsql",    "prod", "pattern[:sht], X_1:any, X_2:any, 
X_3:int, X_4:any, X_5:any):bat[:lng] ",   "SQLprod;",     "return the product 
of groups"  ]
 [ "batsql",    "rank", "pattern batsql.rank(X_0:bat[:any_1], X_1:any_2, 
X_2:any_3):bat[:int] ",        "SQLrank;",     "return the ranked groups"      ]
-[ "batsql",    "restart",      "unsafe pattern batsql.restart(X_0:bat[:str], 
X_1:bat[:str], X_2:bat[:lng]):bat[:lng] ",        "mvc_bat_restart_seq;", 
"restart the sequence with value start" ]
-[ "batsql",    "restart",      "unsafe pattern batsql.restart(X_0:bat[:str], 
X_1:bat[:str], X_2:lng):bat[:lng] ",      "mvc_bat_restart_seq;", "restart the 
sequence with value start" ]
-[ "batsql",    "restart",      "unsafe pattern batsql.restart(X_0:bat[:str], 
X_1:str, X_2:bat[:lng]):bat[:lng] ",      "mvc_bat_restart_seq;", "restart the 
sequence with value start" ]
-[ "batsql",    "restart",      "unsafe pattern batsql.restart(X_0:bat[:str], 
X_1:str, X_2:lng):bat[:lng] ",    "mvc_bat_restart_seq;", "restart the sequence 
with value start" ]
-[ "batsql",    "restart",      "unsafe pattern batsql.restart(X_0:str, 
X_1:bat[:str], X_2:bat[:lng]):bat[:lng] ",      "mvc_bat_restart_seq;", 
"restart the sequence with value start" ]
-[ "batsql",    "restart",      "unsafe pattern batsql.restart(X_0:str, 
X_1:bat[:str], X_2:lng):bat[:lng] ",    "mvc_bat_restart_seq;", "restart the 
sequence with value start" ]
-[ "batsql",    "restart",      "unsafe pattern batsql.restart(X_0:str, 
X_1:str, X_2:bat[:lng]):bat[:lng] ",    "mvc_bat_restart_seq;", "restart the 
sequence with value start" ]
 [ "batsql",    "row_number",   "pattern batsql.row_number(X_0:bat[:any_1], 
X_1:any_2, X_2:any_3):bat[:int] ",  "SQLrow_number;",       "return the 
row_numer-ed groups"        ]
 [ "batsql",    "stdev",        "pattern batsql.stdev(X_0:bat[:bte], X_1:any, 
X_2:any, X_3:int, X_4:any, X_5:any):bat[:dbl] ",  "SQLstddev_samp;",      
"return the standard deviation sample of groups"        ]
 [ "batsql",    "stdev",        "pattern batsql.stdev(X_0:bat[:dbl], X_1:any, 
X_2:any, X_3:int, X_4:any, X_5:any):bat[:dbl] ",  "SQLstddev_samp;",      
"return the standard deviation sample of groups"        ]
@@ -8470,7 +8460,7 @@
 [ "fits",      "listdir",      "unsafe pattern fits.listdir(X_0:str):void ",   
"FITSdir;",     "Attach all FITS files in the directory"        ]
 [ "fits",      "listdirpattern",       "unsafe pattern 
fits.listdirpattern(X_0:str, X_1:str):void ",   "FITSdirpat;",  "Attach all 
FITS file in the directory, giving a pattern"       ]
 [ "fits",      "load", "unsafe pattern fits.load(X_0:str):void ",      
"FITSloadTable;",       "Load a FITS table from an attached file"       ]
-[ "for",       "compress",     "pattern for.compress(X_0:str, X_1:str, 
X_2:str):void ",        "FORcompress_col;",     "compress a sql column"]
+[ "for",       "compress",     "pattern for.compress(X_0:str, X_1:str, 
X_2:str):void ",        "FORcompress_col;",     "compress a sql column" ]
 [ "for",       "decompress",   "pattern for.decompress(X_0:bat[:any], 
X_1:any_1):bat[:any_1] ",        "FORdecompress;",       "decompress a for 
compressed (sub)column"       ]
 [ "generator", "join", "pattern generator.join(X_0:bat[:bte], X_1:bat[:bte]) 
(X_2:bat[:oid], X_3:bat[:oid]) ", "VLTgenerator_join;",   ""      ]
 [ "generator", "join", "pattern generator.join(X_0:bat[:dbl], X_1:bat[:dbl]) 
(X_2:bat[:oid], X_3:bat[:oid]) ", "VLTgenerator_join;",   "Overloaded join 
operation"     ]
@@ -8853,6 +8843,8 @@
 [ "logging",   "setflushlevel",        "unsafe command 
logging.setflushlevel(X_0:str):void ",  "TRACERset_flush_level;",       "Sets 
the flush level"  ]
 [ "logging",   "setlayerlevel",        "unsafe command 
logging.setlayerlevel(X_0:str, X_1:str):void ", "TRACERset_layer_level;",       
"Sets the log level for a specific layer"       ]
 [ "mal",       "manifold",     "pattern mal.manifold(X_0:str, X_1:str, 
X_2:any...):bat[:any] ",        "MANIFOLDevaluate;",    ""      ]
+[ "mal",       "multiplex",    "pattern mal.multiplex(X_0:lng, X_1:str, 
X_2:str):any... ",     "MANIFOLDremapMultiplex;",      ""      ]
