Changeset: 8f95d9cfed7e for MonetDB
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Branch: dict
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diffs (truncated from 61705 to 300 lines):

diff --git a/clients/Tests/MAL-signatures.stable.out 
--- a/clients/Tests/MAL-signatures.stable.out
+++ b/clients/Tests/MAL-signatures.stable.out
@@ -6617,7 +6617,7 @@
 [ "batstr",    "unicodeAt",    "pattern batstr.unicodeAt(X_0:bat[:str], 
X_1:int, X_2:bat[:oid]):bat[:int] ",   "STRbatWChrAtcst;",     "get a unicode 
character (as an int) from a string position."   ]
 [ "battxtsim", "similarity",   "command battxtsim.similarity(X_0:bat[:str], 
X_1:bat[:str]):bat[:dbl] ",        "fstrcmp0_impl_bulk;",  "Normalized edit 
distance between two strings"  ]
 [ "batuuid",   "isaUUID",      "command 
batuuid.isaUUID(X_0:bat[:str]):bat[:bit] ",    "UUIDisaUUID_bulk;",    "Test a 
string for a UUID format"       ]
-[ "batuuid",   "new",  "unsafe command[:int]):bat[:uuid] 
",        "UUIDgenerateUuidInt_bulk;",    "Generate a new uuid (dummy version 
for side effect free multiplex loop)"       ]
+[ "batuuid",   "new",  "command[:int]):bat[:uuid] ",       
"UUIDgenerateUuidInt_bulk;",    "Generate a new uuid (dummy version for side 
effect free multiplex loop)"       ]
 [ "batxml",    "attribute",    "command batxml.attribute(X_0:str, 
X_1:bat[:str]):bat[:xml] ",  "BATXMLattribute;",     "Construct an attribute 
value pair."    ]
 [ "batxml",    "comment",      "command 
batxml.comment(X_0:bat[:str]):bat[:xml] ",     "BATXMLcomment;",       "Create 
an XML comment element."        ]
 [ "batxml",    "concat",       "command batxml.concat(X_0:bat[:xml], 
X_1:bat[:xml]):bat[:xml] ",       "BATXMLconcat;",        "Concatenate the XML 
values."   ]
@@ -8381,10 +8381,10 @@
 [ "capi",      "eval_aggr",    "pattern capi.eval_aggr(X_0:ptr, X_1:bit, 
X_2:str, X_3:any...):any... ",        "CUDFevalAggr;",        "grouped 
aggregates through CUDF"       ]
 [ "capi",      "prelude",      "command capi.prelude():void ", "CUDFprelude;", 
""      ]
 [ "capi",      "subeval_aggr", "pattern capi.subeval_aggr(X_0:ptr, X_1:bit, 
X_2:str, X_3:any...):any... ",     "CUDFevalAggr;",        "grouped aggregates 
through CUDF"       ]
-[ "clients",   "addUser",      "pattern clients.addUser(X_0:str, X_1:str):oid 
",       "CLTaddUser;",  "Allow user with password access to the given 
scenarios"        ]
+[ "clients",   "addUser",      "unsafe pattern clients.addUser(X_0:str, 
X_1:str):oid ",        "CLTaddUser;",  "Allow user with password access to the 
given scenarios"        ]
 [ "clients",   "backendsum",   "command clients.backendsum(X_0:str):str ",     
"CLTbackendsum;",       "Return hex string representation of the currently used 
hash of the given string"       ]
-[ "clients",   "changePassword",       "pattern 
clients.changePassword(X_0:str, X_1:str):void ",       "CLTchangePassword;",   
"Change the password for the current user"      ]
-[ "clients",   "changeUsername",       "pattern 
clients.changeUsername(X_0:str, X_1:str):void ",       "CLTchangeUsername;",   
"Change the username of the user into the new string"   ]
+[ "clients",   "changePassword",       "unsafe pattern 
clients.changePassword(X_0:str, X_1:str):void ",        "CLTchangePassword;",   
"Change the password for the current user"      ]
+[ "clients",   "changeUsername",       "unsafe pattern 
clients.changeUsername(X_0:str, X_1:str):void ",        "CLTchangeUsername;",   
"Change the username of the user into the new string"   ]
 [ "clients",   "checkPermission",      "pattern 
clients.checkPermission(X_0:str, X_1:str):void ",      "CLTcheckPermission;",  
"Check permission for a user, requires hashed password (backendsum)"    ]
 [ "clients",   "current_sessionid",    "pattern 
clients.current_sessionid():int ",     "CLTgetSessionID;",     "return current 
session ID"     ]
 [ "clients",   "getId",        "pattern clients.getId():int ", 
"CLTgetClientId;",      "Return a number that uniquely represents the current 
client."  ]
@@ -8396,42 +8396,42 @@
 [ "clients",   "getUsers",     "pattern clients.getUsers() (X_0:bat[:oid], 
X_1:bat[:str]) ",   "CLTgetUsers;", "return a BAT with user id and one with 
name available in the system"   ]
 [ "clients",   "getprofile",   "pattern clients.getprofile() (X_0:str, 
X_1:int, X_2:int, X_3:int, X_4:int) ",  "CLTgetProfile;",       "Retrieve the 
profile settings for a client"    ]
 [ "clients",   "md5sum",       "command clients.md5sum(X_0:str):str ", 
"CLTmd5sum;",   "Return hex string representation of the MD5 hash of the given 
string"  ]
-[ "clients",   "quit", "pattern clients.quit():void ", "CLTquit;",     
"Terminate the client session." ]
-[ "clients",   "quit", "pattern clients.quit(X_0:int):void ",  "CLTquit;",     
"Terminate the session for a single client using a soft error.\nIt is the 
privilige of the console user."       ]
-[ "clients",   "removeUser",   "pattern clients.removeUser(X_0:str):void ",    
"CLTremoveUser;",       "Remove the given user from the system" ]
+[ "clients",   "quit", "unsafe pattern clients.quit():void ",  "CLTquit;",     
"Terminate the client session." ]
+[ "clients",   "quit", "unsafe pattern clients.quit(X_0:int):void ",   
"CLTquit;",     "Terminate the session for a single client using a soft 
error.\nIt is the privilige of the console user."       ]
+[ "clients",   "removeUser",   "unsafe pattern 
clients.removeUser(X_0:str):void ",     "CLTremoveUser;",       "Remove the 
given user from the system" ]
 [ "clients",   "ripemd160sum", "command clients.ripemd160sum(X_0:str):str ",   
"CLTripemd160sum;",     "Return hex string representation of the RIPEMD160 hash 
of the given string"    ]
-[ "clients",   "setListing",   "pattern clients.setListing(X_0:int):int ",     
"CLTsetListing;",       "Turn on/off echo of MAL instructions:\n1 - echo 
input,\n2 - show mal instruction,\n4 - show details of type resolutoin, \n8 - 
show binding information."       ]
-[ "clients",   "setPassword",  "pattern clients.setPassword(X_0:str, 
