Changeset: 2605198c172e for MonetDB
Modified Files:
Branch: default
Log Message:

A little cleanup: no code duplication.

diffs (57 lines):

diff --git a/sql/backends/monet5/sql_scenario.c 
--- a/sql/backends/monet5/sql_scenario.c
+++ b/sql/backends/monet5/sql_scenario.c
@@ -509,15 +509,19 @@ SQLinit(Client c)
                /* 99_system.sql */
                if (!msg) {
-                       const char *createdb_inline = " \
-                               create trigger system_update_schemas after 
update on sys.schemas for each statement call sys_update_schemas(); \
-                               create trigger system_update_tables after 
update on sys._tables for each statement call sys_update_tables(); \
-                               update sys.functions set system = true; \
-                               update sys._tables set system = true; \
-                               update sys.schemas set system = true; \
-                               UPDATE sys.types     SET schema_id = (SELECT id 
FROM sys.schemas WHERE name = 'sys') WHERE schema_id = 0 AND schema_id NOT IN 
(SELECT id from sys.schemas); \
-                               UPDATE sys.functions SET schema_id = (SELECT id 
FROM sys.schemas WHERE name = 'sys') WHERE schema_id = 0 AND schema_id NOT IN 
(SELECT id from sys.schemas); \
-                               ";
+                       const char *createdb_inline =
+                               "create trigger system_update_schemas after 
update on sys.schemas for each statement call sys_update_schemas();\n"
+                               "create trigger system_update_tables after 
update on sys._tables for each statement call sys_update_tables();\n"
+                               /* only system functions until now */
+                               "update sys.functions set system = true;\n"
+                               /* only system tables until now */
+                               "update sys._tables set system = true;\n"
+                               /* only system schemas until now */
+                               "update sys.schemas set system = true;\n"
+                               /* correct invalid FK schema ids, set them to 
schema id 2000
+                                * (the "sys" schema) */
+                               "update sys.types set schema_id = 2000 where 
schema_id = 0 and schema_id not in (select id from sys.schemas);\n"
+                               "update sys.functions set schema_id = 2000 
where schema_id = 0 and schema_id not in (select id from sys.schemas);\n";
                        msg = SQLstatementIntern(c, createdb_inline, 
"sql.init", TRUE, FALSE, NULL);
                        if (m->sa)
diff --git a/sql/scripts/99_system.sql b/sql/scripts/99_system.sql
--- a/sql/scripts/99_system.sql
+++ b/sql/scripts/99_system.sql
@@ -4,18 +4,6 @@
 -- Copyright 1997 - July 2008 CWI, August 2008 - 2021 MonetDB B.V.
-create trigger system_update_schemas after update on sys.schemas for each 
statement call sys_update_schemas();
-create trigger system_update_tables after update on sys._tables for each 
statement call sys_update_tables();
--- only system functions until now
-update sys.functions set system = true;
--- only system tables until now
-update sys._tables set system = true;
--- only system schemas until now
-update sys.schemas set system = true;
--- correct invalid FK schema ids, set them to schema id 2000 (the "sys" schema)
-UPDATE sys.types     SET schema_id = (SELECT id FROM sys.schemas WHERE name = 
'sys') WHERE schema_id = 0 AND schema_id NOT IN (SELECT id from sys.schemas);
-UPDATE sys.functions SET schema_id = (SELECT id FROM sys.schemas WHERE name = 
'sys') WHERE schema_id = 0 AND schema_id NOT IN (SELECT id from sys.schemas);
+This file is unused.
+The code that previously was in this file is now in sql_scenario.c.
+Please see there.
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