+[ "mal",       "multiplex",    "pattern mal.multiplex(X_0:lng, X_1:str, 
X_2:str, X_3:any...):any... ", "MANIFOLDremapMultiplex;",      ""      ]
 [ "mal",       "multiplex",    "pattern mal.multiplex(X_0:str, X_1:str, 
X_2:any...):any... ",  "MANIFOLDremapMultiplex;",      ""      ]
 [ "manual",    "functions",    "pattern manual.functions() (X_0:bat[:str], 
X_1:bat[:str], X_2:bat[:str], X_3:bat[:str], X_4:bat[:str]) ",      
"MANUALcreateOverview;",        "Produces a table with all MAL functions known" 
 [ "mapi",      "bind", "pattern mapi.bind(X_0:int, X_1:str):bat[:any_2] ",     
"SERVERbindBAT;",       "Bind a remote variable to a local one."        ]
@@ -9392,7 +9384,7 @@
 [ "sql",       "ms_trunc",     "command sql.ms_trunc(X_0:dbl, X_1:int):dbl ",  
"dbl_trunc_wrap;",      "truncate the floating point v to r digits behind the 
dot (if r < 0, before the dot)"   ]
 [ "sql",       "ms_trunc",     "command sql.ms_trunc(X_0:flt, X_1:int):flt ",  
"flt_trunc_wrap;",      "truncate the floating point v to r digits behind the 
dot (if r < 0, before the dot)"   ]
 [ "sql",       "mvc",  "pattern sql.mvc():int ",       "SQLmvc;",      "Get 
the multiversion catalog context. \nNeeded for correct statement 
dependencies\n(ie sql.update, should be after sql.bind in concurrent 
execution)"  ]
-[ "sql",       "next_value",   "pattern sql.next_value(X_0:str, X_1:str):lng 
",        "mvc_next_value;",      "return the next value of the sequence" ]
+[ "sql",       "next_value",   "unsafe pattern sql.next_value(X_0:str, 
X_1:str):lng ", "mvc_next_value;",      "return the next value of the sequence" 
 [ "sql",       "nth_value",    "pattern sql.nth_value(X_0:any_1, X_1:lng, 
X_2:bit, X_3:bit, X_4:int, X_5:oid, X_6:oid):any_1 ",        "SQLnth_value;",   
     "return the nth value of each group"    ]
 [ "sql",       "ntile",        "pattern sql.ntile(X_0:any, X_1:any_1, X_2:bit, 
X_3:bit):any_1 ",       "SQLntile;",    "return the groups divided as equally 
as possible"      ]
 [ "sql",       "optimizer_updates",    "pattern sql.optimizer_updates():void 
",        "SQLoptimizersUpdate;", ""      ]
diff --git a/clients/Tests/MAL-signatures.stable.out.int128 
--- a/clients/Tests/MAL-signatures.stable.out.int128
+++ b/clients/Tests/MAL-signatures.stable.out.int128
@@ -8778,6 +8778,7 @@
 [ "batmtime",  "year", "pattern batmtime.year(X_0:bat[:timestamp], 
X_1:bat[:oid]):bat[:int] ", "MTIMEtimestamp_year_bulk;",    ""      ]
 [ "batpcre",   "replace",      "command batpcre.replace(X_0:bat[:str], 
X_1:str, X_2:str, X_3:str):bat[:str] ", "PCREreplace_bat_wrap;",        ""      
 [ "batpcre",   "replace_first",        "command 
batpcre.replace_first(X_0:bat[:str], X_1:str, X_2:str, X_3:str):bat[:str] ",   
"PCREreplacefirst_bat_wrap;",   ""      ]
+[ "batpyapi3", "eval", "unsafe pattern batpyapi3.eval(X_0:lng, X_1:ptr, 
X_2:str):any... ",     "PYAPI3PyAPIevalStd;",  "Execute a simple Python script 
value"  ]
 [ "batpyapi3", "eval", "unsafe pattern batpyapi3.eval(X_0:ptr, X_1:str, 
X_2:any...):any... ",  "PYAPI3PyAPIevalStd;",  "Execute a simple Python script 
value"  ]
 [ "batpyapi3", "eval_aggr",    "unsafe pattern batpyapi3.eval_aggr(X_0:ptr, 
X_1:str, X_2:any...):any... ",     "PYAPI3PyAPIevalAggr;", "grouped aggregates 
through Python"     ]
 [ "batpyapi3", "eval_loader",  "unsafe pattern batpyapi3.eval_loader(X_0:ptr, 
X_1:str):any... ",       "PYAPI3PyAPIevalLoader;",       "loader functions 
through Python"       ]
@@ -8786,6 +8787,7 @@
 [ "batpyapi3map",      "eval", "pattern batpyapi3map.eval(X_0:ptr, X_1:str, 
X_2:any...):any... ",      "PYAPI3PyAPIevalStdMap;",       "Execute a simple 
Python script value"  ]
 [ "batpyapi3map",      "eval_aggr",    "pattern 
batpyapi3map.eval_aggr(X_0:ptr, X_1:str, X_2:any...):any... ", 
"PYAPI3PyAPIevalAggrMap;",      "grouped aggregates through Python"     ]
 [ "batpyapi3map",      "subeval_aggr", "pattern 
batpyapi3map.subeval_aggr(X_0:ptr, X_1:str, X_2:any...):any... ",      
"PYAPI3PyAPIevalAggrMap;",      "grouped aggregates through Python"     ]
+[ "batrapi",   "eval", "pattern batrapi.eval(X_0:lng, X_1:ptr, X_2:str):any... 