X_1:str):void ",  "CLTsetPassword;",      "Set the password for the given user" 
-[ "clients",   "setQryTimeoutMicro",   "pattern 
clients.setQryTimeoutMicro(X_0:lng):void ",    "CLTqueryTimeoutMicro;",        
""      ]
-[ "clients",   "setScenario",  "pattern clients.setScenario(X_0:str):str ",    
"CLTsetScenario;",      "Switch to other scenario handler, return previous 
one."        ]
-[ "clients",   "setmemorylimit",       "pattern 
clients.setmemorylimit(X_0:int):void ",        "CLTsetmemorylimit;",   ""      ]
-[ "clients",   "setmemorylimit",       "pattern 
clients.setmemorylimit(X_0:int, X_1:int):void ",       "CLTsetmemorylimit;",   
"Limit the memory claim in MB per query"        ]
-[ "clients",   "setoptimizer", "pattern clients.setoptimizer(X_0:int, 
X_1:str):void ", "CLTsetoptimizer;",     "Set the session optimizer"     ]
-[ "clients",   "setoptimizer", "pattern clients.setoptimizer(X_0:str):void ",  
"CLTsetoptimizer;",     ""      ]
-[ "clients",   "setprinttimeout",      "command 
clients.setprinttimeout(X_0:int):void ",       "CLTsetPrintTimeout;",  "Print 
running query every so many seconds."    ]
-[ "clients",   "setquerytimeout",      "pattern 
clients.setquerytimeout(X_0:bte, X_1:int):void ",      "CLTqueryTimeout;",     
""      ]
-[ "clients",   "setquerytimeout",      "pattern 
clients.setquerytimeout(X_0:int):void ",       "CLTqueryTimeout;",     ""      ]
-[ "clients",   "setquerytimeout",      "pattern 
clients.setquerytimeout(X_0:int, X_1:int):void ",      "CLTqueryTimeout;",     
"A query is aborted after q seconds (q=0 means run undisturbed)."       ]
-[ "clients",   "setquerytimeout",      "pattern 
clients.setquerytimeout(X_0:sht, X_1:int):void ",      "CLTqueryTimeout;",     
""      ]
-[ "clients",   "setsession",   "pattern clients.setsession(X_0:lng):void ",    
"CLTsetSessionTimeout;",        "Abort a session after  n seconds."     ]
-[ "clients",   "setsessiontimeout",    "pattern 
clients.setsessiontimeout(X_0:bte, X_1:int):void ",    "CLTsessionTimeout;",   
""      ]
-[ "clients",   "setsessiontimeout",    "pattern 
clients.setsessiontimeout(X_0:int):void ",     "CLTsessionTimeout;",   ""      ]
-[ "clients",   "setsessiontimeout",    "pattern 
clients.setsessiontimeout(X_0:int, X_1:int):void ",    "CLTsessionTimeout;",   
"Set the session timeout for a particulat session id"   ]
-[ "clients",   "setsessiontimeout",    "pattern 
clients.setsessiontimeout(X_0:sht, X_1:int):void ",    "CLTsessionTimeout;",   
""      ]
-[ "clients",   "settimeout",   "pattern clients.settimeout(X_0:lng):void ",    
"CLTsetTimeout;",       "Abort a query after  n seconds."       ]
-[ "clients",   "settimeout",   "pattern clients.settimeout(X_0:lng, 
X_1:lng):void ",   "CLTsetTimeout;",       "Abort a query after q seconds (q=0 
means run undisturbed).\nThe session timeout aborts the connection after 
spending too\nmany seconds on query processing."   ]
-[ "clients",   "setworkerlimit",       "pattern 
clients.setworkerlimit(X_0:int):void ",        "CLTsetworkerlimit;",   ""      ]
-[ "clients",   "setworkerlimit",       "pattern 
clients.setworkerlimit(X_0:int, X_1:int):void ",       "CLTsetworkerlimit;",   
"Limit the number of worker threads per query"  ]
+[ "clients",   "setListing",   "unsafe pattern clients.setListing(X_0:int):int 
",      "CLTsetListing;",       "Turn on/off echo of MAL instructions:\n1 - 
echo input,\n2 - show mal instruction,\n4 - show details of type resolutoin, 
\n8 - show binding information."       ]
+[ "clients",   "setPassword",  "unsafe pattern clients.setPassword(X_0:str, 
X_1:str):void ",   "CLTsetPassword;",      "Set the password for the given 
user"   ]
+[ "clients",   "setQryTimeoutMicro",   "unsafe pattern 
clients.setQryTimeoutMicro(X_0:lng):void ",     "CLTqueryTimeoutMicro;",        
""      ]
+[ "clients",   "setScenario",  "unsafe pattern 
clients.setScenario(X_0:str):str ",     "CLTsetScenario;",      "Switch to 
other scenario handler, return previous one."        ]
+[ "clients",   "setmemorylimit",       "unsafe pattern 
clients.setmemorylimit(X_0:int):void ", "CLTsetmemorylimit;",   ""      ]
+[ "clients",   "setmemorylimit",       "unsafe pattern 
clients.setmemorylimit(X_0:int, X_1:int):void ",        "CLTsetmemorylimit;",   
"Limit the memory claim in MB per query"        ]
+[ "clients",   "setoptimizer", "unsafe pattern clients.setoptimizer(X_0:int, 
X_1:str):void ",  "CLTsetoptimizer;",     "Set the session optimizer"     ]
+[ "clients",   "setoptimizer", "unsafe pattern 
clients.setoptimizer(X_0:str):void ",   "CLTsetoptimizer;",     ""      ]
+[ "clients",   "setprinttimeout",      "unsafe command 
clients.setprinttimeout(X_0:int):void ",        "CLTsetPrintTimeout;",  "Print 
running query every so many seconds."    ]
+[ "clients",   "setquerytimeout",      "unsafe pattern 
clients.setquerytimeout(X_0:bte, X_1:int):void ",       "CLTqueryTimeout;",     
""      ]
+[ "clients",   "setquerytimeout",      "unsafe pattern 
clients.setquerytimeout(X_0:int):void ",        "CLTqueryTimeout;",     ""      
+[ "clients",   "setquerytimeout",      "unsafe pattern 
clients.setquerytimeout(X_0:int, X_1:int):void ",       "CLTqueryTimeout;",     
"A query is aborted after q seconds (q=0 means run undisturbed)."       ]
+[ "clients",   "setquerytimeout",      "unsafe pattern 
clients.setquerytimeout(X_0:sht, X_1:int):void ",       "CLTqueryTimeout;",     
""      ]
+[ "clients",   "setsession",   "unsafe pattern 
clients.setsession(X_0:lng):void ",     "CLTsetSessionTimeout;",        "Abort 
a session after  n seconds."     ]
+[ "clients",   "setsessiontimeout",    "unsafe pattern 
clients.setsessiontimeout(X_0:bte, X_1:int):void ",     "CLTsessionTimeout;",   
""      ]
+[ "clients",   "setsessiontimeout",    "unsafe pattern 
clients.setsessiontimeout(X_0:int):void ",      "CLTsessionTimeout;",   ""      
+[ "clients",   "setsessiontimeout",    "unsafe pattern 
clients.setsessiontimeout(X_0:int, X_1:int):void ",     "CLTsessionTimeout;",   
"Set the session timeout for a particulat session id"   ]
+[ "clients",   "setsessiontimeout",    "unsafe pattern 
clients.setsessiontimeout(X_0:sht, X_1:int):void ",     "CLTsessionTimeout;",   
""      ]
+[ "clients",   "settimeout",   "unsafe pattern 
clients.settimeout(X_0:lng):void ",     "CLTsetTimeout;",       "Abort a query 
after  n seconds."       ]
+[ "clients",   "settimeout",   "unsafe pattern clients.settimeout(X_0:lng, 
X_1:lng):void ",    "CLTsetTimeout;",       "Abort a query after q seconds (q=0 
means run undisturbed).\nThe session timeout aborts the connection after 
spending too\nmany seconds on query processing."   ]
+[ "clients",   "setworkerlimit",       "unsafe pattern 
clients.setworkerlimit(X_0:int):void ", "CLTsetworkerlimit;",   ""      ]
+[ "clients",   "setworkerlimit",       "unsafe pattern 
clients.setworkerlimit(X_0:int, X_1:int):void ",        "CLTsetworkerlimit;",   
"Limit the number of worker threads per query"  ]
 [ "clients",   "sha1sum",      "command clients.sha1sum(X_0:str):str ",        
"CLTsha1sum;",  "Return hex string representation of the SHA-1 hash of the 
given string"        ]
 [ "clients",   "sha2sum",      "command clients.sha2sum(X_0:str, X_1:int):str 
",       "CLTsha2sum;",  "Return hex string representation of the SHA-2 hash 
with bits of the given string"      ]
-[ "clients",   "shutdown",     "pattern clients.shutdown(X_0:int):str ",       
"CLTshutdown;", ""      ]
-[ "clients",   "shutdown",     "pattern clients.shutdown(X_0:int, X_1:bit):str 
",      "CLTshutdown;", "Close all other client connections. Return if it 
succeeds.\nIf forced is set then always stop the system the hard way" ]
-[ "clients",   "stop", "pattern clients.stop(X_0:int):void ",  "CLTstop;",     
"Stop the query execution at the next eligble statement."       ]
-[ "clients",   "stopsession",  "pattern clients.stopsession(X_0:bte):void ",   
"CLTstopSession;",      ""      ]
-[ "clients",   "stopsession",  "pattern clients.stopsession(X_0:int):void ",   
"CLTstopSession;",      "Stop a particular session"     ]
-[ "clients",   "stopsession",  "pattern clients.stopsession(X_0:sht):void ",   
"CLTstopSession;",      ""      ]
-[ "clients",   "suspend",      "pattern clients.suspend(X_0:int):void ",       
"CLTsuspend;",  "Put a client process to sleep for some time.\nIt will simple 
sleep for a second at a time, until\nthe awake bit has been set in its 
descriptor"        ]
-[ "clients",   "wakeup",       "pattern clients.wakeup(X_0:int):void ",        
"CLTwakeup;",   "Wakeup a client process"       ]
+[ "clients",   "shutdown",     "unsafe pattern clients.shutdown(X_0:int):str 
",        "CLTshutdown;", ""      ]
+[ "clients",   "shutdown",     "unsafe pattern clients.shutdown(X_0:int, 
X_1:bit):str ",       "CLTshutdown;", "Close all other client connections. 
Return if it succeeds.\nIf forced is set then always stop the system the hard 
way" ]
+[ "clients",   "stop", "unsafe pattern clients.stop(X_0:int):void ",   
"CLTstop;",     "Stop the query execution at the next eligble statement."       
+[ "clients",   "stopsession",  "unsafe pattern 
clients.stopsession(X_0:bte):void ",    "CLTstopSession;",      ""      ]
+[ "clients",   "stopsession",  "unsafe pattern 
clients.stopsession(X_0:int):void ",    "CLTstopSession;",      "Stop a 
particular session"     ]
+[ "clients",   "stopsession",  "unsafe pattern 
clients.stopsession(X_0:sht):void ",    "CLTstopSession;",      ""      ]
+[ "clients",   "suspend",      "unsafe pattern clients.suspend(X_0:int):void 
",        "CLTsuspend;",  "Put a client process to sleep for some time.\nIt 
will simple sleep for a second at a time, until\nthe awake bit has been set in 
its descriptor"        ]
+[ "clients",   "wakeup",       "unsafe pattern clients.wakeup(X_0:int):void ", 
"CLTwakeup;",   "Wakeup a client process"       ]
 [ "color",     "blue", "command ",   "CLRblue;",     
"Extracts blue component from a color atom"     ]
 [ "color",     "cb",   "command color.cb(X_0:color):int ",     "CLRcb;",       
"Extracts Cb(blue color) component from a color atom"   ]
 [ "color",     "color",        "command color.color(X_0:str):color ",  
"CLRcolor;",    "Converts string to color"      ]
@@ -8464,12 +8464,12 @@
 [ "factories", "getOwners",    "command factories.getOwners():bat[:str] ",     
"FCTgetOwners;",        "Retrieve the factory owners table."    ]
 [ "factories", "getPlants",    "command factories.getPlants() (X_0:bat[:str], 
X_1:bat[:str]) ",        "FCTgetPlants;",        "Retrieve the names for all 
active factories."  ]
 [ "factories", "shutdown",     "pattern factories.shutdown(X_0:str, 
X_1:str):void ",   "FCTshutdown;", "Close a factory."      ]
-[ "fits",      "attach",       "pattern fits.attach(X_0:str):void ",   
"FITSattach;",  "Open a FITS file and return catalog of the table HDUs" ]
+[ "fits",      "attach",       "unsafe pattern fits.attach(X_0:str):void ",    
"FITSattach;",  "Open a FITS file and return catalog of the table HDUs" ]
 [ "fits",      "export",       "pattern fits.export(X_0:str):void ",   
"FITSexportTable;",     "Export a table to a FITS file" ]
 [ "fits",      "fitstest",     "command fits.fitstest(X_0:str):int ",  
"FITStest;",    "Returns the type of first extension in the FITS file filename" 
-[ "fits",      "listdir",      "pattern fits.listdir(X_0:str):void ",  
"FITSdir;",     "Attach all FITS files in the directory"        ]
-[ "fits",      "listdirpattern",       "pattern fits.listdirpattern(X_0:str, 
X_1:str):void ",  "FITSdirpat;",  "Attach all FITS file in the directory, 
giving a pattern"       ]
-[ "fits",      "load", "pattern fits.load(X_0:str):void ",     
"FITSloadTable;",       "Load a FITS table from an attached file"       ]
+[ "fits",      "listdir",      "unsafe pattern fits.listdir(X_0:str):void ",   
"FITSdir;",     "Attach all FITS files in the directory"        ]
+[ "fits",      "listdirpattern",       "unsafe pattern 
fits.listdirpattern(X_0:str, X_1:str):void ",   "FITSdirpat;",  "Attach all 
FITS file in the directory, giving a pattern"       ]
+[ "fits",      "load", "unsafe pattern fits.load(X_0:str):void ",      