",      "RAPIevalStd;", "Execute a simple R script value"       ]
 [ "batrapi",   "eval", "pattern batrapi.eval(X_0:ptr, X_1:str, 
X_2:any...):any... ",   "RAPIevalStd;", "Execute a simple R script value"       
 [ "batrapi",   "eval_aggr",    "pattern batrapi.eval_aggr(X_0:ptr, X_1:str, 
X_2:any...):any... ",      "RAPIevalAggr;",        "grouped aggregates through 
R"  ]
 [ "batrapi",   "subeval_aggr", "pattern batrapi.subeval_aggr(X_0:ptr, X_1:str, 
X_2:any...):any... ",   "RAPIevalAggr;",        "grouped aggregates through R"  
@@ -8888,9 +8890,6 @@
 [ "batsql",    "diff", "pattern batsql.diff(X_0:bat[:bit], 
X_1:bat[:any_1]):bat[:bit] ",       "SQLdiff;",     "return true if cur != prev 
row"        ]
 [ "batsql",    "diff", "pattern batsql.diff(X_0:bit, 
X_1:bat[:any_1]):bat[:bit] ",     "SQLdiff;",     "return true if cur != prev 
row"        ]
 [ "batsql",    "first_value",  "pattern batsql.first_value(X_0:bat[:any_1], 
X_1:any, X_2:any, X_3:int, X_4:any, X_5:any):bat[:any_1] ",        
"SQLfirst_value;",      "return the first value of groups"      ]
-[ "batsql",    "get_value",    "pattern batsql.get_value(X_0:bat[:str], 
X_1:bat[:str]):bat[:lng] ",    "mvc_bat_get_value;",   "return the current 
value of sequences" ]
-[ "batsql",    "get_value",    "pattern batsql.get_value(X_0:bat[:str], 
X_1:str):bat[:lng] ",  "mvc_bat_get_value;",   "return the current value of the 
sequence"      ]
-[ "batsql",    "get_value",    "pattern batsql.get_value(X_0:str, 
X_1:bat[:str]):bat[:lng] ",  "mvc_bat_get_value;",   "return the current value 
of sequences" ]
 [ "batsql",    "index",        "command batsql.index(X_0:bat[:str], 
X_1:bit):bat[:bte] ",      "BATSTRindex_bte;",     "Return the offsets as an 
index bat"    ]
 [ "batsql",    "index",        "command batsql.index(X_0:bat[:str], 
X_1:bit):bat[:int] ",      "BATSTRindex_int;",     "Return the offsets as an 
index bat"    ]
 [ "batsql",    "index",        "command batsql.index(X_0:bat[:str], 
X_1:bit):bat[:sht] ",      "BATSTRindex_sht;",     "Return the offsets as an 
index bat"    ]
@@ -8919,9 +8918,7 @@
 [ "batsql",    "lead", "pattern batsql.lead(X_0:bat[:any_1], X_1:bat[:any], 
X_2:bat[:any_1], X_3:any_2, X_4:any_3):bat[:any_1] ",      "SQLlead;",     
"return the value in the next 'l' row in the partition or 'd' if non existent"  
 [ "batsql",    "max",  "pattern batsql.max(X_0:bat[:any_1], X_1:any, X_2:any, 
X_3:int, X_4:any, X_5:any):bat[:any_1] ",        "SQLmax;",      "return the 
maximum of groups"  ]
 [ "batsql",    "min",  "pattern batsql.min(X_0:bat[:any_1], X_1:any, X_2:any, 
X_3:int, X_4:any, X_5:any):bat[:any_1] ",        "SQLmin;",      "return the 
minimum of groups"  ]
-[ "batsql",    "next_value",   "pattern batsql.next_value(X_0:bat[:str], 
X_1:bat[:str]):bat[:lng] ",   "mvc_bat_next_value;",  "return the next value of 
sequences"    ]
-[ "batsql",    "next_value",   "pattern batsql.next_value(X_0:bat[:str], 
X_1:str):bat[:lng] ", "mvc_bat_next_value;",  "return the next value of the 
sequence" ]
-[ "batsql",    "next_value",   "pattern batsql.next_value(X_0:str, 
X_1:bat[:str]):bat[:lng] ", "mvc_bat_next_value;",  "return the next value of 
sequences"    ]
+[ "batsql",    "next_value",   "unsafe pattern batsql.next_value(X_0:lng, 
X_1:str, X_2:str):bat[:lng] ",       "mvc_next_value_bulk;", "return the next 
value of the sequence" ]
 [ "batsql",    "nth_value",    "pattern batsql.nth_value(X_0:any_1, 
X_1:bat[:lng], X_2:any, X_3:any, X_4:int, X_5:any, X_6:any):bat[:any_1] ", 
"SQLnth_value;",        "return the nth value of each group"    ]
 [ "batsql",    "nth_value",    "pattern batsql.nth_value(X_0:bat[:any_1], 
X_1:bat[:lng], X_2:any, X_3:any, X_4:int, X_5:any, X_6:any):bat[:any_1] ",   
"SQLnth_value;",        "return the nth value of each group"    ]
 [ "batsql",    "nth_value",    "pattern batsql.nth_value(X_0:bat[:any_1], 
X_1:lng, X_2:any, X_3:any, X_4:int, X_5:any, X_6:any):bat[:any_1] ", 
"SQLnth_value;",        "return the nth value of each group"    ]
@@ -8943,13 +8940,6 @@
 [ "batsql",    "prod", "pattern[:sht], X_1:any, X_2:any, 
X_3:int, X_4:any, X_5:any):bat[:hge] ",   "SQLprod;",     "return the product 
of groups"  ]
 [ "batsql",    "prod", "pattern[:sht], X_1:any, X_2:any, 
X_3:int, X_4:any, X_5:any):bat[:lng] ",   "SQLprod;",     "return the product 
of groups"  ]
 [ "batsql",    "rank", "pattern batsql.rank(X_0:bat[:any_1], X_1:any_2, 
X_2:any_3):bat[:int] ",        "SQLrank;",     "return the ranked groups"      ]
-[ "batsql",    "restart",      "unsafe pattern batsql.restart(X_0:bat[:str], 
X_1:bat[:str], X_2:bat[:lng]):bat[:lng] ",        "mvc_bat_restart_seq;", 
"restart the sequence with value start" ]
-[ "batsql",    "restart",      "unsafe pattern batsql.restart(X_0:bat[:str], 
X_1:bat[:str], X_2:lng):bat[:lng] ",      "mvc_bat_restart_seq;", "restart the 
sequence with value start" ]
-[ "batsql",    "restart",      "unsafe pattern batsql.restart(X_0:bat[:str], 
X_1:str, X_2:bat[:lng]):bat[:lng] ",      "mvc_bat_restart_seq;", "restart the 
sequence with value start" ]
-[ "batsql",    "restart",      "unsafe pattern batsql.restart(X_0:bat[:str], 
X_1:str, X_2:lng):bat[:lng] ",    "mvc_bat_restart_seq;", "restart the sequence 
with value start" ]
-[ "batsql",    "restart",      "unsafe pattern batsql.restart(X_0:str, 
X_1:bat[:str], X_2:bat[:lng]):bat[:lng] ",      "mvc_bat_restart_seq;", 
"restart the sequence with value start" ]
-[ "batsql",    "restart",      "unsafe pattern batsql.restart(X_0:str, 
X_1:bat[:str], X_2:lng):bat[:lng] ",    "mvc_bat_restart_seq;", "restart the 
sequence with value start" ]
-[ "batsql",    "restart",      "unsafe pattern batsql.restart(X_0:str, 
X_1:str, X_2:bat[:lng]):bat[:lng] ",    "mvc_bat_restart_seq;", "restart the 
sequence with value start" ]
 [ "batsql",    "row_number",   "pattern batsql.row_number(X_0:bat[:any_1], 
X_1:any_2, X_2:any_3):bat[:int] ",  "SQLrow_number;",       "return the 
row_numer-ed groups"        ]
 [ "batsql",    "stdev",        "pattern batsql.stdev(X_0:bat[:bte], X_1:any, 
X_2:any, X_3:int, X_4:any, X_5:any):bat[:dbl] ",  "SQLstddev_samp;",      
"return the standard deviation sample of groups"        ]
 [ "batsql",    "stdev",        "pattern batsql.stdev(X_0:bat[:dbl], X_1:any, 
X_2:any, X_3:int, X_4:any, X_5:any):bat[:dbl] ",  "SQLstddev_samp;",      
"return the standard deviation sample of groups"        ]
@@ -9176,7 +9166,7 @@
 [ "batstr",    "unicodeAt",    "pattern batstr.unicodeAt(X_0:bat[:str], 
X_1:int, X_2:bat[:oid]):bat[:int] ",   "STRbatWChrAtcst;",     "get a unicode 
character (as an int) from a string position."   ]
 [ "battxtsim", "similarity",   "command battxtsim.similarity(X_0:bat[:str], 
X_1:bat[:str]):bat[:dbl] ",        "fstrcmp0_impl_bulk;",  "Normalized edit 
distance between two strings"  ]
 [ "batuuid",   "isaUUID",      "command 
batuuid.isaUUID(X_0:bat[:str]):bat[:bit] ",    "UUIDisaUUID_bulk;",    "Test a 
string for a UUID format"       ]
-[ "batuuid",   "new",  "unsafe command[:int]):bat[:uuid] 
",        "UUIDgenerateUuidInt_bulk;",    "Generate a new uuid (dummy version 
for side effect free multiplex loop)"       ]
+[ "batuuid",   "new",  "command[:int]):bat[:uuid] ",       
"UUIDgenerateUuidInt_bulk;",    "Generate a new uuid (dummy version for side 
effect free multiplex loop)"       ]
 [ "batxml",    "attribute",    "command batxml.attribute(X_0:str, 
X_1:bat[:str]):bat[:xml] ",  "BATXMLattribute;",     "Construct an attribute 
value pair."    ]
 [ "batxml",    "comment",      "command 
batxml.comment(X_0:bat[:str]):bat[:xml] ",     "BATXMLcomment;",       "Create 
an XML comment element."        ]
 [ "batxml",    "concat",       "command batxml.concat(X_0:bat[:xml], 
X_1:bat[:xml]):bat[:xml] ",       "BATXMLconcat;",        "Concatenate the XML 
values."   ]
@@ -11666,10 +11656,10 @@
 [ "capi",      "eval_aggr",    "pattern capi.eval_aggr(X_0:ptr, X_1:bit, 
X_2:str, X_3:any...):any... ",        "CUDFevalAggr;",        "grouped 
aggregates through CUDF"       ]
 [ "capi",      "prelude",      "command capi.prelude():void ", "CUDFprelude;", 
""      ]
 [ "capi",      "subeval_aggr", "pattern capi.subeval_aggr(X_0:ptr, X_1:bit, 
X_2:str, X_3:any...):any... ",     "CUDFevalAggr;",        "grouped aggregates 
through CUDF"       ]
-[ "clients",   "addUser",      "pattern clients.addUser(X_0:str, X_1:str):oid 
",       "CLTaddUser;",  "Allow user with password access to the given 
scenarios"        ]
+[ "clients",   "addUser",      "unsafe pattern clients.addUser(X_0:str, 
X_1:str):oid ",        "CLTaddUser;",  "Allow user with password access to the 
given scenarios"        ]
 [ "clients",   "backendsum",   "command clients.backendsum(X_0:str):str ",     
"CLTbackendsum;",       "Return hex string representation of the currently used 
hash of the given string"       ]
-[ "clients",   "changePassword",       "pattern 
clients.changePassword(X_0:str, X_1:str):void ",       "CLTchangePassword;",   
"Change the password for the current user"      ]
-[ "clients",   "changeUsername",       "pattern 
clients.changeUsername(X_0:str, X_1:str):void ",       "CLTchangeUsername;",   
"Change the username of the user into the new string"   ]
+[ "clients",   "changePassword",       "unsafe pattern 
clients.changePassword(X_0:str, X_1:str):void ",        "CLTchangePassword;",   
"Change the password for the current user"      ]
+[ "clients",   "changeUsername",       "unsafe pattern 
clients.changeUsername(X_0:str, X_1:str):void ",        "CLTchangeUsername;",   
"Change the username of the user into the new string"   ]
 [ "clients",   "checkPermission",      "pattern 
clients.checkPermission(X_0:str, X_1:str):void ",      "CLTcheckPermission;",  
"Check permission for a user, requires hashed password (backendsum)"    ]
 [ "clients",   "current_sessionid",    "pattern 
clients.current_sessionid():int ",     "CLTgetSessionID;",     "return current 
session ID"     ]
 [ "clients",   "getId",        "pattern clients.getId():int ", 
"CLTgetClientId;",      "Return a number that uniquely represents the current 
client."  ]
@@ -11681,42 +11671,42 @@
 [ "clients",   "getUsers",     "pattern clients.getUsers() (X_0:bat[:oid], 
X_1:bat[:str]) ",   "CLTgetUsers;", "return a BAT with user id and one with 
name available in the system"   ]
 [ "clients",   "getprofile",   "pattern clients.getprofile() (X_0:str, 
X_1:int, X_2:int, X_3:int, X_4:int) ",  "CLTgetProfile;",       "Retrieve the 
profile settings for a client"    ]
 [ "clients",   "md5sum",       "command clients.md5sum(X_0:str):str ", 