"FITSloadTable;",       "Load a FITS table from an attached file"       ]
 [ "for",       "compress",     "pattern for.compress(X_0:str, X_1:str, 
X_2:str):void ",        "FORcompress_col;",     "compress a sql column"]
 [ "for",       "decompress",   "pattern for.decompress(X_0:bat[:any], 
X_1:any_1):bat[:any_1] ",        "FORdecompress;",       "decompress a for 
compressed (sub)column"       ]
 [ "generator", "join", "pattern generator.join(X_0:bat[:bte], X_1:bat[:bte]) 
(X_2:bat[:oid], X_3:bat[:oid]) ", "VLTgenerator_join;",   ""      ]
@@ -8843,15 +8843,15 @@
 [ "language",  "sink", "pattern language.sink(X_0:any...):void ",      
"MALgarbagesink;",      "Variables to be considered together when triggering 
garbage collection.\nUsed in the dataflow blocks to avoid early release of 
values."        ]
 [ "language",  "source",       "pattern language.source(X_0:str):void ",       
"CMDevalFile;", "Merge the instructions stored in the file with the current 
program."   ]
 [ "logging",   "compinfo",     "pattern logging.compinfo() (X_0:bat[:int], 
X_1:bat[:str], X_2:bat[:str]) ",    "TRACERcomp_info;",     "Returns in the 
form of a SQL result-set all the components along with their ID\nand the their 
current logging level being set" ]
-[ "logging",   "flush",        "command logging.flush():void ",        
"TRACERflush_buffer;",  "Flush the buffer"      ]
-[ "logging",   "resetadapter", "command logging.resetadapter():void ", 
"TRACERreset_adapter;", "Resets the adapter back to the default"        ]
-[ "logging",   "resetcomplevel",       "command 
logging.resetcomplevel(X_0:str):void ",        "TRACERreset_component_level;", 
"Resets the log level for a specific component back to the default"     ]
-[ "logging",   "resetflushlevel",      "command logging.resetflushlevel():void 
",      "TRACERreset_flush_level;",     "Resets the flush level back to the 
default"    ]
-[ "logging",   "resetlayerlevel",      "command 
logging.resetlayerlevel(X_0:str):void ",       "TRACERreset_layer_level;",     
"Resets the log level for a specific layer back to the default" ]
-[ "logging",   "setadapter",   "command logging.setadapter(X_0:str):void ",    
"TRACERset_adapter;",   "Sets the adapter"      ]
-[ "logging",   "setcomplevel", "command logging.setcomplevel(X_0:str, 
X_1:str):void ", "TRACERset_component_level;",   "Sets the log level for a 
specific component"   ]
-[ "logging",   "setflushlevel",        "command 
logging.setflushlevel(X_0:str):void ", "TRACERset_flush_level;",       "Sets 
the flush level"  ]
-[ "logging",   "setlayerlevel",        "command logging.setlayerlevel(X_0:str, 
X_1:str):void ",        "TRACERset_layer_level;",       "Sets the log level for 
a specific layer"       ]
+[ "logging",   "flush",        "unsafe command logging.flush():void ", 
"TRACERflush_buffer;",  "Flush the buffer"      ]
+[ "logging",   "resetadapter", "unsafe command logging.resetadapter():void ",  
"TRACERreset_adapter;", "Resets the adapter back to the default"        ]
+[ "logging",   "resetcomplevel",       "unsafe command 
logging.resetcomplevel(X_0:str):void ", "TRACERreset_component_level;", "Resets 
the log level for a specific component back to the default"     ]
+[ "logging",   "resetflushlevel",      "unsafe command 
logging.resetflushlevel():void ",       "TRACERreset_flush_level;",     "Resets 
the flush level back to the default"    ]
+[ "logging",   "resetlayerlevel",      "unsafe command 
logging.resetlayerlevel(X_0:str):void ",        "TRACERreset_layer_level;",     
"Resets the log level for a specific layer back to the default" ]
+[ "logging",   "setadapter",   "unsafe command 
logging.setadapter(X_0:str):void ",     "TRACERset_adapter;",   "Sets the 
adapter"      ]
+[ "logging",   "setcomplevel", "unsafe command logging.setcomplevel(X_0:str, 
X_1:str):void ",  "TRACERset_component_level;",   "Sets the log level for a 
specific component"   ]
+[ "logging",   "setflushlevel",        "unsafe command 
logging.setflushlevel(X_0:str):void ",  "TRACERset_flush_level;",       "Sets 
the flush level"  ]
+[ "logging",   "setlayerlevel",        "unsafe command 
logging.setlayerlevel(X_0:str, X_1:str):void ", "TRACERset_layer_level;",       
"Sets the log level for a specific layer"       ]
 [ "mal",       "manifold",     "pattern mal.manifold(X_0:str, X_1:str, 
X_2:any...):bat[:any] ",        "MANIFOLDevaluate;",    ""      ]
 [ "mal",       "multiplex",    "pattern mal.multiplex(X_0:str, X_1:str, 
X_2:any...):any... ",  "MANIFOLDremapMultiplex;",      ""      ]
 [ "manual",    "functions",    "pattern manual.functions() (X_0:bat[:str], 
X_1:bat[:str], X_2:bat[:str], X_3:bat[:str], X_4:bat[:str]) ",      
"MANUALcreateOverview;",        "Produces a table with all MAL functions known" 
@@ -9077,9 +9077,9 @@
 [ "mtime",     "year", "command mtime.year(X_0:date):int ",    
"MTIMEdate_extract_year;",      "extracts year from date."      ]
 [ "mtime",     "year", "command mtime.year(X_0:int):int ",     
"MTIMEsql_year;",       ""      ]
 [ "mtime",     "year", "command mtime.year(X_0:timestamp):int ",       
"MTIMEtimestamp_year;", ""      ]
-[ "netcdf",    "attach",       "pattern netcdf.attach(X_0:str):void ", 
"NCDFattach;",  "Register a NetCDF file in the vault"   ]
-[ "netcdf",    "importvar",    "command netcdf.importvar(X_0:str, X_1:int):str 
",      "NCDFimportVarStmt;",   "Import variable: compose create array string"  
-[ "netcdf",    "importvariable",       "pattern netcdf.importvariable(X_0:int, 
X_1:str):void ",        "NCDFimportVariable;",  "Import variable: create array 
and load data from variable varname of file fileid"      ]
+[ "netcdf",    "attach",       "unsafe pattern netcdf.attach(X_0:str):void ",  
"NCDFattach;",  "Register a NetCDF file in the vault"   ]
+[ "netcdf",    "importvar",    "unsafe command netcdf.importvar(X_0:str, 
X_1:int):str ",       "NCDFimportVarStmt;",   "Import variable: compose create 
array string"  ]
+[ "netcdf",    "importvariable",       "unsafe pattern 
netcdf.importvariable(X_0:int, X_1:str):void ", "NCDFimportVariable;",  "Import 
variable: create array and load data from variable varname of file fileid"      
 [ "netcdf",    "test", "command netcdf.test(X_0:str):int ",    "NCDFtest;",    
"Returns number of variables in a given NetCDF dataset (file)"  ]
 [ "oltp",      "disable",      "unsafe pattern oltp.disable():void ",  
"OLTPdisable;", "Disable the OLTP delay monitor"        ]
 [ "oltp",      "enable",       "unsafe pattern oltp.enable():void ",   
"OLTPenable;",  "Enable the OLTP delay monitor" ]
@@ -9189,7 +9189,7 @@
 [ "pcre",      "replace",      "command pcre.replace(X_0:str, X_1:str, 
X_2:str, X_3:str):str ",        "PCREreplace_wrap;",    "Replace _all_ matches 
of \"pattern\" in \"origin_str\" with \"replacement\".\nParameter \"flags\" 
accept these flags: 'i', 'm', 's', and 'x'.\n'e': if present, an empty string 
is considered to be a valid match\n'i': if present, the match operates in 
case-insensitive mode.\nOtherwise, in case-sensitive mode.\n'm': if present, 
the match operates in multi-line mode.\n's': if present, the match operates in 
\"dot-all\"\nThe specifications of the flags can be found in \"man 
pcreapi\"\nThe flag letters may be repeated.\nNo other letters than 'e', 'i', 
'm', 's' and 'x' are allowed in \"flags\".\nReturns the replaced string, or if 
no matches found, the original string."  ]
 [ "pcre",      "replace_first",        "command pcre.replace_first(X_0:str, 
X_1:str, X_2:str, X_3:str):str ",  "PCREreplace_wrap;",    "Replace _the first_ 
match of \"pattern\" in \"origin_str\" with \"replacement\".\nParameter 
\"flags\" accept these flags: 'i', 'm', 's', and 'x'.\n'e': if present, an 
empty string is considered to be a valid match\n'i': if present, the match 
operates in case-insensitive mode.\nOtherwise, in case-sensitive mode.\n'm': if 
present, the match operates in multi-line mode.\n's': if present, the match 
operates in \"dot-all\"\nThe specifications of the flags can be found in \"man 
pcreapi\"\nThe flag letters may be repeated.\nNo other letters than 'e', 'i', 
'm', 's' and 'x' are allowed in \"flags\".\nReturns the replaced string, or if 
no matches found, the original string."      ]
 [ "pcre",      "sql2pcre",     "command pcre.sql2pcre(X_0:str, X_1:str):str ", 
"PCREsql2pcre;",        "Convert a SQL like pattern with the given escape 
character into a PCRE pattern."       ]
-[ "profiler",  "cleanup",      "pattern profiler.cleanup():void ",     
"CMDcleanupTraces;",    "Remove the temporary tables for profiling"     ]
+[ "profiler",  "cleanup",      "unsafe pattern profiler.cleanup():void ",      
"CMDcleanupTraces;",    "Remove the temporary tables for profiling"     ]
 [ "profiler",  "closestream",  "pattern profiler.closestream():void ", 
"CMDcloseProfilerStream;",      "Stop offline proviling"        ]
 [ "profiler",  "cpuload",      "command profiler.cpuload(X_0:lng, X_1:lng, 
X_2:lng, X_3:lng, X_4:lng) (X_5:int, X_6:int) ",    "CMDcpuloadPercentage;",    
    "Calculate the average cpu load percentage and io waiting times"        ]
 [ "profiler",  "cpustats",     "command profiler.cpustats() (X_0:lng, X_1:lng, 
X_2:lng, X_3:lng, X_4:lng) ",   "CMDcpustats;", "Extract cpu statistics from 
the kernel"        ]
@@ -9198,15 +9198,15 @@
 [ "profiler",  "getSystemTime",        "command profiler.getSystemTime():lng 
",        "CMDgetSystemTime;",    "Obtain the user timing information."   ]
 [ "profiler",  "getTrace",     "pattern profiler.getTrace(X_0:str):bat[:any_1] 
",      "CMDgetTrace;", "Get the trace details of a specific event"     ]
 [ "profiler",  "getUserTime",  "command profiler.getUserTime():lng ",  
"CMDgetUserTime;",      "Obtain the user timing information."   ]
-[ "profiler",  "getlimit",     "command profiler.getlimit():int ",     
"CMDgetprofilerlimit;", "Set profiler limit"    ]
+[ "profiler",  "getlimit",     "command profiler.getlimit():int ",     
"CMDgetprofilerlimit;", "Get profiler limit"    ]
 [ "profiler",  "noop", "command profiler.noop():void ",        
"CMDnoopProfiler;",     "Fetch any pending performance events"  ]
 [ "profiler",  "openstream",   "pattern profiler.openstream():void ",  
"CMDopenProfilerStream;",       "Start profiling the events, send to output 
stream"     ]
-[ "profiler",  "setheartbeat", "command profiler.setheartbeat(X_0:int):void ", 
"CMDsetHeartbeat;",     "Set heart beat performance tracing"    ]
-[ "profiler",  "setlimit",     "command profiler.setlimit(X_0:int):void ",     
"CMDsetprofilerlimit;", "Get profiler limit"    ]
-[ "profiler",  "start",        "pattern profiler.start():void ",       
"CMDstartProfiler;",    "Start offline performance profiling"   ]
-[ "profiler",  "starttrace",   "pattern profiler.starttrace():void ",  
"CMDstartTrace;",       "Start collecting trace information"    ]
-[ "profiler",  "stop", "pattern profiler.stop():void ",        
"CMDstopProfiler;",     "Stop offline performance profiling"    ]
-[ "profiler",  "stoptrace",    "pattern profiler.stoptrace():void ",   
"CMDstopTrace;",        "Stop collecting trace information"     ]
+[ "profiler",  "setheartbeat", "unsafe command 
profiler.setheartbeat(X_0:int):void ",  "CMDsetHeartbeat;",     "Set heart beat 
performance tracing"    ]
+[ "profiler",  "setlimit",     "unsafe command profiler.setlimit(X_0:int):void 
",      "CMDsetprofilerlimit;", "Set profiler limit"    ]
+[ "profiler",  "start",        "unsafe pattern profiler.start():void ",        
"CMDstartProfiler;",    "Start offline performance profiling"   ]
+[ "profiler",  "starttrace",   "unsafe pattern profiler.starttrace():void ",   
"CMDstartTrace;",       "Start collecting trace information"    ]
+[ "profiler",  "stop", "unsafe pattern profiler.stop():void ", 
"CMDstopProfiler;",     "Stop offline performance profiling"    ]
+[ "profiler",  "stoptrace",    "unsafe pattern profiler.stoptrace():void ",    
"CMDstopTrace;",        "Stop collecting trace information"     ]
 [ "pyapi3",    "eval", "unsafe pattern pyapi3.eval(X_0:ptr, X_1:str):any ",    
"PYAPI3PyAPIevalStd;",  "Execute a simple Python script returning a single 
value"       ]
 [ "pyapi3",    "eval", "unsafe pattern pyapi3.eval(X_0:ptr, X_1:str, 