"CLTmd5sum;",   "Return hex string representation of the MD5 hash of the given 
string"  ]
-[ "clients",   "quit", "pattern clients.quit():void ", "CLTquit;",     
"Terminate the client session." ]
-[ "clients",   "quit", "pattern clients.quit(X_0:int):void ",  "CLTquit;",     
"Terminate the session for a single client using a soft error.\nIt is the 
privilige of the console user."       ]
-[ "clients",   "removeUser",   "pattern clients.removeUser(X_0:str):void ",    
"CLTremoveUser;",       "Remove the given user from the system" ]
+[ "clients",   "quit", "unsafe pattern clients.quit():void ",  "CLTquit;",     
"Terminate the client session." ]
+[ "clients",   "quit", "unsafe pattern clients.quit(X_0:int):void ",   
"CLTquit;",     "Terminate the session for a single client using a soft 
error.\nIt is the privilige of the console user."       ]
+[ "clients",   "removeUser",   "unsafe pattern 
clients.removeUser(X_0:str):void ",     "CLTremoveUser;",       "Remove the 
given user from the system" ]
 [ "clients",   "ripemd160sum", "command clients.ripemd160sum(X_0:str):str ",   
"CLTripemd160sum;",     "Return hex string representation of the RIPEMD160 hash 
of the given string"    ]
-[ "clients",   "setListing",   "pattern clients.setListing(X_0:int):int ",     
"CLTsetListing;",       "Turn on/off echo of MAL instructions:\n1 - echo 
input,\n2 - show mal instruction,\n4 - show details of type resolutoin, \n8 - 
show binding information."       ]
-[ "clients",   "setPassword",  "pattern clients.setPassword(X_0:str, 
X_1:str):void ",  "CLTsetPassword;",      "Set the password for the given user" 
-[ "clients",   "setQryTimeoutMicro",   "pattern 
clients.setQryTimeoutMicro(X_0:lng):void ",    "CLTqueryTimeoutMicro;",        
""      ]
-[ "clients",   "setScenario",  "pattern clients.setScenario(X_0:str):str ",    
"CLTsetScenario;",      "Switch to other scenario handler, return previous 
one."        ]
-[ "clients",   "setmemorylimit",       "pattern 
clients.setmemorylimit(X_0:int):void ",        "CLTsetmemorylimit;",   ""      ]
-[ "clients",   "setmemorylimit",       "pattern 
clients.setmemorylimit(X_0:int, X_1:int):void ",       "CLTsetmemorylimit;",   
"Limit the memory claim in MB per query"        ]
-[ "clients",   "setoptimizer", "pattern clients.setoptimizer(X_0:int, 
X_1:str):void ", "CLTsetoptimizer;",     "Set the session optimizer"     ]
-[ "clients",   "setoptimizer", "pattern clients.setoptimizer(X_0:str):void ",  
"CLTsetoptimizer;",     ""      ]
-[ "clients",   "setprinttimeout",      "command 
clients.setprinttimeout(X_0:int):void ",       "CLTsetPrintTimeout;",  "Print 
running query every so many seconds."    ]
-[ "clients",   "setquerytimeout",      "pattern 
clients.setquerytimeout(X_0:bte, X_1:int):void ",      "CLTqueryTimeout;",     
""      ]
-[ "clients",   "setquerytimeout",      "pattern 
clients.setquerytimeout(X_0:int):void ",       "CLTqueryTimeout;",     ""      ]
-[ "clients",   "setquerytimeout",      "pattern 
clients.setquerytimeout(X_0:int, X_1:int):void ",      "CLTqueryTimeout;",     
"A query is aborted after q seconds (q=0 means run undisturbed)."       ]
-[ "clients",   "setquerytimeout",      "pattern 
clients.setquerytimeout(X_0:sht, X_1:int):void ",      "CLTqueryTimeout;",     
""      ]
-[ "clients",   "setsession",   "pattern clients.setsession(X_0:lng):void ",    
"CLTsetSessionTimeout;",        "Abort a session after  n seconds."     ]
-[ "clients",   "setsessiontimeout",    "pattern 
clients.setsessiontimeout(X_0:bte, X_1:int):void ",    "CLTsessionTimeout;",   
""      ]
-[ "clients",   "setsessiontimeout",    "pattern 
clients.setsessiontimeout(X_0:int):void ",     "CLTsessionTimeout;",   ""      ]
-[ "clients",   "setsessiontimeout",    "pattern 
clients.setsessiontimeout(X_0:int, X_1:int):void ",    "CLTsessionTimeout;",   
"Set the session timeout for a particulat session id"   ]
-[ "clients",   "setsessiontimeout",    "pattern 
clients.setsessiontimeout(X_0:sht, X_1:int):void ",    "CLTsessionTimeout;",   
""      ]
-[ "clients",   "settimeout",   "pattern clients.settimeout(X_0:lng):void ",    
"CLTsetTimeout;",       "Abort a query after  n seconds."       ]
-[ "clients",   "settimeout",   "pattern clients.settimeout(X_0:lng, 
X_1:lng):void ",   "CLTsetTimeout;",       "Abort a query after q seconds (q=0 
means run undisturbed).\nThe session timeout aborts the connection after 
spending too\nmany seconds on query processing."   ]
-[ "clients",   "setworkerlimit",       "pattern 
clients.setworkerlimit(X_0:int):void ",        "CLTsetworkerlimit;",   ""      ]
-[ "clients",   "setworkerlimit",       "pattern 
clients.setworkerlimit(X_0:int, X_1:int):void ",       "CLTsetworkerlimit;",   
"Limit the number of worker threads per query"  ]
+[ "clients",   "setListing",   "unsafe pattern clients.setListing(X_0:int):int 
",      "CLTsetListing;",       "Turn on/off echo of MAL instructions:\n1 - 
echo input,\n2 - show mal instruction,\n4 - show details of type resolutoin, 
\n8 - show binding information."       ]
+[ "clients",   "setPassword",  "unsafe pattern clients.setPassword(X_0:str, 
X_1:str):void ",   "CLTsetPassword;",      "Set the password for the given 
user"   ]
+[ "clients",   "setQryTimeoutMicro",   "unsafe pattern 
clients.setQryTimeoutMicro(X_0:lng):void ",     "CLTqueryTimeoutMicro;",        