X_2:any...):any... ",     "PYAPI3PyAPIevalStd;",  "Execute a simple Python 
script value"  ]
 [ "pyapi3",    "eval_aggr",    "unsafe pattern pyapi3.eval_aggr(X_0:ptr, 
X_1:str, X_2:any...):any... ",        "PYAPI3PyAPIevalAggr;", "grouped 
aggregates through Python"     ]
@@ -9259,9 +9259,9 @@
 [ "sample",    "subuniform",   "pattern sample.subuniform(X_0:bat[:any], 
X_1:dbl, X_2:int):bat[:oid] ",        "SAMPLEuniform;",       "Returns the oids 
of a uniform sample of size = (p x count(b)), where 0 <= p <= 1.0 and where the 
prg is seeded with sample_seed"       ]
 [ "sample",    "subuniform",   "pattern sample.subuniform(X_0:bat[:any], 
X_1:lng):bat[:oid] ", "SAMPLEuniform;",       "Returns the oids of a uniform 
sample of size s"        ]
 [ "sample",    "subuniform",   "pattern sample.subuniform(X_0:bat[:any], 
X_1:lng, X_2:int):bat[:oid] ",        "SAMPLEuniform;",       "Returns the oids 
of a uniform sample of size s and where the prg is seeded with sample_seed"   ]
-[ "shp",       "attach",       "pattern shp.attach(X_0:str):void ",    
"SHPattach;",   "Register an ESRI Shapefile in the vault catalog"       ]
-[ "shp",       "import",       "pattern shp.import(X_0:int):void ",    
"SHPimport;",   "Import an ESRI Shapefile with given id into the vault" ]
-[ "shp",       "import",       "pattern shp.import(X_0:int, X_1:wkb):void ",   
"SHPpartialimport;",    "Partially import an ESRI Shapefile with given id into 
the vault"       ]
+[ "shp",       "attach",       "unsafe pattern shp.attach(X_0:str):void ",     
"SHPattach;",   "Register an ESRI Shapefile in the vault catalog"       ]
+[ "shp",       "import",       "unsafe pattern shp.import(X_0:int):void ",     
"SHPimport;",   "Import an ESRI Shapefile with given id into the vault" ]
+[ "shp",       "import",       "unsafe pattern shp.import(X_0:int, 
X_1:wkb):void ",    "SHPpartialimport;",    "Partially import an ESRI Shapefile 
with given id into the vault"       ]
 [ "sql",       "abort",        "unsafe pattern sql.abort():void ",     
"SQLabort;",    "Trigger the abort operation for a MAL block"   ]
 [ "sql",       "affectedRows", "unsafe pattern sql.affectedRows(X_0:int, 
X_1:lng):int ",       "mvc_affected_rows_wrap;",      "export the number of 
affected rows by the current query"       ]
 [ "sql",       "all",  "pattern sql.all(X_0:bit, X_1:bit, X_2:bit):bit ",      
"SQLall_cmp;",  "if !cmp then false, (nl or nr) then nil, else true"    ]
@@ -9334,7 +9334,7 @@
 [ "sql",       "deltas",       "pattern sql.deltas(X_0:str, X_1:str) 
(X_2:bat[:int], X_3:bat[:lng], X_4:bat[:lng], X_5:bat[:lng], X_6:bat[:lng], 
X_7:bat[:lng], X_8:bat[:int]) ",      "mvc_delta_values;",    "Return the delta 
values sizes from the table's columns, plus the current transaction level"    ]
 [ "sql",       "deltas",       "pattern sql.deltas(X_0:str, X_1:str, X_2:str) 
(X_3:bat[:int], X_4:bat[:lng], X_5:bat[:lng], X_6:bat[:lng], X_7:bat[:lng], 
X_8:bat[:lng], X_9:bat[:int]) ",     "mvc_delta_values;",    "Return the delta 
values sizes of a column, plus the current transaction level" ]
 [ "sql",       "dense_rank",   "pattern sql.dense_rank(X_0:any_1, X_1:bit, 
X_2:bit):int ",     "SQLdense_rank;",       "return the densely ranked groups"  
-[ "sql",       "deregister",   "pattern sql.deregister():int ",        
"RAstatementEnd;",      "Finish running transaction"    ]
+[ "sql",       "deregister",   "unsafe pattern sql.deregister():int ", 
"RAstatementEnd;",      "Finish running transaction"    ]
 [ "sql",       "diff", "pattern sql.diff(X_0:any_1):bit ",     "SQLdiff;",     
"return true if cur != prev row"        ]
 [ "sql",       "diff", "pattern sql.diff(X_0:bit, X_1:any_1):bit ",    
"SQLdiff;",     "return true if cur != prev row"        ]
 [ "sql",       "drop_hash",    "unsafe pattern sql.drop_hash(X_0:str, 
X_1:str):void ", "SQLdrop_hash;",        "Drop hash indices for the given 
table" ]
@@ -9351,9 +9351,9 @@
 [ "sql",       "emptybindidx", "pattern sql.emptybindidx(X_0:int, X_1:str, 
X_2:str, X_3:str, X_4:int, X_5:int, X_6:int) (X_7:bat[:oid], X_8:bat[:any_1]) 
",    "mvc_bind_idxbat_wrap;",        ""      ]
 [ "sql",       "emptybindidx", "pattern sql.emptybindidx(X_0:int, X_1:str, 
X_2:str, X_3:str, X_4:int, X_5:int, X_6:int):bat[:any_1] ", 
"mvc_bind_idxbat_wrap;",        ""      ]
 [ "sql",       "epilogue",     "command sql.epilogue():void ", "SQLepilogue;", 
""      ]
-[ "sql",       "eval", "pattern sql.eval(X_0:str):void ",      
"SQLstatement;",        "Compile and execute a single sql statement"    ]
-[ "sql",       "eval", "pattern sql.eval(X_0:str, X_1:bit):void ",     
"SQLstatement;",        "Compile and execute a single sql statement (and 
optionaly set the output to columnar format)"  ]
-[ "sql",       "evalAlgebra",  "pattern sql.evalAlgebra(X_0:str, X_1:bit):void 
",      "RAstatement;", "Compile and execute a single 'relational algebra' 
statement"   ]
+[ "sql",       "eval", "unsafe pattern sql.eval(X_0:str):void ",       
"SQLstatement;",        "Compile and execute a single sql statement"    ]
+[ "sql",       "eval", "unsafe pattern sql.eval(X_0:str, X_1:bit):void ",      
"SQLstatement;",        "Compile and execute a single sql statement (and 
optionaly set the output to columnar format)"  ]
+[ "sql",       "evalAlgebra",  "unsafe pattern sql.evalAlgebra(X_0:str, 
X_1:bit):void ",       "RAstatement;", "Compile and execute a single 
'relational algebra' statement"   ]
 [ "sql",       "exportChunk",  "unsafe pattern sql.exportChunk(X_0:streams, 
X_1:int):void ",   "mvc_export_chunk_wrap;",       "Export a chunk of the 
result set (in order) to stream s"       ]
 [ "sql",       "exportChunk",  "unsafe pattern sql.exportChunk(X_0:streams, 
X_1:int, X_2:int, X_3:int):void ", "mvc_export_chunk_wrap;",       "Export a 
chunk of the result set (in order) to stream s"       ]
 [ "sql",       "exportHead",   "unsafe pattern sql.exportHead(X_0:streams, 
X_1:int):void ",    "mvc_export_head_wrap;",        "Export a result (in order) 
to stream s"        ]
@@ -9370,7 +9370,7 @@