""      ]
+[ "clients",   "setScenario",  "unsafe pattern 
clients.setScenario(X_0:str):str ",     "CLTsetScenario;",      "Switch to 
other scenario handler, return previous one."        ]
+[ "clients",   "setmemorylimit",       "unsafe pattern 
clients.setmemorylimit(X_0:int):void ", "CLTsetmemorylimit;",   ""      ]
+[ "clients",   "setmemorylimit",       "unsafe pattern 
clients.setmemorylimit(X_0:int, X_1:int):void ",        "CLTsetmemorylimit;",   
"Limit the memory claim in MB per query"        ]
+[ "clients",   "setoptimizer", "unsafe pattern clients.setoptimizer(X_0:int, 
X_1:str):void ",  "CLTsetoptimizer;",     "Set the session optimizer"     ]
+[ "clients",   "setoptimizer", "unsafe pattern 
clients.setoptimizer(X_0:str):void ",   "CLTsetoptimizer;",     ""      ]
+[ "clients",   "setprinttimeout",      "unsafe command 
clients.setprinttimeout(X_0:int):void ",        "CLTsetPrintTimeout;",  "Print 
running query every so many seconds."    ]
+[ "clients",   "setquerytimeout",      "unsafe pattern 
clients.setquerytimeout(X_0:bte, X_1:int):void ",       "CLTqueryTimeout;",     
""      ]
+[ "clients",   "setquerytimeout",      "unsafe pattern 
clients.setquerytimeout(X_0:int):void ",        "CLTqueryTimeout;",     ""      
+[ "clients",   "setquerytimeout",      "unsafe pattern 
clients.setquerytimeout(X_0:int, X_1:int):void ",       "CLTqueryTimeout;",     
"A query is aborted after q seconds (q=0 means run undisturbed)."       ]
+[ "clients",   "setquerytimeout",      "unsafe pattern 
clients.setquerytimeout(X_0:sht, X_1:int):void ",       "CLTqueryTimeout;",     
""      ]
+[ "clients",   "setsession",   "unsafe pattern 
clients.setsession(X_0:lng):void ",     "CLTsetSessionTimeout;",        "Abort 
a session after  n seconds."     ]
+[ "clients",   "setsessiontimeout",    "unsafe pattern 
clients.setsessiontimeout(X_0:bte, X_1:int):void ",     "CLTsessionTimeout;",   
""      ]
+[ "clients",   "setsessiontimeout",    "unsafe pattern 
clients.setsessiontimeout(X_0:int):void ",      "CLTsessionTimeout;",   ""      
+[ "clients",   "setsessiontimeout",    "unsafe pattern 
clients.setsessiontimeout(X_0:int, X_1:int):void ",     "CLTsessionTimeout;",   
"Set the session timeout for a particulat session id"   ]
+[ "clients",   "setsessiontimeout",    "unsafe pattern 
clients.setsessiontimeout(X_0:sht, X_1:int):void ",     "CLTsessionTimeout;",   
""      ]
+[ "clients",   "settimeout",   "unsafe pattern 
clients.settimeout(X_0:lng):void ",     "CLTsetTimeout;",       "Abort a query 
after  n seconds."       ]
+[ "clients",   "settimeout",   "unsafe pattern clients.settimeout(X_0:lng, 
X_1:lng):void ",    "CLTsetTimeout;",       "Abort a query after q seconds (q=0 
means run undisturbed).\nThe session timeout aborts the connection after 
spending too\nmany seconds on query processing."   ]
+[ "clients",   "setworkerlimit",       "unsafe pattern 
clients.setworkerlimit(X_0:int):void ", "CLTsetworkerlimit;",   ""      ]
+[ "clients",   "setworkerlimit",       "unsafe pattern 
clients.setworkerlimit(X_0:int, X_1:int):void ",        "CLTsetworkerlimit;",   
"Limit the number of worker threads per query"  ]
 [ "clients",   "sha1sum",      "command clients.sha1sum(X_0:str):str ",        
"CLTsha1sum;",  "Return hex string representation of the SHA-1 hash of the 
given string"        ]
 [ "clients",   "sha2sum",      "command clients.sha2sum(X_0:str, X_1:int):str 
",       "CLTsha2sum;",  "Return hex string representation of the SHA-2 hash 
with bits of the given string"      ]
-[ "clients",   "shutdown",     "pattern clients.shutdown(X_0:int):str ",       
"CLTshutdown;", ""      ]
-[ "clients",   "shutdown",     "pattern clients.shutdown(X_0:int, X_1:bit):str 
",      "CLTshutdown;", "Close all other client connections. Return if it 
succeeds.\nIf forced is set then always stop the system the hard way" ]
-[ "clients",   "stop", "pattern clients.stop(X_0:int):void ",  "CLTstop;",     
"Stop the query execution at the next eligble statement."       ]
-[ "clients",   "stopsession",  "pattern clients.stopsession(X_0:bte):void ",   
"CLTstopSession;",      ""      ]
-[ "clients",   "stopsession",  "pattern clients.stopsession(X_0:int):void ",   
"CLTstopSession;",      "Stop a particular session"     ]
-[ "clients",   "stopsession",  "pattern clients.stopsession(X_0:sht):void ",   
"CLTstopSession;",      ""      ]
-[ "clients",   "suspend",      "pattern clients.suspend(X_0:int):void ",       
"CLTsuspend;",  "Put a client process to sleep for some time.\nIt will simple 
sleep for a second at a time, until\nthe awake bit has been set in its 
descriptor"        ]
-[ "clients",   "wakeup",       "pattern clients.wakeup(X_0:int):void ",        
"CLTwakeup;",   "Wakeup a client process"       ]
+[ "clients",   "shutdown",     "unsafe pattern clients.shutdown(X_0:int):str 
",        "CLTshutdown;", ""      ]
+[ "clients",   "shutdown",     "unsafe pattern clients.shutdown(X_0:int, 
X_1:bit):str ",       "CLTshutdown;", "Close all other client connections. 
Return if it succeeds.\nIf forced is set then always stop the system the hard 
way" ]
+[ "clients",   "stop", "unsafe pattern clients.stop(X_0:int):void ",   
"CLTstop;",     "Stop the query execution at the next eligble statement."       
+[ "clients",   "stopsession",  "unsafe pattern 
clients.stopsession(X_0:bte):void ",    "CLTstopSession;",      ""      ]
+[ "clients",   "stopsession",  "unsafe pattern 
clients.stopsession(X_0:int):void ",    "CLTstopSession;",      "Stop a 
particular session"     ]
+[ "clients",   "stopsession",  "unsafe pattern 
clients.stopsession(X_0:sht):void ",    "CLTstopSession;",      ""      ]
+[ "clients",   "suspend",      "unsafe pattern clients.suspend(X_0:int):void 
",        "CLTsuspend;",  "Put a client process to sleep for some time.\nIt 
will simple sleep for a second at a time, until\nthe awake bit has been set in 
its descriptor"        ]
+[ "clients",   "wakeup",       "unsafe pattern clients.wakeup(X_0:int):void ", 
"CLTwakeup;",   "Wakeup a client process"       ]
 [ "color",     "blue", "command ",   "CLRblue;",     
"Extracts blue component from a color atom"     ]
 [ "color",     "cb",   "command color.cb(X_0:color):int ",     "CLRcb;",       
"Extracts Cb(blue color) component from a color atom"   ]
 [ "color",     "color",        "command color.color(X_0:str):color ",  
"CLRcolor;",    "Converts string to color"      ]
@@ -11749,13 +11739,13 @@
 [ "factories", "getOwners",    "command factories.getOwners():bat[:str] ",     
"FCTgetOwners;",        "Retrieve the factory owners table."    ]
 [ "factories", "getPlants",    "command factories.getPlants() (X_0:bat[:str], 
X_1:bat[:str]) ",        "FCTgetPlants;",        "Retrieve the names for all 
active factories."  ]
 [ "factories", "shutdown",     "pattern factories.shutdown(X_0:str, 
X_1:str):void ",   "FCTshutdown;", "Close a factory."      ]
-[ "fits",      "attach",       "pattern fits.attach(X_0:str):void ",   
"FITSattach;",  "Open a FITS file and return catalog of the table HDUs" ]
+[ "fits",      "attach",       "unsafe pattern fits.attach(X_0:str):void ",    
"FITSattach;",  "Open a FITS file and return catalog of the table HDUs" ]
 [ "fits",      "export",       "pattern fits.export(X_0:str):void ",   
"FITSexportTable;",     "Export a table to a FITS file" ]
 [ "fits",      "fitstest",     "command fits.fitstest(X_0:str):int ",  
"FITStest;",    "Returns the type of first extension in the FITS file filename" 
-[ "fits",      "listdir",      "pattern fits.listdir(X_0:str):void ",  
"FITSdir;",     "Attach all FITS files in the directory"        ]
-[ "fits",      "listdirpattern",       "pattern fits.listdirpattern(X_0:str, 
X_1:str):void ",  "FITSdirpat;",  "Attach all FITS file in the directory, 
giving a pattern"       ]
-[ "fits",      "load", "pattern fits.load(X_0:str):void ",     
"FITSloadTable;",       "Load a FITS table from an attached file"       ]
-[ "for",       "compress",     "pattern for.compress(X_0:str, X_1:str, 
X_2:str):void ",        "FORcompress_col;",     "compress a sql column"]
+[ "fits",      "listdir",      "unsafe pattern fits.listdir(X_0:str):void ",   
"FITSdir;",     "Attach all FITS files in the directory"        ]
+[ "fits",      "listdirpattern",       "unsafe pattern 
fits.listdirpattern(X_0:str, X_1:str):void ",   "FITSdirpat;",  "Attach all 
FITS file in the directory, giving a pattern"       ]
+[ "fits",      "load", "unsafe pattern fits.load(X_0:str):void ",      
"FITSloadTable;",       "Load a FITS table from an attached file"       ]
+[ "for",       "compress",     "pattern for.compress(X_0:str, X_1:str, 
X_2:str):void ",        "FORcompress_col;",     "compress a sql column" ]
 [ "for",       "decompress",   "pattern for.decompress(X_0:bat[:any], 
X_1:any_1):bat[:any_1] ",        "FORdecompress;",       "decompress a for 
compressed (sub)column"       ]
 [ "generator", "join", "pattern generator.join(X_0:bat[:bte], X_1:bat[:bte]) 
(X_2:bat[:oid], X_3:bat[:oid]) ", "VLTgenerator_join;",   ""      ]
 [ "generator", "join", "pattern generator.join(X_0:bat[:dbl], X_1:bat[:dbl]) 
(X_2:bat[:oid], X_3:bat[:oid]) ", "VLTgenerator_join;",   "Overloaded join 
operation"     ]
@@ -12141,16 +12131,18 @@
 [ "language",  "sink", "pattern language.sink(X_0:any...):void ",      
"MALgarbagesink;",      "Variables to be considered together when triggering 
garbage collection.\nUsed in the dataflow blocks to avoid early release of 
values."        ]
 [ "language",  "source",       "pattern language.source(X_0:str):void ",       
"CMDevalFile;", "Merge the instructions stored in the file with the current 
program."   ]
 [ "logging",   "compinfo",     "pattern logging.compinfo() (X_0:bat[:int], 
X_1:bat[:str], X_2:bat[:str]) ",    "TRACERcomp_info;",     "Returns in the 
form of a SQL result-set all the components along with their ID\nand the their 
current logging level being set" ]
-[ "logging",   "flush",        "command logging.flush():void ",        
"TRACERflush_buffer;",  "Flush the buffer"      ]
-[ "logging",   "resetadapter", "command logging.resetadapter():void ", 
"TRACERreset_adapter;", "Resets the adapter back to the default"        ]
-[ "logging",   "resetcomplevel",       "command 
logging.resetcomplevel(X_0:str):void ",        "TRACERreset_component_level;", 
"Resets the log level for a specific component back to the default"     ]
-[ "logging",   "resetflushlevel",      "command logging.resetflushlevel():void 
",      "TRACERreset_flush_level;",     "Resets the flush level back to the 
default"    ]
-[ "logging",   "resetlayerlevel",      "command 
logging.resetlayerlevel(X_0:str):void ",       "TRACERreset_layer_level;",     
"Resets the log level for a specific layer back to the default" ]