 [ "sql",       "hot_snapshot", "unsafe pattern sql.hot_snapshot(X_0:str, 
X_1:bit):void ",      "SQLhot_snapshot_wrap;",        "Write db snapshot to the 
given tar(.gz/.lz4/.bz/.xz) file on either server or client"  ]
 [ "sql",       "importColumn", "pattern sql.importColumn(X_0:str, X_1:bit, 
X_2:str, X_3:int, X_4:oid) (X_5:bat[:any], X_6:oid) ",      
"mvc_bin_import_column_wrap;",  "Import a column from the given file"   ]
 [ "sql",       "importTable",  "unsafe pattern sql.importTable(X_0:str, 
X_1:str, X_2:int, X_3:bit, X_4:str...):bat[:any]... ", 
"mvc_bin_import_table_wrap;",   "Import a table from the files (fname)" ]
-[ "sql",       "include",      "pattern sql.include(X_0:str):void ",   
"SQLinclude;",  "Compile and execute a sql statements on the file"      ]
+[ "sql",       "include",      "unsafe pattern sql.include(X_0:str):void ",    
"SQLinclude;",  "Compile and execute a sql statements on the file"      ]
 [ "sql",       "index",        "command sql.index(X_0:str, X_1:bit):bte ",     
"STRindex_bte;",        "Return the offsets as an index bat"    ]
 [ "sql",       "index",        "command sql.index(X_0:str, X_1:bit):int ",     
"STRindex_int;",        "Return the offsets as an index bat"    ]
 [ "sql",       "index",        "command sql.index(X_0:str, X_1:bit):sht ",     
"STRindex_sht;",        "Return the offsets as an index bat"    ]
@@ -9413,8 +9413,8 @@
 [ "sql",       "querylog_enable",      "unsafe command 
sql.querylog_enable():void ",   "QLOGenable;",  ""      ]
 [ "sql",       "querylog_enable",      "unsafe command 
sql.querylog_enable(X_0:int):void ",    "QLOGenableThreshold;", ""      ]
 [ "sql",       "rank", "pattern sql.rank(X_0:any_1, X_1:bit, X_2:bit):int ",   
"SQLrank;",     "return the ranked groups"      ]
-[ "sql",       "register",     "pattern sql.register(X_0:str, X_1:str, 
X_2:str, X_3:str):int ",        "RAstatement2;",        ""      ]
-[ "sql",       "register",     "pattern sql.register(X_0:str, X_1:str, 
X_2:str, X_3:str, X_4:str):int ",       "RAstatement2;",        "Compile the 
relational statement (rel_smt) and register it as mal function, 
mod.fname(signature)"      ]
+[ "sql",       "register",     "unsafe pattern sql.register(X_0:str, X_1:str, 
X_2:str, X_3:str):int ", "RAstatement2;",        ""      ]
+[ "sql",       "register",     "unsafe pattern sql.register(X_0:str, X_1:str, 
X_2:str, X_3:str, X_4:str):int ",        "RAstatement2;",        "Compile the 
relational statement (rel_smt) and register it as mal function, 
mod.fname(signature)"      ]
 [ "sql",       "restart",      "unsafe pattern sql.restart(X_0:str, X_1:str, 
X_2:lng):lng ",   "mvc_restart_seq;",     "restart the sequence with value 
start" ]
 [ "sql",       "resultSet",    "unsafe pattern sql.resultSet(X_0:bat[:str], 
X_1:bat[:str], X_2:bat[:str], X_3:bat[:int], X_4:bat[:int], X_5:any...):int ",  
   "mvc_row_result_wrap;", "Prepare a table result set for the client 
front-end"   ]
 [ "sql",       "resultSet",    "unsafe pattern sql.resultSet(X_0:str, X_1:str, 
X_2:str, X_3:int, X_4:int, X_5:int, X_6:any):int ",     
"mvc_scalar_value_wrap;",       "Prepare a table result set for the client 
front-end."  ]
@@ -9425,12 +9425,12 @@
 [ "sql",       "sessions",     "pattern sql.sessions() (X_0:bat[:int], 
X_1:bat[:str], X_2:bat[:timestamp], X_3:bat[:timestamp], X_4:bat[:str], 
X_5:bat[:int], X_6:bat[:int], X_7:bat[:int], X_8:bat[:int]) ",  
"sql_sessions_wrap;",   "SQL export table of active sessions, their timeouts 
and idle status"   ]
 [ "sql",       "setVariable",  "unsafe pattern sql.setVariable(X_0:int, 
X_1:str, X_2:str, X_3:any_1):int ",    "setVariable;", "Set the value of a 
session variable"   ]
 [ "sql",       "set_protocol", "unsafe pattern sql.set_protocol(X_0:int):int 
",        "SQLset_protocol;",     "Configures the result set protocol"    ]
-[ "sql",       "shutdown",     "pattern sql.shutdown(X_0:bte):str ",   
"SQLshutdown_wrap;",    ""      ]
-[ "sql",       "shutdown",     "pattern sql.shutdown(X_0:bte, X_1:bit):str ",  
"SQLshutdown_wrap;",    ""      ]
-[ "sql",       "shutdown",     "pattern sql.shutdown(X_0:int):str ",   
"SQLshutdown_wrap;",    ""      ]
-[ "sql",       "shutdown",     "pattern sql.shutdown(X_0:int, X_1:bit):str ",  
"SQLshutdown_wrap;",    ""      ]
-[ "sql",       "shutdown",     "pattern sql.shutdown(X_0:sht):str ",   
"SQLshutdown_wrap;",    ""      ]
-[ "sql",       "shutdown",     "pattern sql.shutdown(X_0:sht, X_1:bit):str ",  
"SQLshutdown_wrap;",    ""      ]
+[ "sql",       "shutdown",     "unsafe pattern sql.shutdown(X_0:bte):str ",    
"SQLshutdown_wrap;",    ""      ]
+[ "sql",       "shutdown",     "unsafe pattern sql.shutdown(X_0:bte, 
X_1:bit):str ",   "SQLshutdown_wrap;",    ""      ]
+[ "sql",       "shutdown",     "unsafe pattern sql.shutdown(X_0:int):str ",    
"SQLshutdown_wrap;",    ""      ]
+[ "sql",       "shutdown",     "unsafe pattern sql.shutdown(X_0:int, 
X_1:bit):str ",   "SQLshutdown_wrap;",    ""      ]
+[ "sql",       "shutdown",     "unsafe pattern sql.shutdown(X_0:sht):str ",    
"SQLshutdown_wrap;",    ""      ]
+[ "sql",       "shutdown",     "unsafe pattern sql.shutdown(X_0:sht, 
X_1:bit):str ",   "SQLshutdown_wrap;",    ""      ]
 [ "sql",       "sql_variables",        "pattern sql.sql_variables() 
(X_0:bat[:str], X_1:bat[:str], X_2:bat[:str], X_3:bat[:str]) ",    
"sql_variables;",       "return the table with session variables"       ]
 [ "sql",       "stdev",        "pattern sql.stdev(X_0:bte, X_1:bit, X_2:bit, 
X_3:int, X_4:oid, X_5:oid):dbl ", "SQLstddev_samp;",      "return the standard 
deviation sample of groups"        ]
 [ "sql",       "stdev",        "pattern sql.stdev(X_0:dbl, X_1:bit, X_2:bit, 
X_3:int, X_4:oid, X_5:oid):dbl ", "SQLstddev_samp;",      "return the standard 
deviation sample of groups"        ]
@@ -9444,7 +9444,7 @@
 [ "sql",       "stdevp",       "pattern sql.stdevp(X_0:int, X_1:bit, X_2:bit, 
X_3:int, X_4:oid, X_5:oid):dbl ",        "SQLstddev_pop;",       "return the 
standard deviation population of groups"    ]
 [ "sql",       "stdevp",       "pattern sql.stdevp(X_0:lng, X_1:bit, X_2:bit, 
X_3:int, X_4:oid, X_5:oid):dbl ",        "SQLstddev_pop;",       "return the 
standard deviation population of groups"    ]
 [ "sql",       "stdevp",       "pattern sql.stdevp(X_0:sht, X_1:bit, X_2:bit, 
X_3:int, X_4:oid, X_5:oid):dbl ",        "SQLstddev_pop;",       "return the 
standard deviation population of groups"    ]
-[ "sql",       "stop_vacuum",  "pattern sql.stop_vacuum(X_0:str, X_1:str, 
X_2:str):void ",     "SQLstr_column_stop_vacuum;",   "stop auto vacuum"      ]
+[ "sql",       "stop_vacuum",  "unsafe pattern sql.stop_vacuum(X_0:str, 
X_1:str, X_2:str):void ",      "SQLstr_column_stop_vacuum;",   "stop auto 
vacuum"      ]
 [ "sql",       "storage",      "pattern (X_0:bat[:str], 
X_1:bat[:str], X_2:bat[:str], X_3:bat[:str], X_4:bat[:str], X_5:bat[:str], 
X_6:bat[:lng], X_7:bat[:int], X_8:bat[:lng], X_9:bat[:lng], X_10:bat[:lng], 
X_11:bat[:bit], X_12:bat[:lng], X_13:bat[:bit], X_14:bat[:bit], X_15:bat[:bit], 
X_16:bat[:lng]) ",        "sql_storage;", "return a table with storage 
information "      ]
 [ "sql",       "storage",      "pattern (X_1:bat[:str], 
X_2:bat[:str], X_3:bat[:str], X_4:bat[:str], X_5:bat[:str], X_6:bat[:str], 
X_7:bat[:lng], X_8:bat[:int], X_9:bat[:lng], X_10:bat[:lng], X_11:bat[:lng], 
X_12:bat[:bit], X_13:bat[:lng], X_14:bat[:bit], X_15:bat[:bit], X_16:bat[:bit], 
X_17:bat[:lng]) ",        "sql_storage;", "return a table with storage 
information for a particular schema "      ]
 [ "sql",       "storage",      "pattern, X_1:str) 
(X_2:bat[:str], X_3:bat[:str], X_4:bat[:str], X_5:bat[:str], X_6:bat[:str], 
X_7:bat[:str], X_8:bat[:lng], X_9:bat[:int], X_10:bat[:lng], X_11:bat[:lng], 
X_12:bat[:lng], X_13:bat[:bit], X_14:bat[:lng], X_15:bat[:bit], X_16:bat[:bit], 
X_17:bat[:bit], X_18:bat[:lng]) ",      "sql_storage;", "return a table with 
storage information for a particular table"        ]
@@ -9473,8 +9473,8 @@
 [ "sql",       "update",       "pattern sql.update(X_0:int, X_1:str, X_2:str, 
X_3:str, X_4:any, X_5:any):int ",        "mvc_update_wrap;",     "Update the 
values of the column tname.cname. Returns sequence number for order 
dependence)"    ]
 [ "sql",       "update_schemas",       "unsafe pattern 
sql.update_schemas():void ",    "SYSupdate_schemas;",   "Procedure triggered on 
update of the sys.schemas table"        ]
 [ "sql",       "update_tables",        "unsafe pattern 
sql.update_tables():void ",     "SYSupdate_tables;",    "Procedure triggered on 
update of the sys._tables table"        ]
-[ "sql",       "vacuum",       "pattern sql.vacuum(X_0:str, X_1:str, X_2:str, 
X_3:int):void ", "SQLstr_column_auto_vacuum;",   "auto vacuum string column 
with interval(sec)"  ]
-[ "sql",       "vacuum",       "pattern sql.vacuum(X_0:str, X_1:str, 
X_2:str):void ",  "SQLstr_column_vacuum;",        "vacuum a string column"      
+[ "sql",       "vacuum",       "unsafe pattern sql.vacuum(X_0:str, X_1:str, 
X_2:str, X_3:int):void ",  "SQLstr_column_auto_vacuum;",   "auto vacuum string 
column with interval(sec)"  ]
+[ "sql",       "vacuum",       "unsafe pattern sql.vacuum(X_0:str, X_1:str, 
X_2:str):void ",   "SQLstr_column_vacuum;",        "vacuum a string column"     
 [ "sql",       "variance",     "pattern sql.variance(X_0:bte, X_1:bit, 
X_2:bit, X_3:int, X_4:oid, X_5:oid):dbl ",      "SQLvar_samp;", "return the 
variance sample of groups"  ]
 [ "sql",       "variance",     "pattern sql.variance(X_0:dbl, X_1:bit, 
X_2:bit, X_3:int, X_4:oid, X_5:oid):dbl ",      "SQLvar_samp;", "return the 
variance sample of groups"  ]
 [ "sql",       "variance",     "pattern sql.variance(X_0:flt, X_1:bit, 
X_2:bit, X_3:int, X_4:oid, X_5:oid):dbl ",      "SQLvar_samp;", "return the 
variance sample of groups"  ]
@@ -9612,16 +9612,16 @@
 [ "streams",   "readStr",      "unsafe command 
streams.readStr(X_0:streams):str ",     "mnstr_read_stringwrap;",       "read 
string data from the stream"      ]
 [ "streams",   "writeInt",     "unsafe command streams.writeInt(X_0:streams, 
X_1:int):void ",  "mnstr_writeIntwrap;",  "write data on the stream"      ]
 [ "streams",   "writeStr",     "unsafe command streams.writeStr(X_0:streams, 
X_1:str):void ",  "mnstr_write_stringwrap;",      "write data on the stream"    
-[ "sysmon",    "pause",        "pattern sysmon.pause(X_0:int):void ",  
"SYSMONpause;", "Suspend a running query"       ]
-[ "sysmon",    "pause",        "pattern sysmon.pause(X_0:lng):void ",  
"SYSMONpause;", "Suspend a running query"       ]
-[ "sysmon",    "pause",        "pattern sysmon.pause(X_0:sht):void ",  
"SYSMONpause;", "Suspend a running query"       ]
+[ "sysmon",    "pause",        "unsafe pattern sysmon.pause(X_0:int):void ",   
"SYSMONpause;", "Suspend a running query"       ]
+[ "sysmon",    "pause",        "unsafe pattern sysmon.pause(X_0:lng):void ",   
"SYSMONpause;", "Suspend a running query"       ]
+[ "sysmon",    "pause",        "unsafe pattern sysmon.pause(X_0:sht):void ",   
"SYSMONpause;", "Suspend a running query"       ]
 [ "sysmon",    "queue",        "pattern sysmon.queue() (X_0:bat[:lng], 
X_1:bat[:int], X_2:bat[:str], X_3:bat[:timestamp], X_4:bat[:str], 
X_5:bat[:str], X_6:bat[:timestamp], X_7:bat[:int], X_8:bat[:int]) ",  
"SYSMONqueue;", "A queue of queries that are currently being executed or 
recently finished"     ]
-[ "sysmon",    "resume",       "pattern sysmon.resume(X_0:int):void ", 
"SYSMONresume;",        "Resume processing of a query " ]
-[ "sysmon",    "resume",       "pattern sysmon.resume(X_0:lng):void ", 
"SYSMONresume;",        "Resume processing of a query " ]
-[ "sysmon",    "resume",       "pattern sysmon.resume(X_0:sht):void ", 
"SYSMONresume;",        "Resume processing of a query " ]
-[ "sysmon",    "stop", "pattern sysmon.stop(X_0:int):void ",   "SYSMONstop;",  
"Stop a single query a.s.a.p."  ]
-[ "sysmon",    "stop", "pattern sysmon.stop(X_0:lng):void ",   "SYSMONstop;",  
"Stop a single query a.s.a.p."  ]
-[ "sysmon",    "stop", "pattern sysmon.stop(X_0:sht):void ",   "SYSMONstop;",  
"Stop a single query a.s.a.p."  ]
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