-[ "logging",   "setadapter",   "command logging.setadapter(X_0:str):void ",    
"TRACERset_adapter;",   "Sets the adapter"      ]
-[ "logging",   "setcomplevel", "command logging.setcomplevel(X_0:str, 
X_1:str):void ", "TRACERset_component_level;",   "Sets the log level for a 
specific component"   ]
-[ "logging",   "setflushlevel",        "command 
logging.setflushlevel(X_0:str):void ", "TRACERset_flush_level;",       "Sets 
the flush level"  ]
-[ "logging",   "setlayerlevel",        "command logging.setlayerlevel(X_0:str, 
X_1:str):void ",        "TRACERset_layer_level;",       "Sets the log level for 
a specific layer"       ]
+[ "logging",   "flush",        "unsafe command logging.flush():void ", 
"TRACERflush_buffer;",  "Flush the buffer"      ]
+[ "logging",   "resetadapter", "unsafe command logging.resetadapter():void ",  
"TRACERreset_adapter;", "Resets the adapter back to the default"        ]
+[ "logging",   "resetcomplevel",       "unsafe command 
logging.resetcomplevel(X_0:str):void ", "TRACERreset_component_level;", "Resets 
the log level for a specific component back to the default"     ]
+[ "logging",   "resetflushlevel",      "unsafe command 
logging.resetflushlevel():void ",       "TRACERreset_flush_level;",     "Resets 
the flush level back to the default"    ]
+[ "logging",   "resetlayerlevel",      "unsafe command 
logging.resetlayerlevel(X_0:str):void ",        "TRACERreset_layer_level;",     
"Resets the log level for a specific layer back to the default" ]
+[ "logging",   "setadapter",   "unsafe command 
logging.setadapter(X_0:str):void ",     "TRACERset_adapter;",   "Sets the 
adapter"      ]
+[ "logging",   "setcomplevel", "unsafe command logging.setcomplevel(X_0:str, 
X_1:str):void ",  "TRACERset_component_level;",   "Sets the log level for a 
specific component"   ]
+[ "logging",   "setflushlevel",        "unsafe command 
logging.setflushlevel(X_0:str):void ",  "TRACERset_flush_level;",       "Sets 
the flush level"  ]
+[ "logging",   "setlayerlevel",        "unsafe command 
logging.setlayerlevel(X_0:str, X_1:str):void ", "TRACERset_layer_level;",       
"Sets the log level for a specific layer"       ]
 [ "mal",       "manifold",     "pattern mal.manifold(X_0:str, X_1:str, 
X_2:any...):bat[:any] ",        "MANIFOLDevaluate;",    ""      ]
+[ "mal",       "multiplex",    "pattern mal.multiplex(X_0:lng, X_1:str, 
X_2:str):any... ",     "MANIFOLDremapMultiplex;",      ""      ]
+[ "mal",       "multiplex",    "pattern mal.multiplex(X_0:lng, X_1:str, 
X_2:str, X_3:any...):any... ", "MANIFOLDremapMultiplex;",      ""      ]
 [ "mal",       "multiplex",    "pattern mal.multiplex(X_0:str, X_1:str, 
X_2:any...):any... ",  "MANIFOLDremapMultiplex;",      ""      ]
 [ "manual",    "functions",    "pattern manual.functions() (X_0:bat[:str], 
X_1:bat[:str], X_2:bat[:str], X_3:bat[:str], X_4:bat[:str]) ",      
"MANUALcreateOverview;",        "Produces a table with all MAL functions known" 
 [ "mapi",      "bind", "pattern mapi.bind(X_0:int, X_1:str):bat[:any_2] ",     
"SERVERbindBAT;",       "Bind a remote variable to a local one."        ]
@@ -12377,9 +12369,9 @@
 [ "mtime",     "year", "command mtime.year(X_0:date):int ",    
"MTIMEdate_extract_year;",      "extracts year from date."      ]
 [ "mtime",     "year", "command mtime.year(X_0:int):int ",     
"MTIMEsql_year;",       ""      ]
 [ "mtime",     "year", "command mtime.year(X_0:timestamp):int ",       
"MTIMEtimestamp_year;", ""      ]
-[ "netcdf",    "attach",       "pattern netcdf.attach(X_0:str):void ", 
"NCDFattach;",  "Register a NetCDF file in the vault"   ]
-[ "netcdf",    "importvar",    "command netcdf.importvar(X_0:str, X_1:int):str 
",      "NCDFimportVarStmt;",   "Import variable: compose create array string"  
-[ "netcdf",    "importvariable",       "pattern netcdf.importvariable(X_0:int, 
X_1:str):void ",        "NCDFimportVariable;",  "Import variable: create array 
and load data from variable varname of file fileid"      ]
+[ "netcdf",    "attach",       "unsafe pattern netcdf.attach(X_0:str):void ",  
"NCDFattach;",  "Register a NetCDF file in the vault"   ]
+[ "netcdf",    "importvar",    "unsafe command netcdf.importvar(X_0:str, 
X_1:int):str ",       "NCDFimportVarStmt;",   "Import variable: compose create 
array string"  ]
+[ "netcdf",    "importvariable",       "unsafe pattern 
netcdf.importvariable(X_0:int, X_1:str):void ", "NCDFimportVariable;",  "Import 
variable: create array and load data from variable varname of file fileid"      
 [ "netcdf",    "test", "command netcdf.test(X_0:str):int ",    "NCDFtest;",    
"Returns number of variables in a given NetCDF dataset (file)"  ]
 [ "oltp",      "disable",      "unsafe pattern oltp.disable():void ",  
"OLTPdisable;", "Disable the OLTP delay monitor"        ]
 [ "oltp",      "enable",       "unsafe pattern oltp.enable():void ",   
"OLTPenable;",  "Enable the OLTP delay monitor" ]
@@ -12440,7 +12432,6 @@
 [ "optimizer", "mergetable",   "pattern optimizer.mergetable(X_0:str, 
X_1:str):str ",  "OPTwrapper;",  "Resolve the multi-table definitions"   ]
 [ "optimizer", "minimal_fast", "function optimizer.minimal_fast():void;",      
"",     ""      ]
 [ "optimizer", "minimal_pipe", "function optimizer.minimal_pipe():void;",      
"",     ""      ]
-[ "optimizer", "minimal_strimps_pipe", "function 
optimizer.minimal_strimps_pipe():void;",      "",     ""      ]
 [ "optimizer", "minimalfast",  "pattern optimizer.minimalfast():str ", 
"OPTwrapper;",  ""      ]
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